加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)经济学博士
法国巴黎第十二大学(Paris XII University)国际贸易硕士
2021年9月至今 中国人民大学国际学院金融学副教授
2017年9月-2021年8月 中国人民大学国际学院金融学助理教授
2016年6月-2017年6月 加拿大Concordia大学经济学系讲师
Jiang, Feng. Chinese contractor involvement in wildlife protection in Africa: Case study of Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway Project, Kenya. Land Use Policy (SSCI, Tier 1), 95(2020): 104650.
Jiang, Feng & Guo, Liang. Comparison of the Contribution of Chinese & Non-Chinese FDI to the Economic Growth of "One Belt and One Road" Countries--- Empirical Study Based on Multinational Panel Data. Statistics & Decision (CSSCI). 2021, January.
Jiang, Feng & Guo, Liang. Is cross border tourism an effective means to achieve political goals? Evidence from Mainland China and Taiwan. Empirical Economics Letters (SSCI), 2021 March.
Jiang, Feng & Guo, Liang. Pollution Haven Effect and Porter Effect in North-South trade: A theoretic analysis under the mixed duopoly Cournot model. Empirical Economics Letters (SSCI), 2021 April..