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教育经历 2020,博士,地理信息科学,北卡罗来纳州夏洛特校区 工作经历 2020年12月 - 至今,助理教授,中国人民大学公共管理学院 兼任职务 2023年起,国自科评审专家 2022年10月 - 至今,客座编辑,Land 2022年6月 - 至今,客座编辑,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021年9月 - 2022年9月,研究员,《中国土地科学》编辑部




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Zheng, M., Wang, H., Shang, Y., Zheng, X., 2023. Identification and prediction of mixed-use functional areas supported by POI data in Jinan City of China. Scientific Reports 13, 2913. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-30140-x 景观格局空间分析技术与应用(第二版),2022. 科学出版社. 郑敏睿等,2022. 京津冀城市群城市功能互动格局与治理策略,地理学报,77(6): 1374-1390. 郑敏睿等,2022. 政策与学术互动发展:从《中国土地科学》载 文分析中国土地科学发展,中国土地科学,36(10): 119-128. Zheng, M., 2021. Spatially explicit hyperparameter optimization for neural networks. Springer. Zheng, M., Tang, W., Ogundiran, A., and Yang, J, 2020. Spatial simulation modeling of rural settlement distribution driven by random forest: A case study in archaeology. Sustainability, 2(11): 4748. Zheng, M., Tang, W., and Zhao, X., 2018. Hyperparameter optimization of neural network-driven spatial modeling accelerated using cyber-enabled high-performance computing. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(2): 314-345.


2019年 - 至今,客座编辑,International Journal of Geo-Information 学术期刊审稿:International Journal of Strategic Property Management,Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering,Journal of Urban Technology,The 3rd International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining,Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis,Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,Journal of Cleaner Production,The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining,Transactions in GIS,Recent Patents on Computer Science,International Journal of Geographical Information Science
