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主要教育经历 2002-2005 英国卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)金融与会计专业 1994-1997 北京工商大学会计学专业 1990-1994 北京工商大学管理学专业 主要工作经历 2019-至今 中国人民大学商学院会计系 教授 博士生导师 2014-2019 中国人民大学商学院会计系 副教授 博士生导师 2008-2014 中国人民大学商学院会计系 讲师 2006-2008 郑州威科姆电子科技有限公司拟上市期间(IPO)财务总监 1997-2002 中国财政杂志社《财务与会计》编辑部编辑




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1. Cao, F., Sun, J., and 袁蓉丽.* 2019. Board directors with foreign experience and stock price crash risk. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. Forthcoming. 2. Jia, N., Mao, X. S., and 袁蓉丽.* 2019. Political connections and directors’ and officers’ liabilities insurance—Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance, 58, 353-372. 3. Mahmoud, E., Xiao, Z. Z., and 袁蓉丽.* 2019. Can small shareholders protect their interests from expropriation: The case of a Chinese bank. Management and Organization Review. Forthcoming. 4. 袁蓉丽, Cao, L., Xiao, Z. Z., and Sun, J., 2018. The determinants and effects of voluntary adoption of a cumulative voting system: Evidence from China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 51, 251-266. 5. 袁蓉丽 and Wen, W., 2018. Managerial foreign experience and corporate innovation. Journal of Corporate Finance, 48, 752-770. 6. Sun, J., 袁蓉丽, Cao, F., and Wang, B. Q., 2017. Principal-principal agency problems and stock price crash risk: Evidence from the split-share structure reform in China. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 25, 186-199. 7. Hu, G. Q., 袁蓉丽,* and Xiao, Z. Z., 2017. Can independent directors improve internal control quality in China? The European Journal of Finance, 23(7-9), 626-647. 8. 袁蓉丽, Sun, J., and Cao, F., 2016. Director’s and offices’ insurance and stock price crash risk. Journal of Corporate Finance, 37, 173-192. 9. 袁蓉丽, Cheng, Y. L., and Ye, K. T., 2016. Auditor industry specialization and discretionary accruals: The role of client strategy. International Journal of Accounting, 51(2), 217-239. 10. Ye, K. T., 袁蓉丽,* and Cheng, Y. L., 2014. Auditor experiences, accounting firm size, and client ownership. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 8(2): 206-226. 11. 袁蓉丽, Chen, L. M., and Wen, W., 2013. Voluntary disclosure of auditors’ report on internal control: Firm characteristics and economic consequences. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 7(4): 505-534. 12. 袁蓉丽,Xiao, Z. Z., and Zou, H., 2009. The role of financial institutions in corporate governance: Interview evidence from China. British Journal of Management, 20, 562-580. 13. 袁蓉丽, Xiao, Z. Z., and Zou, H., 2008. Mutual funds’ ownership and firm performance: Evidence from China. Journal of Banking and Finance, 32, 1552-1565. 14. 袁蓉丽、王群 、夏圣洁. 2019. 董事高管责任保险与增发费用,《中国软科学》,6,107-117. 15. 袁蓉丽、李瑞敬、夏圣洁. 2019. 战略差异度与企业避税,《会计研究》,4,74-80. 16. 刘向强、孙健、袁蓉丽. * 2018. 并购业绩补偿承诺与审计收费,《会计研究》12,70-76. 17. 袁蓉丽、文雯、谢志华. 2018. 董事高管责任保险和财务报表重述,《会计研究》,5, 21-27. 18. 袁蓉丽、李瑞敬、李百兴. 2018. 董事高管责任保险和审计费用,《审计研究》,2, 55-63. 19. 孙健、袁蓉丽*、王百强. 2017. ERP实施真的能提升企业业绩吗?,《中国软科学》,8,121-132. 20. 孙健、王百强、袁蓉丽.* 2017. 信息系统整合、预算程序公平与企业业绩——一项基于国有企业的调查研究,《管理世界》,5,131-143. 21. 袁蓉丽、张馨艺、胡天雨、孙健. 2017. 上市公司ERP系统实施和盈余质量,《审计研究》,2,120-125. 22. 孙健、文雯、袁蓉丽、石凝玉. 2016. 上市公司委托理财和盈余波动性,《中国软科学》,6,98-109. 23. 袁蓉丽、陈黎明、文雯. 2014. 上市公司内部控制审计报告自愿披露的经济效果研究。《经济理论与经济管理》, 6,71-83. 24. 袁蓉丽、文雯、汪利. 2014. 风险投资和IPO公司董事会治理:基于倾向评分匹配法的分析,《中国软科学》,5,118-128. 25. 肖泽忠、胡国强、袁蓉丽. 2013. 非文化会计环境因素对会计价值的影响,《会计研究》,4,12-19. 26. 谢志华、张庆龙、袁蓉丽. 2011. 董事会结构与决策效率,《会计研究》,1,33-39. 27. 袁蓉丽、肖泽忠、邹宏. 2010. 金融机构投资者的持股和公司业绩:基于股东积极主义的视角,《中国软科学》,11,110-122.


1. 担任Japanese Accounting Review 副编审 2. 中国会计学会英文会刊China Journal of Accounting Studies的编委会成员  3. 中国财政杂志社《财务研究》学术委员会委员 4. 担任Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance: An International Review, International Business Review等国际期刊审稿人 5. 中国注册会计师协会会员、中国会计学会会员
