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教育背景 2005.10-2008.09, 日本,京都大学工学研究科都市环境工程系,环境工程专业,工学博士学位(日本文部省奖学金) 2002.09-2005.07, 中国,清华大学环境科学与工程系,环境科学与工程专业,工学硕士学位 1996.09-2000.07, 中国,同济大学环境科学与工程学院,环境工程专业,工学学士学位 工作经历 2020.8-至今,中国人民大学环境学院环境工程系,教授 2010.10-今,中国人民大学环境学院环科系,副教授; 2008.10-2010.09, 日本,京都大学工学研究科都市环境工程系,Global Center of Excellence项目,特定研究员; 2000.07-2001.06,中国,北京金源环境保护设备有限公司金源分公司,技术员 社会兼职 2021.9~至今 国家污泥处理处置产业技术创新战略联盟 理事 2021.5~至今 北京科技人才研究会 监事 2016.1-2021.5 北京科技人才研究会 理事 2012.08-今,IWA中国青年委员会委员 2007.04-今,日本废弃物资源循环学会,会员; Reviewers of many journals (EST, WM, RSER, RE, et. al)


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[34] 赵冰, 柳晓燕, 李胜红, 朱芬芬*.污泥基生物炭提升活性污泥系统处理性能, 中国环境科学, 2022,42(07) [33] 柳晓燕,朱芬芬*,赵 冰.中国玻璃物质流分析和未来需求预测研究, 中国环境科学, 2022,42(5):2464~2470 [32] Shenghong Li, Fenfen Zhu*, Dongrui Zhang, et.al. Seasonal concentration variation and potential influencing factors of organophosphorus flame retardants in a wastewater treatment plant, Environmental Research, 2021,199 [31] Xiaoyan Liu, Fenfen Zhu*, Rongyan Zhang, et al. Recent progress on biodiesel production from municipal sewage sludge. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 135, 110260. [30] Dongrui Zhang, Shenhong Li, Fenfen Zhu*, et. al. The influence of an upgrade on the reduction of organophosphate flame retardants in a wastewater treatment plant. Chemosphere, 2020, 256, 126895. [29] Huan Wang, Fenfen Zhu*, et. al. A mini-review of heavy metal recycling technologies for municipal solid waste incineration fly ash. Waste management & research, 2021 [28] Rongyan Zhang, Fenfen Zhu*, et. al. Function promotion of SO4 2-/Al2O3-SnO2 catalyst for biodiesel production from sewage sludge. Renewable Energy, 2020, 147 part 1, 275-283 Dongrui Zhang, Shenhong Li, Fenfen Zhu*, et. al. The influence of an upgrade on the reduction of organophosphate flame retardants in a wastewater treatment plant. Chemosphere, 2020, 256, 126895. [27] 李成辉,朱芬芬,青达罕,高小中,侯瑞,许宜平,王子健. 城市生活污泥中有机磷酸酯检测的预处理优化,中国环境科学,2019, 01 [26] 董仪, 朱芬芬*, 等. 城镇污泥中神经酰胺分离纯化工艺的初探研究. 中国环境科学,2019,05. [25] Fenfen Zhu, Yi Dong, et.al. Comparison of biodiesel yield of three processes using sewage sludge as feedstock and byproduct characteristics by in situ transesterification. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2018 [24] 李成辉,张冬蕊,李胜红,朱芬芬*,许宜平,董仪. 污水处理厂中有机磷酸酯的研究进展.生态毒理学报,2018,已接收. [23] Fenfen Zhu, Yinqun Xiong, Yingying Wang, Xiang Wei, Xuemei Zhu, Fawei Yan. Heavy metal behavior in “Washing- Calcination-Changing with Bottom Ash” system for recycling of four types of fly ashes. Waste Management, 2018, 75, 216-225. [22] Fenfen Zhu*, Fawei Yan, Zuhao Zhang, Yingying Wang. PM2.5 Emission Behavior from Laboratory-Scale Combustion of Typical Municipal Solid Waste Components and Their Morphological Characteristics. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 10032-10045 [21] Fenfen Zhu*, Xuemin Wu, et. al. Lipid Profiling in Sewage Sludge. Water Research, 2017, 116, 149-158 [20] Xuemin Wu, Fenfen Zhu*, Juanjuan Qi, Luyao Zhao, Fawei Yan, Chenghui Li. Challenge of biodiesel production from sewage sludge catalyzed by KOH, KOH/activated carbon, and KOH/CaO [J]. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2017,11(2):3 [19] 魏翔, 朱芬芬*, 王佳伟, 孙一赫, 左壮, 张静慧. 城市污水处理厂厌氧消化污泥调理脱水性能研究, 环境工程, 2016,34(8),18-21 [18] Qi J., Zhu F.*, Wei X., Zhao L.. etc. In situ transesterification of sewage sludge obtained from A2O and MBR processes for biodiesel production, Waste Management, 2016, 49: 212-220. [17] Zhu F.*, Zhao L., Jiang H., Zhang Z., Xiong Y., Qi J., Wang J. Comparison of Lipid Content and Biodiesel Production from Municipal Sludge Using Three Extraction Methods. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(8), 5277-5283. [16] Xiong Y., Zhu F.*, Zhao L., Jiang H., Zhang Z. Heavy metal speciation in various types of fly ash from municipal solid waste incinerator. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014, 16(4), 608-615. [15] 张兆龙, 朱芬芬*, 宫辉力, 赵路遥, 姜惠民. 北京城市生活污泥大颗粒低温热干化效率研究. 安全与环境学报, 2014, 已接收 [14] 姜惠民, 朱芬芬*, 梁远, 张辉, 王佳伟. 市政污泥深度脱水药剂优化研究. 环境工程学报, 2014, 8(2), 697-702 [13] 朱芬芬,高冈昌辉,大下和徹,姜惠民,北岛義典.焚烧飞灰预处理工艺及其无机氯盐的行为研究. 环境科学, 2013,34(6), 416-421 [12] Li X., Takaoka M., Zhu F., Wang J., Oshita K., Mizuno T. Environmental and Economic Assessment of Municipal Sewage Sludge Management - A Case Study in Beijing, China. Water Science & Technology, 2013,67(7),1465-1473 (SCI) [11] 高琼,李佟,王佳伟,杜爽,付强,朱芬芬.脱水用阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺的性能评价与生产性实验,给水排水,2012,38(11),49-52 [10] 朱芬芬,高冈昌辉,王洪臣,郑国砥,王佳伟,高定,张兆龙. 日本污泥处置与资源化利用趋势,中国给水排水,2012,28(11),102-104 [9]朱芬芬,李金惠,海景,王洪臣. 飞灰:垃圾焚烧背后的阴影[J]. 环境保护,2011, 19, 22~24 [8]Zhu F.,Takaoka M., Oshita K., Morisawa S. The Calcination Process in a System for Washing, Calcinating, and Converting Treated Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash into Raw Material for the Cement Industry [J]. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association,2011,61(7):740-746;(SCI) [7]Zhu F., Takaoka M., Oshita K, Kitajima Y., Inada Y., Morisawa S., Tsuno H.. Chlorides behavior in Raw Fly Ash Washing Experiments [J]. Journal of Hazardous Material, 2010(178): 547-552; (SCI) [6]Zhu F., Takaoka M., Oshita K., Morisawa S., Tsuno H., Kitajima Y. Chloride behavior in washing experiments of two kinds of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash with different alkaline reagents [J]. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2009(59): 139-147;(SCI) [5]高岡昌輝,朱芬芬.海外で期待される日本の技術~中国における下水汚泥処理処分の現状~[J] .人・地球・水環境月刊下水道(Journal of Sewerage,Monthly),2009(32):8-11; [4]Zhu F., Takaoka M., Oshita K., Takeda N. Comparison of two types of fly ashes with different alkaline reagent in washing experiments [J]. Waste Management, 2009(29): 259-264;(SCI) [3] Zhu F., Takaoka M., Shiota K., Oshita K., Kitajima Y. Chloride chemical form in various types of fly ash [J]. Environ. Sci. & Tech, 2008(42): 3932-3937;(SCI) [2] 朱芬芬,李金惠. 风冷式粉碎机粉碎手机边框板刀具磨损试验研究[J]. 润滑与密封, 2007(32): 32-35(A类) [1] 朱芬芬, 李金惠, 温雪峰, 喻子达. 角切式破碎机破碎手机边框板刀具磨损性能的研究[J].摩擦学学报, 2006(26): 84-87(EI) 专著 [1] 朱芬芬,编著. 《生活垃圾焚烧飞灰中典型污染物控制技术》,化工出版社,2019,书号:978-7-122-34390-1 大会邀请报告 [1] 2018 年 8 月 22 日-23 日 中国城镇供水排水协会科学技术委员会 2018 年年会会议技术报告
