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教育背景 2020-至今,人民大学,教授博导,健康经济与人工智能、能源环境、价值链分析等 2010—2020,武汉大学,教授博导,健康与人工智能、能源环境 2008—2009,日本甲南大学,博士后,通讯网络 2005—2008,华中科技大学,博士,管理科学与工程 2002—2005,中国科学院,硕士,能源研究和数据分析 1996—2000,中国地质大学,城市工程物探,学士 工作经历 2020.10-至今,人民大学, 教授 2015.11-2020.09,武汉大学, 教授 2018.06-2019.09,科技部人才交流中心 2010.11-2015.10,武汉大学, 副教授 2014.10-2015.11,美国加州大学伯克利分校,访问学者 2010.03-2012.03,国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部 2009.03-2010.10,武汉大学,讲师 2004.10-2005.02,中国海洋石油总公司,研究助理 2003.10-2004.05,广州地质勘查局,研究助理 2000.07-2002.01,大连市城乡建设委员会,项目管理和信息开发 主要荣誉 2019年度陕西高等学校科学技术奖,一等奖,2019年,排名第六 2016年中国石油科学十佳论文奖,中国石油大学,2017年,排名第一 优秀学术报告奖,湖北省系统工程学会,2009年,排名第一


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Wan‐qiang Dai#, Wei Pan#*, Yongdong Shi*, Cheng Hu*, Wulin Pan, Ge Huang. Crude oil price fluctuation analysis under considering emergency and network search data, https://doi.org/10.1002/gch2.202000051, Global Challeges, 2020.10. shujie liao#*, wei pan#*, Wan-qiang Dai# , Lei Jin# , Ge Huang# , Renjie Wang , Cheng Hu , Wulin Pan , Haiting Tu. Development of a Dynamic Diagnosis Grading System for Infertility using Machine Learning, JAMA Network Open, 2020.11. Wei Pan*, Haiting Tu, Cheng Hu*, Wulin Pan. Driving forces of China’s multisector CO2 emissions: a Log-Mean Divisia Index decomposition,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-08490-0,2020.04. R. Wang#, W. Pan#, L. Jin#, W. Huang, Y. Li, D. Wu, C. Gao, D. Ma, S. Liao*. Human papillomavirus vaccine against cervical cancer: opportunity and challenge, Cancer Letters (IF:6.508), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.canlet.2019.11.039. Shu-Jie Liao, Jianwu Xiong, Haiting Tu, Cheng Hu, Wulin Pan, Yudi Geng, Wei Pan*, Tingjuan Lu*,Lei Jin*, Prediction of in- vitro fertilization outcome at different antral follicle count thresholds combined with female age, female cause of infertility and ovarian response in a prospective cohort of 8,269 women [J]. Medicine (Baltimore) (IF: 1.87), 2019, 98(41): e17470. Renjie Wang#, Wei Pan#, Yuehan Li, Yudi Geng, Chun Gao, Gang Chen, Hui Wang, Lei Jin, Ding Ma, Shujie Liao*,Artificial intelligence in reproductive medicine,Reproduction,2019.09. Wei Pan#, Haiting Tu#, Lei Jin#, Cheng Hu, Yuehan Li, Renjie Wang, Weiming Huang, ShuJie Liao*, Decision analysis about the cost-effectiveness of different in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer protocol under considering governments, hospitals,and patient, Medicine,2019.05. Wei Pan#, Haiting Tu#, Lei Jin#, Cheng Hu, Yuehan Li, Renjie Wang, Weiming Huang, ShuJie Liao*, Comparison of recombinant and urinary follicle-stimulating hormones over 2000 gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist cycles: a retrospective study, Scientific Reports, 2019.03. Wu-Lin Pan,Wei Pan*, Shan Liu*, Sang-Bing Tsai*, Cheng Hu, Haiting Tu. China's provincial energy-related carbon emissions-economy nexus: A two-stage framework based on decoupling analysis and panel vector autoregression, Energy Science & Engineering, 2019.03. Shu-Jie Liao, Cheng Hu, Haiting Tu , Jianwu Xiong , Wulin Pan, Dongyang Yu, Lei Jing , Wei Pan*, Fuzzy multi-objective medical service organization selection model under considering limited resource, stochastic demand in emergency management,Plos One, 2019,14(3): e0212308. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212308. Wei Pan* , Wulin Pan, Cheng Hu, Haiting Tu,Cheng Zhao, Dongyang Yu, Jianwu Xiong, Guanwen Zheng, Assessing the Green-Economy in China: An Improved Framework,Journal of Cleaner Production, Pages 680-691, 2019. Wei Pan, Ying Guo, Wenji Zhang, Lei Jin*, Shujie Liao*, Order policy for emergency medicine with return uncertainty in closed-loop supply chain, Plos One, 2018.10. Wei Pan*, Wulin Pan, Yongdong Shi, Shan Liu, Bo He, Cheng Hu, Haiting Tu, Jianwu Xiong, Dongyang Yu, China's inter-regional carbon emissions: An input-output analysis under considering national economic strategy,Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 197, Part 1, 21 June 2018, Pages 794-803. Wei Pan, Ying Guo, Lei Jin*, Shujie Liao*, Medical Resource Inventory Model for Emergency Preparation with Uncertain Demand and Stochastic Occurrence Time under Considering Different Risk Preferences at the Airport, Plos One, 2017.09. Shan Liu , Fan Xia , Jinlong Zhang, Wei Pan*, Yajun Zhang, Exploring the trends, characteristic antecedents, and performance consequences of crowdsourcing project risks, International Journal of Project Management, 2016, 34(8):1625–1637. Wei Pan, Ying Guo, Shujie Liao*, Risk-Averse Evolutionary Game Model of Aviation Joint Emergency Response, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2016, 8 pages. Shujie Liao, Fengxia Wang, Ting Wu, Wei Pan*,Crude oil price decision under considering emergency and release of strategic petroleum reserves, Energy, 102(1): 436-443, 2016. Wei Pan, Shan Liu*, Ying Guo, Fengxia Wang, Fuzzy multi-objective model for supplier selection considering multiple products in low carbon supply chain, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 14(8) ,2015. Wei Pan*, Fengxia Wang, Ying Guo, Shan Liu*, A Fuzzy Multiobjective Model for Supplier Selection under Considering Stochastic Demand in a Supply Chain, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 8 pages, 2015. Pan Wei, Yu Lean*,Wang, Wang Shouyang, A fuzzy multi-objective model for provider selection in data communication services with different QoS levels,International Journal of Production Economics, 147,689-696,2014. Pan Wei, Wang Xianjia, Zhong Yong-guang, Yu Lean, Jie Cao, Ran Lun, Qiao Han, Wang Shouyang*, Xu, Xianhao, A fuzzy multi-objective model for capacity allocation and pricing policy of provider in data communication service with different QoS levels,International Journal of Systems Science, 43(6):1054-1063, 2012. 部分第一/通讯作者国内期刊论文: 潘伟*,熊建武,电力消耗、经济增长与CO2排放量的实证分析-基于中国面板数据. 中国管理科学,2018.3. 潘伟*,王凤侠,不同突发事件下进口原油采购策略. 中国管理科学,24(7):27-35,2016. 潘伟,郭影,刘汕,廖书杰*,我国随机事故发生时间的机场应急物资储备--基于单个应急准备阶段的医疗物资应急库存决策,管理评论,2015.10. 潘伟*, 基于供应中断风险的模糊多目标订单分配模型. 管理科学学报, 2015, 18(3):45-51, 潘伟,郭影,王凤侠,吴婷,廖书杰*,LCPT循环教学模式在灾难医学及应急管理教学中的应用,世界复合医学, 2015,1(2):179-182. 潘伟,汪寿阳*,华国伟,张金隆*,实体店及其网上商店产品的动态定价及订货策略. 系统工程理论与实践,2:236-242,2010. 潘伟*,汪寿阳,华国伟,张金隆,基于模糊权重的多目标订单分配模型. 中国管理科学,2: 80-85,2009.


系统工程理论与实践, 审稿人,2011年—至今 管理科学学报,审稿人,2012年—至今 管理评论,审稿人,2013年—至今 中国管理科学,2011年—至今 International Journal of Production Economics, Reviewer, 2012- International Journal of System Sciences, Reviewer, 2012- European Journal of Operation Research, Reviewer, 2012- Energy, 2016- Journal of Cleaner Production, Reviewer, 2018- 委员,中国双法学会青年工作委员会 理事,中国双法学会营销工程专委会 理事,湖北省系统工程协会 教育部金融类专业教学指导委员会委员 教育部金融硕士专业学位研究生教学指导委员会委员
