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教育背景 1989年毕业于河北大学法律系,获法学学士学位。 1992年毕业于中国政法大学研究生院,获经济法硕士学位。 1995年毕业于中国社科院研究生院,获民商法博士学位。 1995年入中国社会科学院法学所从事商法经济法研究工作。 荣誉奖励 1. 2006年,被中国法学会评选为第五届“全国十大杰出青年法学家”; 2. 2019年,获评《中国商报》颁发的“商事法治建设年度典范人物”称号; 3. 2017年3月,被列入中国人民大学书报资料中心和中国人民大学人文社会科学学术成果评价研究中心共同发布的《复印报刊资料重要转载来源作者(2016年版)》; 4. 2014年,当选“中国消费者保护运动30年消费维权贡献人物”(中国消费者协会) 5. 2014年度质量人物(中国质量报); 6. 独著《中国资本市场法治前沿》在由《检察日报》、《人民检察》杂志社、正义网与中南财经政法大学法治发展与司法改革研究中心联合举办的2012年度法治发展综合评估项目评选中获评“2012年中国十大影响力法学理论研究成果”; 7. 2012年,被中国工商行政管理学会授予“《中国工商行政管理研究》创刊20周年优秀作者”荣誉称号; 8. 2009年,《现代公司法》一书获司法部第三届全国法学教材与科研成果奖; 9. 2008年,入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划; 10. 2008年,被中央宣传部、中央政法委员会、司法部和中国法学会评为“百名法学家百场报告会”最佳宣讲奖; 11. 2008年,《股份有限公司股东权的保护(修订本)》(法律出版社2004年第2版)获得第二届钱端升法学研究成果奖(部级奖)二等奖; 12. 2008年,《股份有限公司股东权的保护(修订本)》(法律出版社2004年第2版)在中国法学会主办的首届“中国法学优秀成果奖“(部级奖)评选中获得专著类三等奖; 13. 中国人民大学法学院2008年度青年教师教学优秀奖; 14. 中国人民大学法学院2007年度青年教师学术交流特别贡献奖; 15. 2006年,刊登于《中国社会科学院要报:领导内参》2005年第27期的《妥善解决股权分置改革中涉及外资股东的难点法律问题》获中国社会科学院(省部级)优秀信息一等奖; 16. 2005年,《股份有限公司股东权的保护》(法律出版社1997年第1版)在中国社会科学院、中国法学会和全国青联举办的“第一届中国青年法律学术奖(法鼎奖)”评选中荣获金鼎奖(一等奖); 17. 2006年,《公司法的修改与解释:以司法权的适度干预为中心》(《法律适用》,2005年第3期)获最高人民法院《法律适用》“珠海杯”征文二等奖; 18. 2006年,被中共北京市委宣传部、北京市委讲师团评选为北京市第16届“灵山杯”优秀报告(党课)二等奖; 19. 2005年,刊登于中国社会科学院要报:专供信息(国办)》2004年第21期的《关于清理限制非公有制经济发展的法律的建议》获中国社会科学院2004年优秀决策信息对策研究类二等奖; 20. 2005年,获得《中国消费者报社》颁发的“三一五文化贡献奖”; 21. 2004年,刊登于《中国社会科学院要报:专供信息(国办)》2004年第21期的《关于清理限制非公有制经济发展的法律的建议》获中国社会科学院2004年优秀决策信息对策研究类二等奖; 22. 2004年,《论证券市场法律责任的立法和执法协调》(《现代法学》,2003年第1期)荣获重庆市新闻出版局、重庆市期刊协会颁发的优秀论文奖;中国人民大学报刊复印资料《经济法学、劳动法学》,2003年第7期转载; 23. 2004年,《站在理论的前沿》获中国消费者协会与《中国消费者报》社《我与消法》征文一等奖; 24. 2003年,《论非营利组织的社会责任》获民政部“民间组织理论研究优秀论文奖”; 25. 2003年,被《财经时报》评选为全国“2003年度十大意见领袖”; 26. 2001年,《电子商务中的信任机制研究》(英文)在美国商法学会(the Academy of Legal Studies in Business)2001年年会上荣获拉尔夫·邦奇奖(the Ralphe Bunche Award),该奖为国际商法论文一等奖; 27. 2001年,《论商事打假行为》(《中国工商管理研究》2000年第4期)获国家工商局、中国工商管理学会和中国消费者协会主办的“12315”面向21世纪消费者权益保护征文一等奖; 28. 2001年,《公司的社会责任》一书获中国社会科学院法学所优秀科研成果奖; 29. 2000年,《股东权保护概论》一书获中国社会科学院(省部级)第三届青年优秀科研成果专著三等奖; 30. 1999年,被北京市法学会授予“优秀中青年法学家”称号; 31. 1998年,刊登于《中国社会科学院要报—信息专报》1997年7月30日第63期的《建议尽快纠正对〈联合国民事权利和政治权利公约〉中“民事权利”的不准确译法》获中国社会科学院(省部级)优秀信息奖; 32. 1992年,《论证券交易立法的若干问题》获中国政法大学四十周年校庆研究生有奖征文一等奖。




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1. "Enforcement strategies in the Chinese capital market", co-authored with Flora Huang, in Chapter 9, “Regulation and the Global Financial Crisis:Impact, Regulatory Responses and Beyond”,Edited ByDaniel Cash, Robert Goddard, First Published 2020,eBook Published 25 November 2020,London,Routledge. DOI https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429199561.eBook ISBN 978-0-367-18619-7. 2. “Mechanisms for Supporting Worker Voice in China”, co-authored with Cindy A. Schipani, Business & Finance Law Review, Vol. 2, Issue 1 (Oct. 2018), pp. 1-31. 3. “The Role of Employee Voice in Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in China”, co-authored with Cindy A Schipani, Terry Morehead Dworkin, in “Globalisation of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact on Corporate Governance”, Edited by: Jean J. du Plessis, Umakanth Varottil, Jeroen Veldman,P.51-75. ISBN:978-3-319-69127-5.February 2018, Springer-Verlag,Switzerland. 4. “Globalisation of Corporate Governance Depends on Both Soft Law and Hard Law”. In Corporate Governance Codes for the 21st Century, Edited by Du Plessis J., Low C., P.275-294. Springer, Cham, 2017. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-51868-8_13#citeas 5. “Improving investor-friendly legal environment in Chinese capital markets”, In Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World, edited by N. C. Howson and H. Huang, P.162-184. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, September 28, 2017.ISBN:9781316691397; https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/enforcement-of-corporate-and-securities-law/7EE094F6CCF9C0A9EDA69B006AAE3608 6. “Regulation of Corporate Groups in China”, in “German and Asian Perspectives on Company Law: Law and Policy Perspectives”, Edited by Holger Fleischer, Hideki Kanda, Kon Sik Kim and Peter Mülbert, © 2016 Mohr Siebeck Tübingen. www.mohr.de. ISBN 978-3-16-155026-3,https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2888322 7. “Doing Business in a Connected Society: the GSK Bribery Scandal in China”, Illinois Law Review, Vol.1, 2016, co-authored with Cindy A. Schipani and Haiyan Xu.https://illinoislawreview.org/print/volume-2016-issue-1/doing-business-in-a-connected-society-the-gsk-bribery-scandal-in-china/ 8. Experience of Internationalization of Chinese Corporate Law and Corporate Governance: How to Make the Hybrid of Civil Law and Common Law Work, European Business Law Review, Vol. 26, Issue 1 (2015), pp. 107-128; 26 Eur. Bus. L. Rev. 107 (2015),ISSN 0959-6941; 9. The Future of Securities Class Actions Against Foreign Companies: China and Comity Concerns, co-authored with Dana M. Muir and Haiyan Xu, University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, VOL.46, 2013, pp.1315-1360. 10. Corporate Governance of Business Organizations in the People's Republic of China: The Legal Framework After the Revision of the Company Law in 2005”,co-authored with Knut Benjamin Pissler, In Comparative Corporate Governance: A Functional and International Analysis, edited by Andreas M. Fleckner and Klaus J. Hopt, Cambridge University Press, 2013, ISBN978-1-107-02511-0; http://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/25110/copyright/9781107025110_copyright_info.pdf; http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1695888 11. “Director's Duty of Diligence and Shareholder's Derivative Action in China”,In Recht Und Rechtswirklichkeit in Deutschland Und China: Beitrage Zur Prozessualen Durchsetzung Zivilrechtlicher Anspruche, edited by Yuanshi Bu (Editor), Mohr Siebeck (December 31, 2011), pp. 61-85. ISBN-13 : 978-3161508905.Presented at the Symposium "Law and Legal Reality - A Chinese-German Dialogue on the Procedural Realisation of Private Claims", Freiburg,25th and 26th of June 2010; 12. “Increasing role of the courts in China”,Co-authored with Xin Chunying, In Law, Development and Socio-Economic Changes in Asia, Development Perspective Series No. 3, Edited by Sakumoto, Naoyuki; Kobayashi, Masayuki; and Imaizumi, Shin’ya, 2003; 13. “Corporate Governance in China: Then and Now”, Co-authored with Cindy Schipani, Columbia Business Law Review, Vol. 2002, Issue 1 (2002), pp. 1-70; 14. “Chinese Business and the Internet: The Infrastructure for Trust”, Co-authored with Fort, Timothy L., Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol. 35, Issue 5 (November 2002), pp. 1545-1600. 15. “Overview of the Dispute resolution mechanism in China”, presented at the “Roundtable Meeting on Law, Development and Socio-Economic Change in Asia (II), held in Bangkok, Thailand, 19-20 November, 2001. 16. “Legal reforms in China”, Governance ,Decentralization and Reform in China,, India and Russia, Jean-Jacques Dethier (ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 373 – 405. ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy No. 13, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, September 1999. Presented at the international seminar of “the Governance on China, India and Russia”, 3-4 May 1999, hosted by the Research Center for Development, Bonn University; 17. “Approaches to Strengthen the Responsibility of Directors and Managers in China”, presented at the fourth annual conference of Asia Pacific Economic Law Forum, held in Hong Kong City University in December 1998; 18. “The Protection of Social Rights and the Coming Implementation of CESCR in China”, presented at the International Symposium “The domestic obligation to implement International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” held in Oslo, Norway, November 1997; 19. “The Protection of Labor Rights in China”, Working Paper Series of Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, the University of Oslo, 1997; 20. “The Perspectives for Tax Law in Hong Kong after 1 July 1997”, presented at the International Symposium “Tax Law in East and South-east Asia toward the 21st Century”, held in Leiden, the Netherlands in July 1996 and published by Kluwer Law International in 1997.
