1998 加拿大皇后大学 金融学及管理科学博士(双专业)
1985 中国人民大学 统计学硕士(数理统计方向)
1982 中国人民大学 统计学学士
2013-至今 中国人民大学商学院财务与金融系 教授
1999-2013 香港理工大学会计及金融学院 助理教授、副教授
1996-1997 加拿大皇后大学商学院 兼职讲师
1990-1996 加拿大康高迪亚大学经济系 讲师
1987-1988 美国康奈尔大学社会经济统计系 访问学者
1985-1990 中国人民大学统计学院 讲师
The 2nd European Journal of Finance Special Issues Conference on the Chinese Capital Market. June 25-26, 2012, Durham, U.K.
最佳论文奖, China Accounting and Finance Review International Symposium 2009, June 26-27, 2009, Nanjing, China.
1. Wang, S., Zhang, H., Xu, K., 2019. A microstructure study of circuit breakers in the Chinese stock markets. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. Forthcoming, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.
2. Li, X., Wang, S., Wang, X., 2019. Trust and IPO underpricing. Journal of Corporate Finance 56, 224-248.
3. Li, X., Wang, S., Wang, X., 2017. Trust and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China. Journal of Banking and Finance 76, 74-91.
4. Li, W., Rhee, S.G., Wang, S., 2017. Differences in herding: individuals vs. institutions in China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 45, 174-185.
5. Jaggi, B., Li, W., Wang, S., 2016. Individual and institutional investors’ response to earnings reported by conservative and non-conservative firms: Evidence from Chinese financial markets Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 27(2), 158-207.
6. Firth, M., Li, W., Wang, S., 2016. The growth, determinants, and profitability of nontraditional activities of Chinese commercial banks. European Journal of Finance 22(4-6), 259-287.
7. Chen, Y., Wang, S., Li. W., Sun, Q., Tong, W., 2015. Institutional environment, firm ownership, and IPO first-day returns: Evidence from China. Journal of Corporate Finance 32, 150-168.
8. Li, W., Wang, S., 2010, Daily institutional trades and stock price volatility in a retail investor dominated emerging market. Journal of Financial Markets 13(4), 448-474.
9. Lee, B., Li, W., Wang, S., 2010. The dynamics of institutional and individual trading on the Stock Exchange of Shanghai. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 18(1), 116-137.
10. Lee, B., Rui, O., Wang, S., 2004. Information transmission between NASDAQ and Asian second board markets. Journal of Banking and Finance 28(7), 1637-1670.
11. Wang, S., Jiang, L., 2004. Location of trade, ownership restriction and market illiquidity: Examining Chinese A- and H-shares. Journal of Banking and Finance 28(6), 1273-1297.
12. Wang, S., Rui, O., Firth, M., 2002. Return and volatility behavior of dually-traded stocks: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of International Money and Finance 21(2), 265-293.
1. 孟庆斌,侯德帅,汪叔夜, 2018. 融券卖空与股价崩盘风险——基于中国股票市场的经验证据,《管理世界》, 2018 (4), 40-54.
2. 汪叔夜、龙超、伍文友、薛洪言:《中国商业银行投资价值分析》, 中国金融出版社, 2011年7月,ISBN 978-7-5049-5821-1。
3. 戴丽娟, 汪叔夜,2009.中国商业银行从事非传统业务的决定因素,《经济理论与经济管理》2009年第5期,48-54.
4. 汪叔夜,黄金老,2005.当前在华外资银行的业务发展竞争战略分析;《国际金融研究》2005年第2期, 42-49.
5. 汪叔夜,黄金老,2004.寻求迅速全面渗入——探析在华外资银行分销渠道发展战略,《国际贸易》2004年第11期.
6. 汪叔夜、戴定一、吴志慧:《直面WTO:中国的金融和基础原材料产业》,经济管理出版社, 2000年11月,ISBN 7-80162-053-4/F∙50。
7. 周复恭、汪叔夜、黄运成:《应用数理统计学》,中央广播电视大学出版社,1987年6月,ISBN 7-304-00078-3/C∙4.
8. 吴辉、汪叔夜等:《英汉统计学词典》An English-Chinese Dictionary of Statistics Terms, 中国统计出版社,1987年.
英文期刊《中国工商管理研究前沿》执行主编 2013-2019。
担任如下金融学、会计学、经济学和管理学等期刊匿名审稿人:Asian-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, British Accounting Review, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, China Economic Review, Economic Record, Financial Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Journal of International Money and Finance, Pacific Accounting Review, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal.