2008 – 2013 美国匹兹堡大学经济学博士
2004 – 2008 北京大学经济学学士
2020.7– 至今: 中国人民大学经济学院
2013.10 – 2020.6: 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院
2011 邹至庄最佳论文奖(``The result of world powers in WTO: a cheap-talk game under different communication protocols”),中国留美经济学会年会
2013 优秀科研成果一等奖(``An Experimental Investigation on Belief and Higher-Order Belief in the Centipede Games),中国数量经济学会
2017 至善奖教金,厦门大学
2020 闽都国际银行奖教金,厦门大学
(1)“Belief and Higher-Order Belief in the Centipede Games: An Experimental Investigation”, Pacific Economic Review, forthcoming
(2)“Education Signaling, Effort Investments, and the Market’s Expectations: Theory and Experiment on China’s Higher Education Expansion”, (Joint with Zedong Hao), China Economic Review, 75, October, 2022.
(3)“Past Experiences, Personality Traits, and Risk Aversion: Evidence from Individual Risk Attitudes during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, (Joint with Mingyang Yan), Frontiers of Economics in China, 15(4): 576-626, December, 2020.
(4)“Pivotal Persuasion”, (Joint with Jimmy Chan, Fei Li, and Seher Gupta), Journal of Economic Theory, 180, 178-202, March, 2019.
(5) “Determinants of Auction Price on Chinese Art Market”, (Joint with Hongfei Ye and Shaomin Huang), Journal of Chinese Economics, 1(1): 1-12, 2016.
(6) “The result of world powers in WTO: a cheap-talk game under different communication protocols”, China Economic Review, 27, 192-207, December, 2013.
(10) 《高等教育普及化与人力资本积累正外部性: 薪酬激励制度的影响》,(与郝泽栋合作),《中国人民大学学报》,2020年第3期。
(11 )“计量经济学与实验经济学的若干新近发展及展望”,(与洪永淼等合作),《中国经济问题》,2016年第2期。
China Economic Review, Economic Modelling, European Economics Review, Experimental Economics, the Eurasian Geography and Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Public Economic Theory, the SAGE Open, 管理科学学报,中国经济问题,经济学(季刊)