2000-2004 清华大学 理学学士
2004-2009 清华大学 理学博士
2009-2020 中国人民大学财政金融学院 讲师,副教授
2020-至今 中国人民大学财政金融学院 教授
18.Dynamic Optimal Adjustment Policies of Hybrid Pension Plans (with Zongxia Liang and Sheng Wang), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, forthcoming.
17.Optimal Asset Allocation, Consumption and Retirement Time with the Variation in Habitual Persistence (with Zongxia Liang, Yilun Song and Qi Ye), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol. 102, p188-202, 2022.
16.Optimal Contribution Rate of PAYGO Pension (with Zongxia Liang, Yilun Song and Qi Ye), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Vol.2021, p505-531, 2021.
15.Optimal DB-PAYGO Pension Management towards a Habitual Contribution Rate (with Zongxia Liang and Fengyi Yuan), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol.94, p125-141, 2020.
14.Weighted Utility Optimization of the Participating Endowment Contract (with Zongxia Liang, Yang Liu and Ming Ma), Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Vol.2020, p577-613, 2020.
13.The Bilateral Effects of Platform-Sponsored Collateral in Peer-To-Peer (P2P) Lending: Evidence from China (with Xiaojun Shi and Qi Jin), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 56, p771-795, 2020.
12.How Can Government Support Affect Behaviors of Investors and Rating Agencies in a Corporate Bond Market? Evidence from China's Corporate Bond Market (with Bo Huang and Liqing Chen). Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 56, p485-507, 2020.
11.Optimal Control of DC Pension Plan Management under Two Incentive Schemes (with Zongxia Liang, Yang Liu and Ming Ma), North American Actuarial Journal, Vol. 23, p120-141, 2019.
10.Tunneling Behaviors of Two Mutual Funds (with Zongxia Liang and Xiaoyang Zhao), Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 14, p1617-1649, 2018.
9.The Impact of Bond Rating Downgrades on Common Stock Prices in China (with Bo Huang, Shanshan Xiong and Yirui Zhang), Economic and Political Studies, Vol. 6, p209-220, 2018.
8.Optimal Pension Decision under Heterogeneous Health Statuses and Bequest Motives (with Zongxia Liang), Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, Vol. 13, p1641-1659, 2017.
7.Optimal Asset Allocation and Benefit Outgo Policies of DC Pension Plan with Compulsory Conversion Claims (with Zongxia Liang), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol. 61, p227-234, 2015.
6.Optimal Investment Strategy for the DC Plan with the Return of Premiums Clauses in a Mean-Variance Framework (with Zongxia Liang), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol. 53, p 643-649, 2013.
5.Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategy for ELA Scheme of DC Pension Plan during the Distribution Phase (with Zongxia Liang), Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vol.52, p404-410, 2013.
4.Risk Analysis of Paygo Retirement Insurance System with Population and Earning Fluctuations: A Comparison Between China and the U.S., Actual Problems of Economics, Vol.12, p420-430, 2011.
3.Optimal Financing and Dividend Control of the Insurance Company with Fixed and Proportional Transaction Costs (with Zongxia Liang),Insurance:Mathematics and Economics. Vol.44, p88-94,2009.
2.Optimal Control of the Insurance Company with Proportional Reinsurance Policy under Solvency Constraints (with Ping Hou and Zongxia Liang), Insurance:Mathematics and Economics. Vol.43, p474-479, 2008.
1.Optimal Financing and Dividend Control of the Insurance Company with Proportional Reinsurance Policy (with Zongxia Liang), Insurance:Mathematics and Economics, Vol.42, p976-983, 2008.
6. 基于均值回复的逆周期策略在组合保险中的应用研究 (与冯健,张书华合作),《保险研究》,2017年第11期。
5. DC型养老金积累期最优资产配置问题研究 (与梁宗霞合作),《保险研究》,2016年第6期。
4. 生命周期、风险偏好和积累水平对DC型养老金资产配置策略的影响研究(与梁宗霞合作),《经济理论与经济管理》,2016年第4期。
3. DC型企业年金最优资产配置和给付方案问题研究,《中国管理科学》,2015年第8期。
2. 利率市场化对政策性银行融资模式的影响及对策研究 (与许荣,马晓轩,刘泽洋合作),《金融监管研究》,2015年第1期。
1. 现收现付制养老保险风险量化及应对策略,《保险研究》, 2010年第8期。