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2014–2018 牛津大学法学博士(DPhil in Law) 2013–2014 牛津大学法学硕士(MPhil in Law) 2012–2013 牛津大学法律硕士(MJur) 2008–2012 苏州大学法学学士




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.吴至诚:《保底信托效力认定的类型化》,《法学研究》2022年第6期; 2.Wenming Xu and Zhicheng Wu, ‘Regulation-Driven Legal Doctrines of Investment Trusts in China’ (2022) 23 European Business Organization Law Review 391–421; (corresponding author) 3.Zhicheng Wu and William Swadling, ‘Unjustified Enrichment in the Chinese Civil Code: Questions from the Common Law’ (2021) 29 Asia Pacific Law Review 402–421; 4.吴至诚:《违法无效合同不当得利返还的比例分担——以股权代持为中心》,《中外法学》2021年第3期,人大报刊复印资料《民商法学》2021年第9期全文转载; 5.吴至诚:《夫妻债务的英美法系功能比较研究——以不采行夫妻共同财产制的模式为中心》,《华东政法大学学报》2021年第1期,人大报刊复印资料《民商法学》2021年第5期全文转载; 6.Zhicheng Wu, ‘Natural Law, Basic Goods, and Fiduciary Altruism’ (2020) 15 Frontiers of Law in China 431–451; 7.Wenming Xu, Shaogang Zhu and Zhicheng Wu, ‘Building A Junior Stock Exchange: Lessons from China’ (2020) 21 European Business Organization Law Review 139–170; (corresponding author) 8.Zhicheng Wu, ‘Transfer of Title to Goods by Intent in English Law’ in Caroline Rupp, Rafael Ibarra Garza & Bram Akkermans (eds), Property Law Perspectives VI (Eleven International Publishing 2019) 129–147; 9.Zhicheng Wu, ‘A Comparative Study of the Chinese Law of Constructive Delivery from an English Common Law Perspective’ (2018) 13 Frontiers of Law in China 291–308; 10.吴至诚、王竹:《全球视野下的道路交通事故责任》,《判解研究》2018年第1期; 11.Zhicheng Wu, ‘Profit Made in Match-fixing: Proprietary Restitution for Breach of Fiduciary Duty’ in Kee-young Yeun (ed), Sports Law: Present and Future (Chaek Yearn Publishing 2018) 261–278; 12.Zhicheng Wu, ‘A Conceptual Comparison on Lesser Property Rights between English Law and Chinese Law’ in Bettina Heiderhoff and Ilaria Queirolo (eds), Current Legal Challenges in European Private and Institutional Integration (Aracne 2017) 205–226; 13.吴至诚:《英国法传统中信托受益权的性质》,《北方法学》2015年第5期; 14.Zhicheng Wu, ‘Transplant of the Quistclose Trust into Chinese Law: A Critical Assessment’ (2014) 3 China EU Law Journal 253–274.


教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心副研究员 中国人民大学普通法中心主任助理 中国人民大学营商环境法治研究中心副秘书长 中国人民大学国际商事争端预防与解决研究院副秘书长 中国人民大学未来法治研究院研究员 香港城市大学法学院客座助理教授
