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教育背景 1986年7月毕业于中国人民大学工业经济系,获经济学学士学位 1989年7月毕业于中国人民大学投资经济系,获投资经济与投资管理硕士学位 1999年1月毕业于伦敦大学(UNIVERSITY OF LONDON),获金融学博士学位 工作经历 1989年9月至1994年4月,中国人民大学投资经济系讲师 1994年5月至1999年10月,中国人民大学财金学院副教授 1999年3月至2005年,新加坡国立大学商学院金融系助理教授,副教授 2003年至今,中国人民大学财政金融学院金融学教授,应用金融系主任 2010年至2014年任教育部重点研究基地,中国财政金融政策研究中心主任 2014年至今中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院执行副院长




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Can Public Medical Insurance Promote Rural Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China(with Xiaojun Shi and Teng Zhong), Applied Economics, DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2021.1899118, 2021. The Agency Cost of Political Connections: Evidence from China's File 18 (with Yi Hu, Gang Xiao, Jianyu Zeng), Pacific Basin Finance Journal 56,64: 0-101426, 2020. The Role of Investment Bankers in Mundefinedamp;As: New Evidence on Acquirers’ Financial Conditions (with Jie Guo, Xiaofei Xing), Journal of Banking and Finance 119, 2020,1-19. Parasites and Paragons: Ownership Reform and Concentrated Interest among Minority Shareholders (with Nan Jia, Jing Shi, Yongxiang Wang), Journal of Management Studies 57, 129-162,2020. The Value of Political Connections in Opaque Firms: Evidence from China's File 18 (with Yi Hu, Gang Xiao, Jianyu Zeng), Pacific Basin Finance Journal 55, 329-351, 2019. Liquidity, Liquidity Risk and Stock Returns: Evidence from Japan, European Financial Management, 2014, Vol. 20, 126-151, Are Chinese Warrants Derivatives? Evidence from Connections to Their Underlying Stocks (with Tang Ke), Quantitative Finance,2013. Corporate Governance and Firm Liquidity: Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market (with Tang Ke), Journal of Emerging Markets Financeundefinedamp;Trade, 2012, Vol.47. 47-60 Understanding Seasoned Equity Offerings of Chinese Firms (with Bo Hong, Huang Zhangnan), Journal of Bankingundefinedamp;Finance, 2010, Vol.35. 1143-1157. Information Diffusion and Overreaction:Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market (with Xie Lei),Emerging MarketsFinance undefinedamp; Trade, 2010, Vol.46. No.2. 80-100. American Futures Options Arbitrage: Evidence from the Nikkei 225 Options Market (with Zhang Wei, Weng Tan Kit),Quantitative Finance,2008 Vol.8. No.3. 313-320. Ownership and Operating Performance of Chinese IPOs,Journal of Banking undefinedamp; Finance, 2005, Vol.29. No.7. 1835-1856. Profitability of Return and Volume-based Investment Strategies in China’s Stock Market (with S.T. Chin). Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2004, Vol. 12, 541-564. Extreme Volumes and Expected Stock Returns: Evidence from the China’s Stock Market (with N. S. Cheng). Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2004, Vol. 12, 577-597. Trading Activity and Futures Price Reversals (with M. Yu). Journal of Banking and Finance, 2004, Vol.28, 1337-1361. Futures Trading Activity and Predictable Foreign Exchange Market Movements. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2004, Vol. 28, 1023-1041. The Behavior and Performance of Major Types of Futures Traders, Journal of Futures Markets, 2003, Vol. 23, 1-23. Net Position by Type of Trader and Volatility in Foreign Currency Futures Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, 2002, Vol.22, 427-450. Investor Sentiment and Return Predictability in Agricultural Futures Markets, Journal of Futures Markets, 2001, Vol.21,925-952.
