Kim, J., Sun, T., Alcheikh, A., Kuncic, Z., Nuyts, J., Fulton, R. (2016). Correction for human head motion in helical x-ray CT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 61(4), 1416-1438. [More Information]
Barnett, R., Meikle, S., Fulton, R. (2016). Cross population motion modeling applied to attenuation correction of respiratory gated F18-FDG PET. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 63(1), 170-179. [More Information]
Kim, J., Nuyts, J., Kyme, A., Kuncic, Z., Fulton, R. (2015). A rigid motion correction method for helical computed tomography (CT). Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60(5), 2047-2073. [More Information]
Gholami, Y., Zhu, X., Fulton, R., Meikle, S., El-Fakhri, G., Kuncic, Z. (2015). Stochastic simulation of radium-223 dichloride therapy at the sub-cellular level. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60(15), 6087-6096. [More Information]
Angelis, G., Kyme, A., Ryder, W., Fulton, R., Meikle, S. (2014). Attenuation correction for freely moving small animal brain PET studies based on a virtual scanner geometry. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(19), 5651-5666. [More Information]
Angelis, G., Ryder, W., Bashar, M., Fulton, R., Meikle, S. (2014). Impact of extraneous mispositioned events on motion-corrected brain SPECT images of freely moving animals. Medical Physics, 41(9), 1-13. [More Information]
Kyme, A., Se, S., Meikle, S., Angelis, G., Ryder, W., Popovic, K., Yatigammana, D., Fulton, R. (2014). Markerless motion tracking of awake animals in positron emission tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33(11), 2180-2190. [More Information]
Chan, C., Fulton, R., Barnett, R., Feng, D., Meikle, S. (2014). Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body PET With an Anatomical Prior. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33(3), 636-650. [More Information]
Cromer, M., Bourne, R., Fransen, M., Fulton, R., Wang, S. (2014). Responsiveness of Quantitative Cartilage Measures Over One Year in Knee Osteoarthritis: Comparison of Radiography and MRI Assessments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 39(1), 103-109. [More Information]
Zhou, W., Eisenhuth, J., Kyme, A., Akhtar, M., Fulton, R., Meikle, S. (2013). A motion adaptive animal chamber for PET imaging of freely moving animals. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60(5), 3423-3431. [More Information]
Akhtar, M., Kyme, A., Zhou, V., Fulton, R., Meikle, S. (2013). An investigation of the challenges in reconstructing PET images of a freely moving animal. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 36(4), 405-415. [More Information]
Kim, J., Nuyts, J., Kuncic, Z., Fulton, R. (2013). The feasibility of head motion tracking in helical CT: A step toward motion correction. Medical Physics, 40(4), 041903-1-041903-4. [More Information]
Cromer, M., Foster, S., Bourne, R., Fransen, M., Fulton, R., Wang, S. (2013). Use of 3T MRI and an Unspoiled 3D Fast Gradient Echo Sequence for Porcine Knee Cartilage Volumetry: Preliminary Findings. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 38(1), 245-250. [More Information]
Kyme, A., Meikle, S., Baldock, C., Fulton, R. (2012). Refraction-compensated motion tracking of unrestrained small animals in positron emission tomography. Medical Image Analysis, 16(6), 1317-1328. [More Information]
Kyme, A., Meikle, S., Baldock, C., Fulton, R. (2012). Tracking and characterizing the head motion of unanaesthetized rats in positron emission tomography. Journal of the Royal Society. Interface, 9(76), 3094-3107. [More Information]
Zhou, W., Kyme, A., Meikle, S., Fulton, R. (2011). Event-based motion correction for PET transmission measurements with a rotating point source. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56(9), 2651-2665. [More Information]
Kyme, A., Zhou, V., Meikle, S., Baldock, C., Fulton, R. (2011). Optimised Motion Tracking for Positron Emission Tomography Studies of Brain Function in Awake Rats. PloS One, 6(7), e21727-1-e21727-16. [More Information]
Hindmarsh, J., Fulton, R., Oliver, L., Baldock, C. (2010). Polymer Gel Dosimetry using X-ray Computed Tomography: Investigation of the Effect of Reconstruction Technique. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online), 250, 012073 - 1-012073 - 5. [More Information]
Zhou, W., Kyme, A., Meikle, S., Fulton, R. (2009). A scheme for PET data normalization in event-based motion correction. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(17), 5321-5339. [More Information]
Chan, C., Fulton, R., Feng, D., Meikle, S. (2009). Regularized image reconstruction with an anatomically adaptive prior for positron emission tomography. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54(24), 7379-7400. [More Information]