2010-2013 社会工作与社会行政学系博士 (PhD) 香港大学
2022-至今 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会工作与社会政策系副系主任
2018-至今 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会工作与社会政策系副教授
2018-2019 纽约大学(New York University)访问学者
2013-2018 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会工作系讲师
A multiple-group analysis of social capital and loneliness among community-dwelling older adults in urban China during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aging & Mental Health, 1-9. (2022; 第一作者;SSCI)
Care-giving burden and life satisfaction among family care-givers of disabled older adults in China: The moderator role of care-giver wisdom. Ageing & Society, 1-17. (2022;第一作者;SSCI)
Perceived neighborhood environment, social capital and life satisfaction among older adults in Shanghai, China. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 6686. (2022;第一作者;SCI)
Research on Attitudes towards Ageing, Social Participation and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults in China. The British Journal of Social Work. (2022;通讯作者;SSCI)
Childhood experiences and frailty trajectory among middle-aged and older adults in China. European Journal of Ageing, 19(4), 1601-1615. (2022;通讯作者;SSCI)
Activity patterns and loneliness in later life: The mediating effects of social support and attitudes toward aging. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 66(2), 303-318. (2022;通讯作者;SSCI)
How does neighbourhood environment influence loneliness in later life in Urban China? The role of financial status. Health & Social Care in The Community. (2022;通讯作者;SSCI)
Perceptions of neighborhood environment and loneliness among older Chinese adults: The mediator role of cognitive and structural social capital. Aging & Mental Health, 1-9. (2022;通讯作者;SSCI)
Exploring the Reciprocal Relationship between Cognitive Function and Edentulism in Middle-Aged and Older Adults in China; Age and Ageing; 50; 809–814(2021; 第一作者;SCI;影响因子:10.668)
The association between childhood conditions and heart disease among middle-aged and older population in China: A life course perspective; BMC Geriatrics; 21;184;(2021;通讯作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.921)
Social capital, perceived neighborhood environment, and depressive symptoms among older adults in rural China: The role of self-rated health; International Psychogeriatrics; In press;(2021;第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.878)
Family social capital and life satisfaction among older adults living alone in urban China: The moderating role of functional health; Aging & Mental Health;25、695-702 (2021;第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.658)
Intergenerational relationships and the trajectory of depressive symptoms among older Chinese adults in rural migrant families; Aging & Mental Health; 22、389-396 (2018; 第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.658)
Does social capital influence preferences for aging in place? Evidence from urban China; Aging & Mental Health; 22、405-411 (2018; 通讯作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.658)
Cognitive social capital and formal volunteering among older adults in urban China: Does gender matter?; Journal of Applied Gerontology; 39、404-412 (2020; 第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.200)
Early child–parent relationship quality and cognitive function in older rural Chinese adults: The mediating role of educational attainment; Journal of Aging and Health; 0、1-11 (2021; 通讯作者;SSCI;影响因子:3.213)
Community-based structural social capital and depressive symptoms of older urban Chinese adults: The mediating role of cognitive social capital; Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics;82、74-80 (2019; 第一作者;SCI;影响因子:3.250)
Caring for disabled older adults with musculoskeletal conditions: A transactional model of caregiver burden, coping strategies, and depressive symptoms; Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics; 69、1-7 (2017; 第一作者;SCI;影响因子:3.250)
Community social capital and cognitive function among older adults in rural north-east China: The moderator role of income; Health & Social Care in the Community; 0、1-10 (2021; 通讯作者;SSCI;影响因子:2.821)
Community social capital and positive caregiving experiences among adult-children caregivers of older adults with disabilities in urban China; Research On Aging; 42、3-12 (2020; 第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:2.585)
Does gender moderate the relationship between social capital and life satisfaction? Evidence from urban China; Research on Aging; 40、740–761 (2018; 第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:2.585)
Intergenerational relationships and self-rated health trajectories among older adults in rural China: Does gender matter?; Research on Aging; 39、322–344 (2017; 第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:2.585)
Association between childhood conditions and arthritis among middle-aged and older adults in China: the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study; Ageing and Society; First view、1-18 (2020; 第一作者;SSCI;影响因子:2.786)