2007-2010 北京大学光华管理学院,企业管理博士
2008-2009 纽约大学Stern商学院中美富布赖特(Fulbright)项目联合培养博士生
2004-07 北京大学光华管理学院,企业管理学士
2016-至今 中国人民大学商学院市场营销系,副教授
2010-2016 中国人民大学商学院市场营销系,讲师
1. Qiu, L., Wang, W., and Pang, J., (2022), “The Persuasive Power of Emoticons in Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication on Social Networking Services,” MIS Quarterly , forthcoming.
2. 庞隽, 李梦琳,邱凌云, 陈欢(2022),“游戏化发放方式对优惠券使用意愿及行为的影响”, 营销科学学报 ,2(3), 80-89。
3. 庞隽,楚燕来,李梦琳,焦腾啸(2022),“新冠疫情下的产地歧视效应、机制和对策,” 南开管理评论 ,网络首发。
4. Pang, Jun, Angela Liu, and Peter N. Golder (2022), “Critics' Conformity to Consumers in Cultural Evaluation and Its Implications for Product Sales,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 50(1), 864–887。
5. 王研苏,庞隽(2022),“红色对消费者品牌形象偏好的影响,” 营销科学学报 ,2(2),41-61。
6. 庞隽,尚子琦*,刘晓梅(2022),“末端时间标志对消费者风险决策的影响,” 南开管理评论 ,25(1),74-82。
7. Pang, Jun and Ying Ding (2021), “Blend Your Product Shape with Brand Gender Identity: How, Why, and When,” International Journal of Research in Marketing , 38(1),216-231。
8. Huan Chen, Jun Pang*, Minkyung Koo, and Vanessa M. Patrick (2020), “Shape Matters: Package Shape Informs Brand Status Categorization and Brand Choice,” Journal of Retailing , 96(2), 266-281。
9. Jiamin Yin, Yansu Wang, Jun Pang*, and Kanliang Wang (2020), “Customize for the Self versus Customize for Others: The Effect of the Intended Recipient on Product Uniqueness,” Marketing Letters , 31(1), 73-87.
10. 陈欢,王妍苏,庞隽*,毕圣 (2019), “开端时间标志对高唤起型产品偏好的影响机制,” 营销科学学报 ,15(3),1-20。
11. 邱凌云, 肖娴, 庞隽* (2019),“个体评论与总体评分一致性对评论有用性的影响,” 南开管理评论 , 22(6), 200-210。
12. 丁瑛,庞隽*,王妍苏 (2019),“形状-性别内隐联结及其对消费者形状偏好的影响,” 心理学报 , 51(2), 216-226。
13. 尚子琦,庞隽*,刘晓梅 (2017), “时间标志对消费者的积极幻想及风险型新产品偏好的影响,” 营销科学学报 , 13(2),
14. Pang, Jun, Hean Keh Tat, Durairaj Maheswaran and Xiuping Li* (2017), “‘Every Coin Has Two Sides’: The Effects of Dialectical Thinking and Attitudinal Ambivalence on Psychological Discomfort and Consumer Choice,” Journal of Consumer Psychology , 27 (2), 218-230.
15. 陈欢,毕圣,庞隽* (2016), “权力感知对怀旧偏好的影响机制,” , 心理学报 ,48 (12), 1-11.
16. Pang, Jun and Lingyun Qiu (2016), “Effect of Online Review Chunking on Product Attitude: The Moderating Role of Motivation to Think,” International Journal of Electronic Commerce , 20(3), 355-383.
17. 毕圣,庞隽*,吕一林 (2016), “压力对怀旧偏好的影响机制,” 营销科学学报 , 12(1), 38-50.
18. 庞隽, 毕圣 (2015), “广告诉求‒品牌来源国刻板印象匹配度对品牌态度的影响机制,” 心理学报, 47(3), 406-416.
19. Qiu, Lingyun, Jun Pang* and Kai Lim (2012), “Effects of Conflicting Aggregated Rating on eWOM Review Credibility and Diagnosticity: The Moderating Role of Review Valence,” Decision Support Systems , 54(1), 631-643.
20. Keh, Hean Tat and Jun Pang (2010), “Customer Reactions to Service Separation,” Journal of Marketing , 74 (2), 55-70.
21. 庞隽、郭贤达、彭泗清 (2007),“广告策略对消费者-品牌关系的影响:一项基于消费者品牌喜爱度的研究,” 营销科学学报 ,3 (3),59-73。