美国华盛顿州立大学 2009-2013 会计学博士
美国密歇根州立大学 2007-2009 会计学硕士
中南财经政法大学 2003-2007 会计学本科
2015-至今 中国人民大学商学院会计系 讲师
2013-2015 中国人民大学商学院会计系 博士后
博士生优秀论文奖, 第17届全国会计道德研究论坛, 2012
学院奖学金, 华盛顿州立大学, 2010
普华永道奖学金, 密歇根州立大学, 2008
Becker CPA 奖学金, 密歇根州立大学, 2008
1. Dong, X., Gao, J., Sun, L., and Ye, K. (2019) Doing Extreme by Doing Good. Asia Pacific Journal of Managment DOI:10.1007/s10490-018-9591-y
2. Ma, L., Zhang, M., Gao, J., and Ye, T. (2019) The Effect of Religion on Accounting Conservatism, European Accounting Review, DOI:10.1080/09638180.2019.1600421
3. Gao, J., Masli, A., Suh, I., and Xu, J. (2019) The Influence of a Family Business Climate and CEO–CFO Relationship Quality on Misreporting Conduct, Journal of Business Ethics, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-019-04253-1
4. 孙蔓莉,李贝,高靖宇. 2017. 业绩归因影响股票投资行为的路径和机制研究。南开管理评论,2017(3),113-123.
5. Gao, J., Greenberg, R. and Wong-On-Wing, B., 2015, “An Examination of Bystander Effect and Wrongdoer Power Status on Whistleblowing Intentions”, Journal of Business Ethics 126:85–99
6. Ye, K., Cheng, Y. and Gao, J., 2014, “ How Individual Auditor Characteristics Impact the Likelihood of Audit Failure: Evidence from China”, Advances in Accounting, incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30: 394-40