2013.01-2017.07 中国人民大学统计学院,讲师
2017.08- 2022.07 中国人民大学统计学院,副教授
2022.08-至今 中国人民大学统计学院,教授
联合国工业发展组织环境与社会治理(ESG) 东营试点及其学理研究(编号:2022K20095),事业单位项目,2022.4-2023.3,项目负责人,在研
大数据背景下子样本异质性和同质性的分析与识别方法研究 (编号:2019LZ11),全国统计科研项目重点项目,2019. 10-2021. 10,项目负责人,已结项
复杂耦合系统动力学重构方法研究 (编号:18XNB004),中国人民大学科学研究基金,2018.1-2020.12,项目负责人,已结项
基于自旋玻璃理论的网络博弈纯策略纳什均衡计算和社会有效状态实现路径问题研究 (编号:11605288),国家自然基金青年基金项目,2017.1-2019.12,项目负责人,已结项
我国高校毕业生就业迁移模式与影响因素研究 (编号:16YJCZH088),2016. 9-2019.9,项目负责人,已结项
北京教育基本公共服务水平评价研究 (编号:2014010241),北京市教育科学规划重点项目,2014. 8-2017,第二参与人,已结项
1. Yifan Sun, Ziye Luo, Xinyan Fan*. Robust structured heterogeneity analysis approach for high-dimensional data. Statistics in Medicine, 2022, to appear.
2. Ziye Luo, Xinyue Yao, Yifan Sun*, Xinyan Fan*. Regression-based heterogeneity analysis to identify overlapping subgroup structure in high-dimensional data. Biometrial Journal, 2022, to appear.
3. Ziye Luo, Yuzhao Zhang, Yifan Sun*. Estimating heterogeneous covariate effects with penalization. Genes, 13(4):702,2022.
4. Zihan Li, Ziye Luo, Yifan Sun*. Robust nonparametric integrative analysis to decipher heterogeneity and commonality across subgroups using sparse boosting. Statistics in Medicine, 41(9):1658-1687,2022.
5. Xue Yu, Yifan Sun*, Haijun Zhou*. An adaptive shortest-solution guided decimation approach to sparse high-dimensional linear regression. Scientific Reports, 11:24034,2021.
6. Ziqiao Yin, Binghui Guo*, Shuangge Ma*, Yifan Sun, Zhilong Mi, Zhiming Zheng. DReSS: a method to quantitatively describe the influence of structural perturbations on state spaces of genetic regulatory networks. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 22(4):bbaa315,2021.
7. Sanguo Zhang, Xiaonan Hu, Ziye Luo, Yu Jiang, Yifan Sun*, Shuangge Ma*. Biomarker-guided heterogeneity analysis of genetic regulations via multivariate sparse fusion. Statistics in Medicine, 40(17):3915-3936,2021.
8. 孙怡帆,王彩晶,罗梓烨*. 基于变系数模型的高维数据异同性识别方法研究. 统计研究,38(5):136-146,2021.
9. Huangdi Yi, Qingzhao Zhang, Yifan Sun*, Shuangge Ma*. Assisted estimation of gene expression graphical models. Genetic Epidemiology, 45(4): 372-385, 2021.
10. Yang Li, Fan Wang, Rong Li, Yifan Sun*. Semiparametric integrative interaction analysis for non-small-cell lung cancer. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29: 2865-2880, 2020.
11. Yifan Sun, Zhengyang Sun, Yu Jiang,Yang Li, Shuangge Ma*. An integrative sparse boosting analysis of cancer genomic commonality and difference. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29: 1325-1337, 2020.
12. Yifan Sun, Jiang Yu, Yang Li, Shuangge Ma*. Identification of cancer omics commonality and difference via community fusion. Statistics in Medicine, 38: 1200-1212, 2019
13. Yifan Sun, Kunfeng Pan*, Zhangli He, Intercity migration behavior of Chinese graduates: from home region to work. The Annals of Regional Science, 64: 111-132, 2019.
14. 孙怡帆,吴梦云,史兴杰,高维大数据基因网络中的社区发现—以NC方法为例,统计研究, 36(3): 124-128, 2019
15. Yi-Fan Sun*, Zheng-Yang Sun, Target observation of complex networks, Physica A-Statistical mechanics and its applications, 517: 233-245, 2019
16. 孙怡帆,潘坤峰,孙正阳,何章立,大学生毕业去向预测的思路与方法 ——基于机器学习算法的尝试,教育学术月刊,1,2019
17. Yi-Fan Sun, Hai-Jun Zhou*, Serving by local consensus in the public service location game, Scientific Reports 6: 32502, 2016
18. Yifan Sun, Optimal selection of nodes to propagate influence on networks, Eurs. Phys. J.B, 89:253-262, 2016
19. 潘昆峰,何章立,孙怡帆*,中文顶级教育类期刊的论文偏好模式与期刊影响力,中国高教研究,4,2016
20. 孙怡帆,邢景丽,杜子芳,基本公共服务绩效评价指标体系的构建,统计与决策,3,2016
21. 杜子芳,雷小乔,孙怡帆*,北京教育基本公共服务水平测评,调研世界,1,2016
22. YiFan Sun, Statistical mechanics of the fashion game on networks, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P023203, 2016
23. 孙怡帆,李赛, 基于相似度的微博社交网络的社区发现方法, 12, 2014
24. Yifan Sun, Kunfeng Pan*, Prediction of intercity migration of Chinese graduates, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P12022, 2014
25. Florent Krzakala*, Marc Mézard, François Sausset, Yifan Sun and Lenka Zdeborová, Statistical-physics-based reconstruction in compressed sensing, Physical Review X, 2:021005, 2012
26. Florent Krzakala*, Marc Mezard, Francois Sausset,, Yifan Sun and Lenka Zdeborova, Probabilistic reconstruction in compressed sensing: algorithms, phase diagrams, and threshold achieving matrices, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P08009, 2012
27. Yifan Sun, Andrea Crisanti, Florent Krzakala*, Luca Leuzzi and Lenka Zdeborova, Following states in temperature in the spherical s+p-spin model, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, P07002, 2012
28. SUN Yi-Fan, Phase transitions in q-states signal reconstruction, Commun. Theor. Phys, 57: 1095-1100, 2012
29. Binghui Guo, Wei Wei*, Yifan Sun, Zhiming Zheng, Algebraic characteristics and satisfiability threshold of random Boolean equations, Physical Review E, 81L 030122, 2010
30. Y.F. Sun*, B.H. Guo, W. Wei and Z.M. Zheng, On the thresholds in linear and nonlinear Boolean equations, Eurs. Phys. J.B, 76:123-146, 2010
2016-至今 概率论与数理统计党支部书记
2018-至今 概率论与数理统计教研室主任
2018-至今 全国工业统计学教学研究会第九届理事会理事