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1994. 02 — 1995.08 中国保险管理干部学院 助教 2001. 06 — 2004. 08 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院系统所 2002. 08 — 2002. 11 香港中文大学统计系 助研 2002 01 — 2003. 12 加拿大国家数据库高等研究中心 博士后 2004. 01 — 2004. 07 加拿大卡尔加里数学与统计系 博士后 2004. 11 — 2005. 02 香港中文大学统计系 副研究员 2005. 07 — 2007. 02 香港中文大学统计系、香港浸会大学数学系 博士后 2007. 08 — 2007. 11 香港浸会大学数学系 访问学者 2008. 03 — 2008. 06 香港浸会大学数学系 访问学者 2008. 07 — 2009. 01 德国洪堡大学,SFB 649 Fellow 中方首席科学家 2008. 10 — 2009. 11 澳大利亚墨尔本大学, Research Fellow 2009. 12 — 2010. 01 德国洪堡大学,SFB 649 Fellow 中方首席科学家 2010. 10 — 2010. 11 德国洪堡大学,SFB 649 Fellow 中方首席科学家 2011. 07 — 2011. 07 香港中文大学统计系 访问学者 2011. 12 — 2012. 03 美国耶鲁大学医学院 高级访问教授 2012. 07 — 2012. 09 英国曼切斯特大学数学学院、布鲁奈尔大学数学系高级访问教授 2012. 11 — 2012. 12 日本东京大学数学信息系 访问教授 2012. 12 — 2013. 01 意大利佛罗伦萨大学经济学院 访问教授 2015. 09 — 2015. 10 Rhodes, 希腊 2015. 11 — 2015. 11 日本同志社大学 2017. 01 — 2017. 03 美国哥伦比亚大学 2004. 06 — 至今 中国人民大学 副教授、教授、博士生导师


分位回归; 分层模型; 分层分位回归建模; 适应性平滑; 数据建模; 贝叶斯统计推断; 计算机密集计算; 极值和重尾分布; 函数型数据分析; 金融、经济计量与风险管理; 高阶降维; 统计中的逆问题; 大样本理论; 大范围数据分析; 模型选择; 非参数半参数建模; 顺序统计量; 量化金融; 稳健统计量; 鞍点逼近及应用; 时空建模; 统计诊断; 流行病风险中的统计方法; 随机模拟; 时间序列建模; 波动率模型


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Yu, Z., Yu, K. M., Härdle, W. K, Zhang, X. L., Wang, K. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modeling for Costs of Alcohol-related Hospital Discharges, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society . 1–24, https://doi.org/10.1111/rssa.12963 , (SCI). Ma, S. P. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Heteroscedasticity Testing for Semi-parametric Multi-index Models Based on Partial Dimension Reduction Method. Science in China Series A: Mathematics , https://doi.org/10.1360/SSM-2019-0288 , (SCI, EI, Q1), (CSSCI). Liang, J. W., Zhang, X. L., Wang, K., Tang, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Discovering Dynamic Models of COVID-19 Transmission. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, https://doi.org/10.1111/tbed.14263, (SCI, Q1). Yang, H. X., Xiong, W., Zhang, X. L., Wang, K. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Penalized Homophily Latent Space Models for Directed Scale-free Networks. Plos One , 16(8): e0253873. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0253873, (SCI, Q1). Zhou, P., Yu, Z., Tian, M. Z. and Ma, J. Y. (2022). Communication-Efficient Distributed Estimation for Generalized Linear Models with a Diverging Number of Covariates. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , 157 ,107154, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2020.107154, (SCI). Yang, Z., Wang, C. C., Nie, Y.W., Sun, Y. H., Tian, M. Z., Ma, Y. H., Zhang, Y. X., Yuan, Y. M. and Zhang, L. P. (2022). Investigation on spatial variability and influencing factors of drinking water iodine in Xinjiang, China. Plos One , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261015 (SCI, Q1). Zhang, Y. X., Wang, Q. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Smoothed Quantile Regression with Factor-augmented Regularized Selection Model. Mathematics - Mathematics and Computer Science, 10, 2935, 1–30, https://doi.org/10.3390/math10162935, (SCI, Q1). Wang, C. Y., Tian, M. Z. and Tang, M. L. (2022). Nonparametric Quantile Regression with Missing Data Using Local Estimating Equations. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics , 34 (1), (SCI). Wang, K., Luan, Z. M., Guo, Z. H., Ran, J. J., Tian, M. Z. and Zhao, S. (2022). The association between clinical severity and incubation period of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variants: A retrospective observational study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance , No. #40751, to appear, (SCI, IF:14.557/Q1) Rui, R. X.,Tian, M. Z. and Xiong, W. (2022). Exploration of the Impact of Political Ideology Disparity for COVID-19 Transmission in the United States. BMC Public Health . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14545-3, (SCI, IF:4.135/Q2) Wang, Z. H., Bai, Y. X., Härdle, W. K, and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Smoothed Quantile Regression for Partially Functional Linear Models in High Dimensions. No. bimj.202200060.R2 , Biometrical Journal , to appear, (SCI, IF:1.715/Q2) Liu, Y. X., Wang, Z. H., Tian, M. Z. and Yu, K. M. (2022). Estimation and variable selection for generalized functional partially varying coefficient hybrid models, No. STPA-D-22-00330R1, Statistical Papers , to appear, (SCI, IF:1.523/Q3) Yu, Z. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). First Passage Density of Brownian Motion with Two-sided Piecewise Linear Boundaries. the Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, AMSE-2021-0090.R2, to appear, (SCI). Liang, J. W. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Sparse Regression for Low Dimensional Time Dynamic Varying Coefficient Models with Application to Air Quality Data. Journal of Applied Statistics , https://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2022.2028131 , (SCI). Xiong, W., Tang, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Robust and Sparse Learning of Varying Coefficient Models with High-dimensional features. Journal of Applied statistics , No.CJAS-2021-0509.R1, to appear, (SCI). Ma, S. P., Zhang, X. L., Wang K., Zhang, L. P., Wang, L., Zeng, T., Tang, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Exploring the Risk Factors of COVID-19 Delta Variant in the USA Based on Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Analysis, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 1–14 , DOI: 10.1111/tbed.14623 , (SCI, Q1). Nie, Y. W., Lu, Y. Q., Wang, C. C., Yang, Z., Sun, Y. H., Zhang, Y. X., Tian, M. Z., Rifhat, R. and Zhang, L. P. (2022). Effects and Interaction of Meteorological Factors on Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Urumqi, China, 2013–2019. Frontiers in Public Health , Vol. 10, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.951578, (SCI). (IF:6.461) Luan, Z. M., Yu, Z. X., Zeng, T., Wang, R. and Tian, M. and Wang, K., (2022). A Study on the Factors Influencing the Transfer of COVID-19 Severe Illness Patients out of the ICU based on Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 19 (10): 10602–10617, (SCI). Liang, J. W., Härdle and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Imputed Quantile Tensor Regression for Near-sited Spatial-temporal Data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis , No. CSDA-S-21-01780, accept, (SCI). Yang, Z., Li, C., Wang, C. C., Nie, Y. W., Zhang, Y. X., Tian, M. Z., Zhang, L. P. (2022). Assessing the impact of meteorological conditions on outpatient visits for childhood respiratory diseases in Urumqi, China. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 15, 921–931, (SCI). Nie, Y. W., Wang, C. C., Yang, L., Yang, Z., Sun, Y. H., Tian, M. Z., Ma, Y. H., Zhang, Y. X., Yuan, Y. M. and Zhang, L. P. (2022). Relationship Analysis of Inorganic Arsenic Exposure and Metabolic Syndrome based on Propensity Score Matching in Xinjiang,China. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 15,921–931, (SCI). Hu, Y. N., Wang, J. T. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Estimation and Variable Selection for Semiparametric Spatial Quantile Regression Model. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 1-15, https://doi.org/10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.20210722-006 , accept, (CSSCI, CSCD). Hou, J., Wang, Z. H., Tian, M. Z. and Dou, Y. (2022). Research on Influencing Factors of House Prices Based on Multi-Bandwidth GWTR Model. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 1-12, https://doi.org/10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.20210722-025 , (CSSCI, CSCD). Hu, Y. N., Wang, J. T. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). High-dimensional Partially Linear Additive Spatial Quantile Regressive Model. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No.20-0D85, accept, (CSSCI, CSCD). Zhang, Y. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Joint Modeling of Count-Continuous Data and Its Application. Statistics & Decision , 38 (13), 46–51, (CSSCI). Gülistan, G, and Tian, M.Z. (2022). Construction of Test Statistics for Odds Ratio Under Independent Inverse Sampling, Statistics and Decision , 38 (05), 5–10,(CSSCI). Liang, Y. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Epidemic Modeling Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Spatio-temporal Poisson Model. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences , 42 (2), 462–472, (CSCD). Liang, Y. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2022).Quantile Regression Estimation of Spatial Partial Linear Variable Coefficient Models. Statistics and Decision , 38 (09) 36–41, (CSSCI). Zhang, L. P., Kurbanyaz, G, and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Comprehensive Evaluation of Competitiveness Level of Catering Industry in Xinjiang Based on PCA-TOPSIS Method, Statistics and Management , accept. 37 (1),102–108. Zhou, X., and Tian, M.Z. (2022). Research on the Level of Regional Economic Development Based on Factor Analysis and Canonical Correlation Analysis -A Case Study of Xinjiang, Statistics and Management , 37 (1),42–47. Yu, Z., Ju, T. T., Wang, C. J. and Tian, M. Z., (2022). Hierarchical Shrinkage Models via Variational Bayes and Its Application. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No.21–0129, accept, (CSSCI, CSCD). Gülistan, K., Meng, L. J., and Tian, M.Z. (2022). Bayesian analysis of novel coronavirus pneumonia data in Urumqi, Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities , 37(2): 226–236 (CSCD). Liang, Y. Y., Cao, S. Z., Zhou, M. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2022).Regional division of air quality governance based on pseudo-quantile clustering with the view of functional data. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, , No. 21–0062, to appear, (CSSCI, CSCD). Hu, Y. N., Yin, W. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). How Does the Minimum Wage Affect The Manufacturing Labor Cost? —Analysis Based on The Panel Data Quantile Treatment Effect Model. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No. 21–0288, to appear, (CSSCI, CSCD). Zhou, M. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Parameter Estimation Based on Guass-Seidel Type Iterative Hierarchical Linear Model. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No., accept, (CSCD). Liang, Y. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Estimation of Binary Penalty Spline Quantile Regression for Spatial Varying Coefficient Model. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No. 2021 –, under review, (CSSCI). Liu, Y. X., Wang, Z. H. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Composite Quantile Estimation for Varying Coefficient Partially Functional Linear Models. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No. 2020.08.16.0001, (CSSCI, CSCD). Zuo, Q., Luo, Y. X., Tian, M. Z. and Zhao, X. Y. (2022). Unconditional quantile regression for panel data with fixed effect and its application. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No. 190506, (CSSCI, CSCD). Sun, Y. H., Tian, M. Z., Nie, Y. W., Yang, Z. and Zhang, L. P. (2022). Application of Spatial Panel Data Model in the Analysis of National Tuberculous Surveillance Data from 2015 to 2019. Chinese Preventive Medicine , 23(6) 436–441(CSCD). Zhang, L. P. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Parameter inference of inverse Weibull distribution under Progressively Type-II Censored Data, Journal of Shandong University of Technology (Natural Science Edition), accept , (CSCD). Meng, L. J., Dai, X. W., Chen, X. K. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Profile Likelihood Estimation of Spatial Variable Coefficient Stratified Autocorrelation Model and Its Application. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica , ?4 (2), 1?–?4, (CSCD), under review, (CSSCI). Zhang, L. P. and Tian, M. Z. (2022). Parameter inference of inverse Weibull distribution under generalized progressive hybrid censoring scheme, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences , ?1(?3):?8 – 8?, (CSSCI, CSCD). Nie, Y. W., Ma, Y. H., Wang, C. C., Tian, M. Z., Yang, Z., Sun, Y. H., Zhang, Y. X., Rifhat, R. and Zhang, L. P. (2022). Analysis of HPV Infection Characteristics and Trend of Cohort Population in Karamay City, Xinjiang, 2010-2019 based on Joinpoint and APC Model, 2013–2019. Modern Preventive Medicine , 49 (11), 1921 – 1925, (CSCD). Kurbanyaz, G, and Tian, M.Z. (2022). Spatial Heteroscedasticity Test for Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression Models, Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , No. 21–0215, to appear, , (CSSCI, CSCD). Haritebieke, S., Bahani, M., Nie, Y. W., Tian, M. Z., Zhang, L. P. (2022). Incidence trend and age-period-cohort analysis of pulmonary tuberculosis in China. Chinese Preventive Medicine :1-10. Xiong, W., Wang, J., Pan, H. and Tian, M.Z. (2022). Research on Multiple Robust Imputation for High-dimensional Missing Data. Journal of Statistical and Information , 38 (2):1 –14 , (CSSCI). Bai, Y. X., Tian, M. Z., Tang, M. L. and Lee, W. Y. (2021). Variable Selection for Ultra-high Dimensional Quantile Regression with Missing Data and Measurement Error. Statistical Methods in Medical Research , 30 (1), 129–150, (SCI, Q1). Rui, R. X., Tian, M. Z., Tang, M. L., Ho, T. S. and Wu, C. H. (2021). Analysis of the Spread of COVID-19 in the USA with Spatio-Temporal Multivariate Time Series Model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 18 (2), 774, (SCI, Q2). Tian, Y. Z. Tang, M. L. Chan, W. S. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Bayesian Bridge-Randomized Penalized Quantile Regression for Ordinal Longitudinal Data, with Application to Firm's Bond Ratings. Computational Statistics , 36 (2), 1289–1319, (SCI). Rui, R. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Joint Estimation of Case Fatality Rate of COVID-19 and Power of Quarantine Strategy Performed in Wuhan, China. Biometrical Journal , 63 (1), 46–58, (SCI, Q3). Ma, S. P., Sun, Q. H, Wu, Y. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Research on Tensor Sufficient Dimension Reduction Method and Its Application. Statistical Research , 38 (02):114-134, (CSSCI). Yan, M. B. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Selection of High Dimensional Variables Based on Randomized Adaptive Lasso. Statistical Research , 38 (1): 147-160, (CSSCI). Bai, Y. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Variable Selection for Sparse Nonlinear Functional Model. Statistical Research , 38 (5):109 – 120. (CSSCI). Wang, Z. H, Liu, Y. X., Tian, M. Z. and Chen, X. K. (2021). Functional Partially Varying Coefficient Models for Zero-Inflated Count Data. Statistical Research , 38 (7), 127 – 139, (CSSCI). Tian, Y. Z., Wang, L. Y. Tang, M. L., and Tian, M. Z. (2021), Weighted Composite Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Mixed Effects Models with Application to AIDS Studies. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , 50 (6), 1837–1853, (SCI, EI) Dai, X. W., Li, E. Q. and Tian, M.Z. (2021). Quantile Regression for Varying Coefficient Spatial Error Models, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods , 50 (10), 2382–2397, (SCI, EI). Liu, Y. X., Rui, R. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). A Novel Profile Composite Quantile Regression Estimation for the Partial Linear Variable-Coefficient Model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica , 44 (2), 159–174, (CSCD). Cao, R. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Study on Executive Compensation of Private Listed Companies Based on Unconditional Quantile Regression, Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice , 41(1): 24–33, (EI, CSCD). Kurbanyaz, G, Meng, L. J., and Tian, M.Z. (2021). Confidence Interval Construction for Conditional Odds Ratio in Matched-Pair Design, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences , 41(03):824 – 836. (SCD). Zhang, Y. X., Meng, S. W., and Tian, M. Z. (2021). A Semi-parametric Bayesian Hierarchical Quantile Regression Model and Its Application in Analysis of Insurance Company Costs. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 40 (3):381 – 394, (CSSCI, CSCD). Hou, J. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Parameter Estimation of Mixed-GTWR Based on Variable Selection. Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory , 51(7), 110–118, (CSCD). Liu, Y., An, B. W. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Likelihood Test and Model Comparison of Zero-and-one-inflated Poisson Model. Statistics & Decision , 37 (13), 20–24, (CSSCI, CSCD). Chu, Z. J., Tai, L. N., Xiong, W., Guo, X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). The Horvitz-Thompson Weighting Method for Quantile Regression Estimation in the Presence of Missing Covariates. Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications , 41(3):303-322, (CSCD). Zhou, M. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Statistical Inference of Hierarchical Linear Regression Model Based on Nested Structure. Statistics and Application , 10 (1), 173–182, (CSCD). Tian, Y., Ma, S. P., Rui, R. X., Yu, Z. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). The Analysis of Impact of Brexit on the Post-Brexit EU Using Intervented Multivariate Time Series, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 37 (3), 441–458, (SCI). Zhang, Y. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Research and Application of Partial Linear Single Index Composite Quantile Regression Based on Bayesian. J ournal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences , 41(5):1381–1399., (CSSCI). Liu, Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Analysis of The Temporal and Spatial Differences of the Expenditure of Basic Pension Fund for Urban Workers–Based on GTWR Model and Panel Quantile Regression Model. Journal of Shanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 35 (1):22–28., (CSCD). Liu, Y. X., Wang, Z. H., Rui, R. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Estimation for Generalized Functional Partially Varying Coefficient Hybrid Models. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences , 41 (6), 1742-1760, (CSCD). Rui, R. X., Liu, Y. X., Wang, Y. H. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). High-dimensional Conditional Mean Hypothesis Test and Its Application in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, 40 (4), 571–584, (CSSCI, CSCD). Cao, S. Z. and Tian, M. Z. (2021).Bayesian estimation of exponential distribution parameters based on uninformed priori under Stein loss function. Value Engineering , 33, 164 –168, (CSSCI). Tian, Y. Z., Tang, M. L., and Tian, M. Z. (2021), Bayesian Joint Inference for Multivariate Quantile Regression Model With L_1/2 Penalty. Computational Statistics , 36(6), 2967–2994 , (SCI, EI). Tian, Y. Z. and Tian, M. Z. (2021). Bayesian LASSO-Regularized Weighted Composite Quantile Regression with Its Application . Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. Vol. 37 (4): 390–404. Li, E. Q., Tian, M. Z. and Tang, M. L. (2020). Variable Selection in Competing Risks Models Based on Quantile Regression. Statistics in Medicine , 38 (23): 4670–4685, (SCI). Qian, M. L., Tao, L., Li, E. Q. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Hypothesis Testing for Identity of High-dimensional Covariance Matrices. Statistics and Probability Letters , 161,1–12, (SCI). Bai, Y. X., Qian, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Joint Mean-covariance Random Effect Model for Longitudinal Data. Biometrical Journal, 62, 7-23, (SCI). Wu, Y. K., Hu, Y. N., Zhou, J. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Simultaneous Estimation of Multiple Conditional Regression Quantiles, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 36 (2), 448–457, (SCI) Tian, Y. Z., Wang, L. Y., Tang, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020), Likelihood-based Quantile Mixed Effects Models for Longitudinal Data with Multiple Features via MCEM Algorithm, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation , https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2018.1484477 , 49 (2), 317–334, (SCI, EI). Xia, L. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Penalty likelihood estimation for a class of constrained generalized additive model with zero-inflated count data. Statistics and Decision , 36 (2), 16 – 20, (CSSCI). Dai, X. W., Yan, Z., Tian, M. Z. and Tang, M. L. (2020). Quantile Regression for General Spatial Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. Journal of Applied Statistics , 47 (1), 45–60, (SCI). Dai, X. W., Jin, L. B., Tian, Y. Z., Tian, M. Z. and Tang, M. L. (2020). Quantile Regression for Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects under Random Censoring. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods , 49 (18), 4430–4445, (SCI, EI). Wu, Y. K., Tian, M. Z. and Tang, M. L. (2020). General Composite Quantile Regression: Theory and Methods. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods , 49 (9), 2217–2236, (SCI, EI). Yang, L., Tao, L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Qunatile Regression Based on Multi-period DID Method and Its Applications. Statistics & Decision , 5, 25–28, (CSSCI). Tai, L. N., Qian, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Sample Selection Parametric Quantile Regression and Its Application in Distribution Decomposition of Wage, Statistical Research , 37(1), 62–73 (CSSCI). Tai, L. N., Tao, L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Innovation Ideas of Government Statistics Work Based on Big Data Supply Chain. Statistics & Decision , 12, 156 –159, (CSSCI). Liang, J. W. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Outlier Diagnosis and Estimation via Volume Sampling in Big Data. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 39 (2), 223–235, (CSCD, CSSCI). Tian, Y. Z., Wang, L. Y., Tang, M. L., Zang, Y. C. and Tian, M. Z. (2020), Likelihood-based Quantitle Autoregressive Distributed Lag Models and Its Applications. Journal of Applied Statistics , 47 (1), 117–131, (SCI). Liang, J. W. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Sufficient Dimension Reduction Method based on Maximin Effect for Heterogeneous Data. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences , 40 (5), 902–916, (CSCD). Tao, L., Tai, L. N. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Quantile Regression for Panel Data with Fixed Effects and Comparative Research. Statistics and Decision , 17, 9–13, (CSSCI). Mu, J. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Model with Multivariate Laplace Distribution and Its Application. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 39 (3) : 438–448, (CSSCI, CSCD). Yan, M. B. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Variable Significance Test after Selection under Various Distributions and Its Application to CEPS Data. Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science , 40 (1): 141 – 155, (CSCD). Wang, Z. H., Tian, M. Z. and Hou, Z. M. (2020). Measuring Quantile Effects Based on Partial Least Squares Path Model, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Science , 40 (4): 738–750, (CSCD). Bai, Y. X., Yan, M. B., Tian, M. Z. and Zhai, H. W. (2020). Evaluating the Quality of Multidimensional Statistical Data Based on the Bootstrap Method. Statistics & Decision ,11, 5–9, (CSSCI). Zhang, C. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Based on Bayes. Statistics and Decision , 1, 32-35, (CSSCI). Luo, Y. X., Zhang, M. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). The Research and Application of Additive Quantile Regression Models for Panel Data. Statistical Research , , 37 (2), 105–118, (CSSCI). Hou, Z. M., Tian, M. Z., Wang, Z. H. and Dou, Y. (2020). Study on The Impact of Technological Innovation on the Urbanization and Urban-rural Income Inequality—An Empirical Analysis Based on Western National Agglomeration Area. Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory , 50 (2),53–64, (CSSCI, CSCD). Guo, J. X., Xu, H., Zhu, W. Q. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Research on Tensor Sufficient Dimension Reduction Method and Its Application. Statistical Research , 37(10),104 – 114, (CSSCI). Liu, Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Pricing of "Take Photos and Make Money" APP Task Based on Logistic Regression Model, China Price , 8, 98 –101, (CSSCI) Hu, Y. N., Wang, J. T. and Tian, M. Z. (2020). Foreign Trade, Technological Progress and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study Based on the Spatial Panel Simultaneous Equations. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 39(5), 771–787, (CSSCI, CSCD). Tian, M. Z. and Mei, B. (2019). Tilting Quantile Regression Modeling of Functional Data and Its Applications. Statistical Research , 36 (8), 114 –128, (CSSCI). Tao, L., Zhang, Y. J., and Tian, M. Z. (2019). Quantile Regression for Dynamic Panel Data Using Hausman-Taylor Instrumental Variables, Computational Economics , 53:1033–1069 (SSCI, SCI). Dai, X. W., Jin, L. B., Tian, M. Z. and Shi, L. (2019). Bayesian Local Influence for Spatial Autoregressive Models with Heteroscedasticity. Statistical Papers , 60:1423–1446, (SCI). Tian, Y. Z., Shen, S. L., Lu, G., Tang, M. L. and Tian, M. Z. (2019), Bayesian LASSO-Relarized Quantile Regression for Linear Regression Models with Autoregressive Errors, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation , 48 (3): 777 –796, (SCI, EI). Zhu, F. Y., Yue, T. Z., Wang, K., Liu, X. and Tian, M. Z. (2019). Application of Text Clustering Technique on Conan Doyle's Works. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management, 38 (5): 882 –898, (CSSCI, CSCD). Hu, Y. N., Wang, C. Y. and Tian, M. Z. (2019). Variable Selection for Joint Modeling of Longitudinal Data and Survival Time. Journal of Applied Statistics and Management , 38(3), 483–494, (CSSCI, CSCD). Hu, Y. N. and Tian, M. Z. (2019). Joint Modeling and Variable Selection for Zero-Inflated Count Data, Statistical Research , 36 (1): 104 –114, (CSSCI). Wang, Y. R., Bai, Y. X. and Tian, M. Z. (2019). 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1) 2018.01 — 至今 全国统计科学研究计划项目评审专家 2) 2017.09 — 至今 中国现场统计研究会第十届理事会理事 3) 2017.09 — 至今 北京市社科联专家 4) 2017.08 — 至今 首批中国人民大学“杰出学者”青年学者 5) 2017.08 — 至今 国际生物统计学会中国分会 (IBS-China) 常务理事 6) 2017.03 — 至今 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心通讯评审专家 7) 2016.03 — 至今 北京高校少数民族代表人士 8) 2016.04 — 至今 北京市哲学社会科学评奖专家 9) 2016.03 — 2019.02 新疆维吾尔自治区“天山学者” 10) 2015.06 — 至今 北京市科学技术委员会专家 11) 2015.11 — 至今 国家社科基金同行评议专家 12) 2015.10 — 至今 国家出版基金评审专家 13) 2015.10 — 至今 国家社科中华学术外译专家 14) 2015.04 — 至今 中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会常务理事 15) 2014.10 — 至今 中国概率统计学会第十届理事会理事 16) 2014.04 — 至今 中国博士后科学基金会评审专家 17) 2013.08 — 2017.07 国际生物统计学会中国分会 (IBS-China) 常务理事 18) 2013.05 — 至今 北京市自然科学基金评审专家 19) 2013.03 — 2015.02 甘肃省“飞天学者” 20) 2013.02 — 至今 长江学者评审专家 21) 2012.02 — 至今 国家留学基金评审专家 22) 2012.10 — 至今 中国现场统计研究会生存分析分会秘书长 23) 2011.03 — 至今 全国教育科学规划学科组专家 24) 2011.03 — 至今 北京市哲学社会科学学科评审组成员 25) 2011.03 — 至今 交通运输部规划研究院等重大项目评审、验收专家 26) 2011.02 — 至今 教育部人文社科项目评审专家 27) 2010.08 — 至今 美国统计协会会员 (ID. 165873) 28) 2010.01 — 2015.05 北京市科学技术委员会专家 29) 2010.06 — 至今 国际计量经济协会会员(ID. 1734779) 30) 2008.11 — 至今 《统计学评论》(Statistics Review) 副主编 31) 2008.11 — 至今 《统计研究》(Statistics Research) 编委 32) 2008.11 — 至今 国家自然科学基金同行评议专家 33) 2008.07 — 2010.10 德国洪堡大学,SFB 649 FELLOW, 中方首席科学家 34) 2006.01 — 至今 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中国人民大学应用统计科 学研究中心副主任 35) 2006.03 — 至今 教育部“留学回国人员科研启动基金”评审专家 36) 2007.09 — 至今 中国人民大学概率论与数理统计研究所副所长 37) 2001.01 — 至今 担任超过50 本国际国内杂志的审稿人
