谢丽/Sherry L. Xie,女,加籍华裔,哲学博士,博士生导师
加拿大麦基尔大学图书情报学硕士(MLIS,McGill University)
加拿大大不列颠哥伦比亚大学哲学博士(PhD, UBC)
数字信息现行管理及其相关学科 数字信息长期保存及其相关学科
“National Strategy for Digital Records: Comparing the Approaches of Canada and China,” International Journal of Information Management. 2013, 33 (4). (SSCI, ESI).
“Digital Records Management in the Canadian Government: A Strategy for ‘Success’,” The Informaa quarterly. Records Management Association of Australia. 2013, 29 (1): 48-52.
“Digital Records Management: The Lacking Foundation for Continuing Accessibility,” Online Information Review. 2012, 36 (2). (SCI, ESI).
“Preserving Digital Records: InterPARES Findings and Developments” in Records and Information Management for Financial Analysis and Risk Management. 2012, Victoria L. Lemieux, ed. Springer: 187-206.
“Knowledge Management & Records Management: Establishing Relationships for Common Development,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information. Barcelona, Spain: Science and Technology Publications. (CPCI/IPI).
“Building Foundations for Digital Records Forensics: A Comparative Study of the Concept of Reproduction in Digital Records Management and Digital Forensics,” American Archivist. 2011, (74). (A+ archival journal internationally).
(with Linqing Ma). “Documenting Electronic Government: The Role of Electronic Document and Record Management System,” 2012, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government: 237-239.
(with Linqing Ma). “Information Management and Information Technology in the Development of Digital Government: A Canadian Case,” Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Innovation and Information Management: 65-68.
(with Linqing Ma) “Designing and Implementing Information Systems for Records: The Approach Based on Business Process Analysis,” Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Engineering and Information Management. 2011. (EI).
“Striking a Balance between Program Requirements and Grounded Theory Principles: Writing a compromised Grounded Theory proposal,” The Grounded Theory Review, 2009, 8 (2): 35-47.
“Electronic Records Management: The Missing Player in the eGov Movement,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on e-Government. 2008. Melbourne, Australia: RMIT University. (CPCI/IPI).
“A Foundation for Developing Digital Preservation Policy: The InterPARES2 Policy Framework,” New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2007, 11: 1-15.
Function-Based Records Classification System: A Comparative Study. ARMA, Lenexa, KS, USA. http://www.armaedfoundation.org/pdfs/Sherry_Xie_Study.pdf.
Program Evaluation of EDRMS in a Canadian Municipality. 2006. UBC Press, Vancouver, Canada.
(与Luciana Duranti)掌控数字文件之取证学科概念的融合(上)。《档案学通讯》2012年第01期。
(与Luciana Duranti)掌控数字文件之取证学科概念的融合(下)。《档案学通讯》2012年第02期。 l 文件的概念及其在数字环境中的演变:InterPARES观点。《档案学通讯》2012年第03期。
(与马林青)国家、政府和社会:加拿大政府档案法律的演变。《山西档案》2010年第04期。 联系方式:sherryxie@ruc.edu.cn