刘军,Wang Hui,Hui Chun,Lee Cynthia,2012,Psychological Ownership: How Having Control Matters,JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES(SSCI).
Liu Yongmei,刘军,Wu Longzeng,2012,Strategic emotional display: an examination of its interpersonal and career outcomes,CAREER DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL (SSCI).
Wu Long-Zeng,Kwan,Ho Kwong,刘军,Resick Christian J.,2012,Work-to-family spillover effects of abusive supervision,JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY (SSCI).
刘军,Hui Chun,Lee Cynthia,Chen Zhenxiong,Fulfilling obligations: why Chinese employees stay,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT(SSCI).
刘小禹 刘军,2012,团队情绪氛围对团队创新绩效的影响机制,《心理学报》。
吴维库 王未 刘军 吴隆增,2012,辱虐管理、心理安全感知与员工建言,《管理学报》。
Wei Li-Qun1,刘军, Herndon, Neil C.,2011,Shrm And Product Innovation: Testing The Moderating Effects Of Organizational Culture And Structure In Chinese Firms,International Journal Of Human Resource Management(学院B类),No.1.
刘军 王未 曹昆鹏,2011,Leader Political Skill And Team Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model,Nankai Business Review International(学院非核心期刊类),No.1.
Kwan, Ho Kwong,刘军,Yim Frederick Hong-kit,2011,Effects Of Mentoring Functions On Receivers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior In A Chinese Context: A Two-Study Investigation,Journal Of Business Research(学院B类),No.4.
Lee Cynthia,刘军,Rousseau Denise M, Hui Chun,Chen, Zhen Xiong,2011,Inducements, Contributions, And Fulfillment In New Employee Psychological Contracts,Human Resource Management(学院A-类),No.2.
刘军,Liu Xiaoyu, Zeng Xianju,2011,Does Transactional Leadership Count For Team Innovativeness? The Moderating Role Of Emotional Labor And The Mediating Role Of Team Efficacy,Journal Of Organizational Change Management(学院非核心期刊类),No.3.
刘军 吴隆增 许浚,2010.11,政治技能的前因与后果:一项追踪实证研究,《管理世界》(学院A),第一作者。
吴隆增 刘军 许浚,2010.3,职场排斥与员工组织公民行为:组织认同与集体主义倾向的作用,《南开管理评论》(学院B*),第36-44页,第二作者。
刘军 刘小禹 刘松博,2010.3,组织中的公权与私权领导研究思路探讨,《外国经济与管理》(学院C*),第46-51页,第一作者。
Liu Jun, Liu Xiaoyu & Tao Xiaobao,2010.7,Two-side Charismatic Leadership, Organizational Politics Perception, and Employee Innovation: A Mediation Model”, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Management Science ,pp.625-629, 第一作者,会议论文.
Liu Jun,2010.4, Psychological Ownership: How Having a Say Matters, 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Proceedings, 会议论文。
Wu Wei-Ku, Wang Wei, &Jun Liu,2010.11,Abusive Supervision and Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Role of Team Efficacy, 2010 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering 17th Annual Conference Proceedings, pp.903-908, 第三作者,会议论文。
Fu Pingping, Tsui Anne S.,Jun Liu, & Li Lan,2010.6,,Pursuit of Whose Happiness? Executive Leaders’ Transformational Behaviors and Personal Values”, Administrative Science Quarterly, pp.222-254,第三作者,学院EA。
Zhang Lingqing,Jun Liu, Loi Raymond, Lau Victor P., & Ngo Hang-yue,2010.7,Social Capital and Career Outcomes: A Study of Chinese Employees, International Journal of Human Resources Management, pp.1323-1336, 第二作者,学院EB。
Liu Yongmei,Jun Liu & Wu Longzeng,2010.11,Are You Willing and Able? Roles of Motivation, Power and Politics in Career Growth, Journal of Management, pp.1432-1460, 第二作者,学院EA。
Wei Liqun,Jun Liu, Chen Yuanyi, & Wu Longzeng,2010.5,Political Skill, Supervisor-Subordinate Guanxi and Career Prospects in Chinese Firms, Journal of Management Studies, pp.437-454,第二作者,学院EA。
Jun Liu, Kwan Ho Kwong, Wu Longzeng, & Wu Weiku, 2010,Abusive Supervision and Subordinate Supervisor-directed Deviance: The Moderating Role of Traditional Values and the Mediating Role of Revenge Cognitions, 2010 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering 17th Annual Conference Proceedings, 第一作者,EI.
Jun Liu, Fu P.P., & Liu, S.B.,2009,Conflicts in top management teams and team/firm outcomes: The moderating effects of conflict-handling approaches, International Journal of Conflict Management, 20(3), pp.228-250.
Liu, D, Jun Liu, Kwan, M., & Mao, Y.N. What can I gain as a mentor? The effect of mentoring on the job performance and social status of mentors in China, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(4), pp.871-895.
刘军 富萍萍 吴隆增,2009,信心领导:来自95家企业的证据,《管理学报》,第7卷,第4期,第464-471页。
刘军 吴隆增 林雨,2009,应对辱虐管理:下属逢迎与政治技能的作用机制研究,《南开管理评论》(学院B* 类),第2期。
刘彧彧 娄卓 刘军 宋继文,2009,企业声誉的影响因素及其对消费者口碑传播行为的作用,《管理学报》(学院B*类),第3期。
吴隆增 刘军 刘刚,2009,辱虐管理与员工表现:传统性与信任的作用,《心理学报》(学院B类),第6期。
刘军 章凯 仲理峰,2009,工作团队差序氛围的形成与影响:基于追踪数据的实证分析,《管理世界》(学院A类),第8期。
Wei, L.Q.,Jun Liu, Zhang, Y.C., & Chiu, R.K.,2008,The role of corporate culture in the process of SHRM: Evidence from Chinese enterprises, Human Resource Management, 47(4), pp.777-794.
吴维库 刘军 黄前进,2008,下属情商作为调节变量的中国企业高层魅力型领导行为研究,《系统工程理论与实践》,第28卷,第7期,第68-77页。
Fu, P.P., & Jun Liu,2008,Cross-cultural influence strategies and power sources”. In P. B. Smith, M. F. Peterson, & D. C. Thomas (Eds.), Handbook of Cross-Cultural Management Research ,pp. 239-252, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
刘小禹 刘军,2008,雇佣关系的变迁:员工性别、价值观及工作经历的影响模式.《系统工程理论与实践》,第28卷,第5期,第27-36, 76页。
Jun Liu, Fu, P.P., & Wu, W.K,2008,Firm environment, leader behaviors, and leadership effectiveness:An interactive model,Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2(1),pp. 50-66.
刘军 宋继文 吴隆增,2008,政治与关系视角的员工职业发展影响因素探讨,《心理学报》,第40卷,第2期,第201-209页。
刘军 富萍萍 张海娜,2008,下属权威崇拜观念对信心领导过程的影响:来自保险业的证据,《管理评论》,第19卷,第1期,第26-31页。
刘小禹 刘军 于广涛,2008,初始信念、组织诱引对员工心理契约变化的影响.《心理学报》,第40卷,第1期,第64-73页。
刘军 刘小禹 任兵,2007,员工离职:雇佣关系框架下的追踪研究,《管理世界》,,第12期,第88-95, 105页。
刘军 李永娟 富萍萍,2007,高层管理团队(TMT)价值观共享、冲突与绩效:一项实证检验.《管理学报》,第5卷,第4期,第644-653页。
Lau, D., Jun Liu., & Fu, P.P. ,2007,Feeling trusted by business leaders in China: Antecedents and the mediating role of value congruence, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24(3),第321-340页。
刘军 富萍萍,2007,结构方程模型应用陷阱分析,《数理统计与管理》,第26卷,第2期,第268-272页。
刘益 刘军 宋继文 吴维库,2007,不同情商水平下领导行为与员工组织承诺关系的实证研究.《南开管理评论》,第10卷,第2期,第12-18, 24页。
刘军 富萍萍 刘武,2007组织成员为何参与创新?――多理论视角的解释.《南大商学评论》,第11卷,第8-23页。
Weiku Wu, Yi Liu, Lynda Jiwen Song, Jun Liu,2007,Effects Of Organizational Leadership On Employee Commitment,Journal Of Psychology In Chinese Societies(学院非核心期刊类).
富萍萍 刘军,2007,价值观:领导力的种子,《北大商业评论》(学院C*类),第7期。
刘军 刘小禹 白新文,2007,雇佣关系变迁及其影响因素的实证检验,《经济科学》(学院C类),第2期。
于广涛 富萍萍 刘军 曲庆,2007,阴阳调和:中国人的价值取向与价值观结构,《南大商学评论》(学院C*类), 第4期。
Waldman, D.A., Sully de Luque, M., … Jun Liu, & associates,2006,Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries,” Journal of International Business Studies, 37(6), pp. 823-837.
刘军 吴维库 刘益,2006,我国企业领导价值观传递模式研究,《管理工程学报》,第20卷,第4期,第1-8页。
1,国家杰出青年基金项目“组织行为(项目批准号:71425003)”, 2015-2019。