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教育经历 2007 英国诺丁汉大学,获经济学博士学位 2003 英国兰卡斯特大学,获国际商务理学硕士学位 2001 中国人民大学,获经济学学士学位 工作经历 2017 中国人民大学商学院教授 2012 中国人民大学商学院副教授 2008 中国人民大学商学院讲师 2007 英国诺丁汉大学博士后研究员,宁波诺丁汉大学高级研究员 荣誉 2019年 中国人民大学科研标兵 2018年 国家发改委优秀研究成果三等奖 2013年 北京市青年英才计划 2010年 中国人民大学先进工作者 2004年 英国教育部ORS 奖学金




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(1) Chen, L., Yi, J.*, Li, S.,and Tong, T. (2021), “Platform governance design in platform ecosystems: Implications for complementors’ multihoming decision”, Journal of Management (SSCI), forthcoming. (2) Yi, J., Murphree, M.*, Meng, S., and Li, S. (2021), “The more the merrier? Chinese government R&D subsidies, dependence and firm innovation performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management (SSCI), forthcoming. (3) Wang, C., Kafouros, M., Yi, J.*, Hong, J., and Ganotakis, P. (2020), “The role of government affiliation in explaining firm innovativeness and profitability in emerging countries: Evidence from China”, Journal of World Business (SSCI), 55(3). (4) Li, J., Chen, L., Yi, J.*, Mao, J., and Liao, J. (2019). “Ecosystem-specific advantages in international digital commerce”, Journal of International Business Studies (SSCI, UTD24), 50, 1448-1463. (5) Chen, L., Shaheer, N., Yi, J. *, and Li, S. (2019), “The international penetration of Ibusiness firms: Network effects, liabilities of outsidership, and country clout”, Journal of International Business Studies (SSCI, UTD24), 50(2), 172-192. (6) Yi, J., Meng, S., Macaulay, C. D., and Peng, M. W. (2019), “Corruption and foreign direct investment phases: The moderating role of institutions”, Journal of International Business Policy, 2(2), 167-181. (7) Shaheer, N., Yi, J. *, Li, S., and Chen, L. (2019), “State owned enterprises as bribe payers: The role of institutional environment”, Journal of Business Ethics (SSCI), 159(1), 221-238. (8) Yi, J., Teng, D., and Meng, S. (2018), “Foreign ownership and bribery: Agency and institutional perspectives”, International Business Review (SSCI), Vol.27, No.1, 34-45. (9) Yi, J., Hong, J. Hsu, W., and Wang, C. (2017), “The role of state ownership and institutions in the innovation performance of emerging market enterprises: Evidence from China”, Technovation (SSCI), Vol.62-63, 4-13. (10) Teng, D., and Yi, J. (2017), “Impact of Ownership Types on R&D Intensity and Innovation Performance—Evidence from Transitional China”, Frontiers of Business Research in China, Vol.11, No.1, 101-137. (11) Yi, J., Wang, C., and Kafouros, M. (2015), “Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment: How do Region-specific Institutions Matter?” Management International Review (SSCI), Vol.55, No.4, 539-561. (12) Yi, J., Wang, C., Kafouros, M., and Yan, Y. (2015), “Under What Institutional Conditions do Business Groups Enhance Innovation Performance?”Journal of Business Research (SSCI), Vol.68, No.3, 694-702. (13) Yi, J., and Liu, X. (2014), “Noise Trader Model of Agricultural Product Prices: Evidence from the Chinese Garlic Market”, Frontiers of Business Research in China, Vol.8, No.3, 327-345. (14) Yi, J. (2014), “Firm Heterogeneity, Sunk Costs, Spatial Characteristics, and Export Market Participation: Evidence from China”, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (SSCI), Vol.23, No. 3, 361-386. (15) Yi, J., Wang, C., and Kafouros, M. (2013), “The Effects of Innovative Capabilities on Exporting: Do Institutional Forces Matter?” International Business Review (SSCI), Vol.22, No.2, 392-406. (16) Yi, J. (2013), “Exchange Rates and Prices: Evidence from China”, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (SSCI), Vol.22, No.5, 639-657. (17) Yi, J., and Wang, C. (2012), “The Decision to Export: Firm Heterogeneity, Sunk Costs, and Spatial Concentration”, International Business Review (SSCI), Vol. 21, No. 5, 766-781. (18) Yi, J., Zhong, Y., and Zheng, Q. (2012), “An analysis of state-owned and private-owned enterprises’ export performance: the value chain perspective”, Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, Vol. 4, No. 1, 20-34. (19) Yi, J. (2011), “The Political Economy of China’s Exchange Rate Policymaking in the Hu-Wen Era”, China-An International Journal (SSCI), Vol.9, No.1, 164-177. (20) Yi, J. (2010), “China’s Equilibrium Exchange Rate Dynamics 1994-2004: A Cointegration Analysis”, Frontiers of Economics in China, Vol.5, No.3, 375-392. (21) Yi, J. (2009), “China’s Exchange Rate Movements and Corporate Currency Invoicing Strategies”, China & World Economy (SSCI), Vol.17, No.5, 36-51. (22) Yi, J., Zheng, Y., and Chen, M. (2008), “Revaluation of the Chinese Currency and Its Impacts on China: A Political Economy Approach”, Issues & Studies (SSCI), Vol. 44, No. 2, 193-218. (23) Zheng, Y. and Yi, J. (2007), “China’s Rapid Accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves and Its Policy Implications”, China and World Economy (SSCI), Vol.15, No.1, 14-25. (24) Yi, J. (2006), “Changes in China’s Exchange Rate Policy and Its Future Policy Options”, China-An International Journal (SSCI), Vol.4, No.2, 302-313. 中文期刊论文 (1) 易靖韬、蔡菲莹(2019),“企业创新与贸易方式转型:知识产权保护和贸易自由化的调节作用”,《中国软科学》,第11期,119-128。 (2) 易靖韬、刘昕彤、蒙双(2019),“中国出口企业的人民币汇率传递效应研究”,《财贸经济》,第5期,112-126。 (3) 易靖韬、傅佳莎、蒙双(2017),“多产品出口企业、产品转换与资源配置”,《财贸经济》,第10期,131-145。 (4) 易靖韬、蒙双(2017),“多产品出口企业、生产率与产品范围研究”,《管理世界》,第5期,41-50。 (5) 易靖韬、蒙双、蔡菲莹(2017),“外部R&D、技术距离、市场距离与企业创新绩效”,《中国软科学》,第4期,141-151。 (6) 易靖韬、戴丽华(2017),“FDI进入模式、控制程度与企业绩效”,《管理评论》,第6期,118-128。 (7) 易靖韬、蒙双(2016),“异质性企业出口, 技术创新与生产率动态效应研究”,《财贸经济》,第12期,85-99。 (8) 易靖韬、谷克鉴、门晓春(2016),“汇率水平及其波动性变化对产业结构调整的影响”,《经济理论与经济管理》,第7期,5-15。 (9) 易靖韬、张修平、王化成(2015),“企业异质性, 高管过度自信与企业创新绩效”,《南开管理评论》,第6期,101-112。 (10) 易靖韬、乌云其其克(2013),“研究中国贸易扩张的二元边际结构及其影响因素”,《国际贸易问题》,第10期,53-64。 (11) 易靖韬、傅佳莎(2011),“企业生产率与出口:中国浙江省企业层面的证据”,《世界经济》,第5期,74-92。 (12) 易靖韬、赵锦兰(2010),“图书出版产业结构、企业行为与企业绩效”,《财贸经济》,第5期,96-108。 (13) 易靖韬(2009),“企业异质性、市场进入成本、技术溢出效应与出口参与决定”,《经济研究》,第9期,106-115。


(1) 美国国际商务学会2018年度会议分论坛主席,分论坛的主题为MNE-state relations and international business policy (2) 中国人民大学企业创新与竞争力研究中心研究员。 (3) 宁波诺丁汉大学国际金融研究中心研究员。 (4) Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review, Journal of World Business, The World Economy,《经济研究》,《管理世界》,《世界经济》等杂志的匿名审稿人。
