2008-2011 美国华盛顿大学 (University of Washington, Seattle) 生态人口学 博士
2005-2008 美国华盛顿大学 (University of Washington, Seattle) 生态人口学 硕士
2001-2005 北京大学 (Peking University) 数学学院 概率统计学 学士
2020- 中国人民大学社会与人口学院 教授
2015-2020 中国人民大学社会与人口学院 副教授
2013-2015 中国人民大学社会与人口学院 讲师
2011-2013 美国北卡罗来纳大学人口研究中心 博士后研究员
2009 世界卫生组织瑞士日内瓦总部慢性病和健康促进部 实习研究员
Li, Ting and Zhang, Yang. 2023.Intergenerational Relationships across Multiple Children and Older Parents’ Depressive Symptoms in China—A Resource Contingency Perspective. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbad004
李婷、董隽含. 2023. “1982-2020年中国人口普查死亡数据质量评估—基于广义增长平衡法和假想世代消亡法.” 人口与发展, (1):14-26.
Li, Ting and Xie, Yu. 2022. "The Ecolution of Demographic Methods." Social Science Research, 107:102768.
李婷、郑叶昕、闫誉腾. 2022. “第七次人口普查数据死亡水平估计.”中国人口科学, (5): 2-16.
Wu, Hantao,Li, Ting*(通讯作者).2022.“When investment backfires: Unbalanced sex ratios and mental health among boys.”Demographic Research, 41:615-646. 10.4054/DemRes.2022.47.21
Li, Ting, Jin, Yongai. 2022. "Leaning toward the disadvantaged or pursuing maximum utility? Intergenerational relationships in Chinese families with multiple children."Family Relations. 71(2): 526-541. doi.org/10.1111/fare.12592
李婷、郑叶昕、闫誉腾. 2022. “中国的婚姻和生育去制度了吗?——基于中国大学生婚育观调查的发现和讨论.”妇女研究论丛,(3):85-102.
Li, Ting, Liu, Tao, Liu, Jiajie, Cheng, Tianyi. 2022. “Spatial Analyses of Factors Affecting Household Structure in Chinese Cities: The Case of Three-generation Lineal Households.”Journal of Geographical Sciences. 32 (12):2560-2576.
李婷、郑叶昕. 2022. “新中国成立以来的人口发展进程与中国共产党的人口思想和实践史.”宁夏社会科学, 231(2): 134-144.
李婷、郑叶昕. 2021. “中国的家庭转变与低生育.”团结(6): 20-23.
陶涛、刘雯莉、李婷. 2021.“‘长幼有序’,‘男女有别’——个体化进程中的中国家庭养老支持分工.”社会学研究,(5):25-46.
李婷、胡文波. 2021. “中国家庭的代际同住及其驱动机制变迁——基于CHNS1991-2015的九期调查数据.”人口与经济,(6):54-67
李婷、熊英宏. 2021. “近20年来中国家庭研究变迁——基于关键词共现的社会网络分析.” 人口与社会, (6): 26-42.
Yang, Shuyan, Xie, Lili, and Li, Ting. 2021. “Living arrangements and intergenerational support among older Chinese: Does the gender of the co-resident adult children make a difference?”International Social Work. doi.org/10.1177/00208728211001427
Li, Ting, W. Fan, and J. Song. 2020. “The household transition in China: 1982-2015”,Demography 57(4):1369-1391. doi: 10.1007/s13524-020-00891-7
李婷、刘涛、刘嘉杰、成天异. 2020. “三代直系家庭分布影响因素的空间分析.”人口研究, 44(6): 3-19.
宋健、李建民、郑真真、李婷. 2020. “中国家庭的“转变”与“不变”.”中国社会科学评价,(3): 50-58.
Fu, Qiang, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhu, and T. Li. 2020. "Network centralities, demographic disparities, and voluntary participation",Mathematical Foundations of Computing. doi:10.3934/mfc.2020011
李婷、宋健、成天异. 2020.“中国三代直系家庭变迁:年龄、时期、队列视角的观察.”人口学刊(3): 5-17.
李婷、袁洁、夏璐、熊英宏、张露尹. 2019. "中国网络大众生育态度倾向变迁——兼论舆情大数据在人口学中的应用."人口研究43(4): 36-49.
李婷.2019. "中国成年人口预期寿命的地区差异分析——基于生命力死亡模型的分解."中国人口科学(4) : 102-113.
Li, Ting, Yang C. Yang, and Yanlong Zhang. 2018. "Culture, economic development, social-network type, and mortality: Evidence from Chinese older adults."Social Science & Medicine, 204: 23- 30. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.03.021.
李婷. 2018. "哪一代人更幸福?年龄、时期和队列分析视角下中国居民主观幸福感的变迁".人口与经济, 226(1):90-102.
范文婷, 宋健,李婷. 2018. "高等教育与女性婚配:基于年龄、时期和队列的时间".人口学刊,(2): 48-59.
李婷. 2017. "中国老年人生理年龄的测量".人口研究, 41(6): 3-15.
Anderson, James J.,Ting Li and David J. Sharrow. 2017.“Insights into mortality patterns and causes of death through a process point of view model”.Biogerontology, 18(1): 149-170.
李婷, 范文婷. 2016. “生育与主观幸福感—基于生命周期和生命历程的视角”.人口研究, 40(5): 56-68.
Yang C. Yang, C Boen, K Gerken,Ting Li, K Schorpp, KM Harris.2016. “Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span”,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(3): 578-583
李婷. 2015. “内生与外生死亡分解下的中国成年人口的预期寿命—基于生命力模型的应用”.人口研究, 5.
Li, Ting and Yanlong Zhang. 2015. “Social Network Types and the Health of Older Adults: Exploring Reciprocal Associations”.Social Science &Medicine, 130:59-68.
Li, Ting and James J. Anderson. 2015. “The Strehler-Mildvan correlation from the perspective of a two-process vitality model”.Population Studies, 69(1):91-104.
李婷,张闫龙. 2014. “出生队列效应下老年人健康指标的生长曲线及其城乡差异”.人口研究, 2.
Li, Ting, Yang Yang and James Anderson. 2013. “Mortality increase in late-middle and early-old age: heterogeneity in death process as a new explanation”.Demography50(5): 1563-1591.
Yang, Yang C.,Ting Li and Yingchun Ji. 2013 “Impact of Social Integration on Metabolic Functions: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study of US Older Adults”.BMC Public Health, 13:1210.
Yang, Yang C.,Ting Li and Steven Frenk. 2014. “Social Network Ties and Inflammation in U.S. Adults with Cancer”.Biodemography and Social Biology, 60 (1): 21-37.
Yang, Yang, Martha McClintock, Michael Kozloski and Ting Li. 2013.“Social Isolation and Adult Mortality: The Role of Chronic Inflammation and Sex Differences”.Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 54(20): 183-203.
Li, Ting and James Anderson. 2013. “Shaping human mortality patterns through intrinsic and extrinsic vitality processes”.Demographic Research. 28: 341-372.
Zhang, Yanlong, Nan Lin and Ting Li. 2012. “Markets or networks: households’ choice of financial intermediary in western China”.Social Networks. 34: 670-681.
Yang, Yang,Ting Li and Matthew Nielsen. 2012. “Aging and cancer mortality: Dynamics of change and sex differences”.Experimental Gerontology. 47: 695-705.
Li, Ting, and James Anderson. 2009. “The vitality model: a way to understand population survival and demographic heterogeneity”.Theoretical Population Biology. 76: 118-131.
Anderson, J. James, M.C. Gildea, D.W. Williams, and Ting Li. 2008. “Linking growth, survival and heterogeneity through stochastic vitality”.The American Naturalist. 171: E20-43.
Zheng, Xi Emily, Seth Lipka,Ting Li, Ghulamullah Shahzada, Evan Levinea, Raymond Vlacanciha, Umeko Takeshigea, Paul Mustacchiaa. 2013. “The relationship of vitamin D status, smoking, and colorectal adenoma: A retrospective study in an ethnically diverse community”.The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Vol. 136, pp. 280-283.
Zheng, Xi Emily,Ting Li, Seth Lipka. 2014. “Location-dependent Ethnic Differences in the Risk of Colorectal Adenoma: A Retrospective Multiethnic Study”.Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. Vol.48(1), pp. e1-e7.