2017-至今浙江省钱江人才计划 C 类项目(精神分裂症幻听的神经机制模型),主持
2017-至今 NIH 国际合作项目(Characterizing cognition across the lifespan in untreated psychosis in China),中方合作主持
2017-至今浙江师范大学科研启动经费(120 万),主持
2013- Present “Psychosis and Affective Research Domains and Intermediate”.Funded by NIH (1R01MH096913, Amount: $237,881 PI: Carol Tamminga). 项目主要成员
2010- Present “Cognitive Affective and Neurochemical Processes Underlying is in Autism”. Funded by NIH (5P50HD055751, Amount: $2,329,337 PI: John Sweeney). 项目主要成员
2010- Present “Bipolar & Schizophrenia consortium for parsing intermediate phenotypes”. Funded by NIH (1R01MH077862, Amount: $3,126,538 PI: John Sweeney). 项目主要成员
2009-2010 “Attentional Modulation of Koniocellular pathway signals”. Funded by Smith-kettlewell Eye Research Institute (Amount: $37000 PI: Jun Wang). 主持
2009-2010 “A multimodal study of human chromatic pathways”. Funded by NIH(1R01EY018157, Amount: $1,546,524 PI: Alex Wade). 项目主要成员汪俊,博士 jun.wang@zjnu.edu.cn 138-5712-7712
2004-2009 “Ocular Motor and Neuroanatomic Studies of Schizophrenia”. Funded by NIH (1R01MH051129, Amount: $591,146 PI: Brett Clementz). 项目主要成员
欢迎对特殊儿童认知发展障碍的神经机制研究,特别是自闭症、脆性 X 综合症的感知觉,静息态障碍神经机制研究,及相关脑疾病(如精神分裂症)的认知障碍研究有兴趣的学生加入我们的儿童发展与脑疾病实验室。
1. Wang,J.*, Ethridge,L.E., Mosconi,M.W., White,S.P., Binder,D.K., Pedapati, E.V., Erickson,C.A., Byerly,M.J., Sweeney,J.A.(2017). A Resting EEG Study of Neocortical Hyperexcitability and Altered Functional Connectivity in Fragile X Syndrome. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.9:11
2. Shou,G., Mosconi, M. W., Wang, J., Ethridge,L.E., Mosconi,M.W., Sweeney,J.A., Ding, L.* (2017). Electrophysiological signatures of atypical intrinsic brain connectivity networks in autism. Journal of Neural Engineering. in press
3. Ethridge,L.E.*, White, S. P., Mosconi,M.W., Wang, J., Pedapati, E.V., Erickson,C.A., Byerly,M.J., Sweeney,J.A.(2017). Neural synchronization deficits linked to cortical hyper-excitability and auditory hypersensitivity in fragile X Syndrome. Molecular Autism.8:22
4. Ethridge, L.E.*, White, S.P., Mosconi,M.W., Wang,J., Byerly,M.J.,Sweeney,J.A.(2016). Reduced habituation of auditory evoked potentials indicate cortical hyper- excitability in Fragile X
Syndrome. Translational Psychiatry.6,e787
5. Hu, F., Jiao, C. Zhao, S., Dong, H., Liu, X., Yi, Y., Wang, J.*(2015). The effects of pre-allocated attention and target?background integration on object-based attention. PLOS ONE.10(3):e0119414
6. Wang, J., Mathalon, D., Roach, B., Reilly, J., Keedy, S., Sweeney, J., Ford, J.* (2014). Action planning and predictive coding when speaking. Neuroimage, 91, 91-98.
7. Wang, J.*, Barstein, J., Ethridge, L., Mosconi, M., Takarae, Y., Sweeney, J. (2013). Resting state EEG abnormalities in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 5(24),
8. Wang, J., Dobkins K. R., McDowell J. E., Clementz, B. A.*(2012)Neural response to the second stimulus associated with poor speed discrimination performance in schizophrenia. Psychophysiology, 49 (2), 198-206.
9. Wang, J., Wade, A. R.* (2011). Differential attentional modulation of cortical responses to S-cone and luminance stimuli. Journal of Vision, 11(6),1-15.
10.Wang, J., Brown, R., Dobkins, K. R., McDowell, J. E., Clementz, B. A.*(2010). Diminished parietal cortex activity associated with poor motion direction discrimination performance in schizophrenia. Cerebral Cortex, 20(7),1749-1755.
11.Clementz, B. A.*, Wang, J., & Keil, A. (2008). Normal neural enhancements to specific visual stimuli but abnormal behavioral performance during feature- based selective attention in schizophrenia. The Journal of Neuroscience,28(50), 13411-13418.
12.Wang, J., Clementz, B. A.*, & Keil, A. (2007). The neural correlates of feature-based selective attention when viewing spatially and temporally overlapping images. Neuropsychologia, 45(7), 1393-1399.
13.Mahan, R. P.*, Wang, J., Yanchus, N., Elliott, L. R., Redden, E. S. Shattuck, R. (2006). Iconic representation and dynamic information fidelity: Implications for decision support. Army Research, ARL-CR-0580, 1-35.
14.Zhang, T.*, Wang, J., Zheng, X. (2001). The perception of double auditory signals transmitted by headphone(in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 7(2),44-49.