2020.8 – 至今: 中国人民大学经济学院教授(破格)
2019 – 2020.7: 中国人民大学经济学院副教授
2016 – 2019: 清华大学经济管理学院副教授
2007 – 2015: 清华大学经济管理学院讲师
2007 美国爱荷华州立大学经济学博士
1998 北京大学经济学学士
1. Fu, Qiang; Li, Ming; Qiao, Xue, “On the Paradox of Mediocracy," Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 31(2022), 492-521
2. Che, Jiahua; Chung, Kim-Sau; Qiao, Xue, “Career Concern, Beijing Style?", International Economic Review, 62(4)(2021): 1513-1535.
3. Chen, Shuo; Qiao, Xue; Zhu, Zhitao, “Chasing or Cheating? Theory and Evidence on China's GDP Manipulation," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 189(2021): 657-671.
4. Che, Jiahua; Chung, Kim-Sau; Qiao, Xue, “The King Can Do No Wrong: On Criminal Immunity of Leaders,” Journal of Public Economics, 170(2019): 15-26.
5. Qiao, Xue; Wang, Lili, “Fertility and Old-Age Labor Supply in Aging China,”China Economic Review, 57 (2019): 101261.
6. Li, Hongbin; Ma, Yueyuan; Meng, Lingsheng; Qiao, Xue; Shi, Xinzheng, “Skill Complementarities and Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from China’s CollegeEnrollment Expansion,” China Economic Review, 46 (2017): 10-26, December.
7. Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Qiao, Xue; Wang, Min, “Endogenous Borrowing Constraint and Wealth Inequality,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20(6) (2016): 1413-1431, September.
8. Ma, Hong; Qiao, Xue; Xu, Yuan, “Job Creation and Job Destruction in China during 1998-2007,”Journal of Comparative Economics, 43 (2015): 1085-1100, November.
9. Wu, Binzhen; Zhang, Qiong; Qiao, Xue, “Effects of Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: China's Evidence between 1997 and 2008,” Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, 20(2) (2015):290-329, May.
10. Che, Jiahua; Chung, Kim-Sau; Qiao, Xue, “The Good, the Bad and the Civil Society,”Journal of Public Economics, 106 (2013):68-76, Oct.
11. Qiao, Xue, “Unsafe Sex, AIDS, and Development,” Journal of Economics, 105(3) (2012):263-279, April.
12. Qiao, Xue; Zhong, Xiaohan; Sung, Sin, “Economic Development, Risky Sexual Behavior and AIDS Epidemic,” Frontiers of Economics in China, 7(3) (2012): 407-433, Jan.
13. Bhattacharya, Joydeep; Qiao, Xue, “Public and Private Expenditure on Health in a GrowthModel,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31(8) (2007): 2519-2535.
14. Bunzel, Helle; Qiao, Xue, “Endogenous Lifetime and Economic Growth Revisited,”Economic Bulletin, 15(8) (2005): 1-8.
15. 杨晓光、李三希、曹志刚、崔志伟、乔雪、翁翕、俞宁、张博宇,“数字经济的博弈论基础,”《管理科学》第35卷第1期,2022年1月,50-54
16. 李三希、曹志刚、崔志伟、高红伟、乔雪、翁翕、俞宁、张博宇、杨晓光,“数字经济的博弈论基础性科学问题,”《中国科学基金》,2021年第5期,782-800。
17. 王丽莉,乔雪(通讯作者), “我国人口迁移成本,城市规模与生产率,”《 经济学》(季刊), 2020, 第1期,第165-188页。本文获《经济学》(季刊)2019-2020年度最佳论文奖。
18. 王丽莉,乔雪, “放松计划生育、延迟退休与中国劳动力供给,”《 世界经济》, 2018,第10期,第150-169页。本文被人大复印资料(人口学)2019年第1期全文转载。
19. 马弘,乔雪(通讯作者),徐嫄, “中国制造业的就业创造与就业消失,”《 经济研究》, 2013,第12期,第 68-80页。本文被人大复印资料(劳动经济与劳动关系)2014年第4期转载。
20. 吴斌珍,张琼,乔雪, “对药品市场降价政策的评估—来自中国 1997~2008 年的证据,”《 金融研究》,2011,第 6期,第 168-180页。
21. 乔雪,陈济冬, “失业保险政策对隐性就业规模和社会产出的影响,”《 世界经济》, 2011,第2期, 第 87-102页。
22. 乔雪,曹静,唐黎阳, “动态无效率、环境税和气候变化—代际交叠模型的分析,”《 经济学报》, 2011,第 5期,第 193-212页。
23. 乔雪,钟笑寒, “经济发展、危险行为与艾滋病传播,”《 南方经济》,2011,第5期,第 54-68页。
Review of Economic Studies, Quarterly Journal of Economics, International Economic
Review, Journal of Population Economics, Public Finance Review, Journal of
Comparative Economics, Journal of Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of
Family and Economic Issue, Economic Bulletin.
Royal Economic Society; Canadian Economic Association; American Economic Review