2019.9-12 北京大学人文社科研究院访学
2018.11-12 南京大学社会学院郑钢访学
2018 10-11 英国Sussex大学“Global Studies”中心访问
2016,2017 浙江大学人文高等研究院秋季驻访学者与访问学者
2013 8-12 美国北卡来罗那大学公共卫生学院访问学者
2007.3-6 香港中文大学公共卫生学院访问学者
2006-2007 西澳大学亚洲研究中心博士后研究
2002-2005 中国人民大学社会学系博士;性与性别人类学专业;导师:潘绥铭教授。
2003-2004 美国北卡来罗纳大学医学院社会医学系访问学者;社会医学方向;
1999-2002 中国人民大学社会学系硕士;性社会学方向;导师:潘绥铭教授
1995-1999 中国人民大学社会学系学士,社会学
2007-2011 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会学系 讲师
2011-2021 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会学系 副教授
2021- 中国人民大学社会与人口学院社会学系 教授
2007- 中国人民大学性社会学研究所,所长
Huang Yingying, Sexuality and Everydayness in a Transnational Context: Toward a Re-Imagined West-China Relationship?, Culture, Sexuality and Health: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care 2017, Volume 19(6)
Huang Yingying, Kathryn E. Muessig, Ning Zhang & Suzanne Maman: Unpacking the ‘structural’ in a structural approach for HIV prevention among female sex workers: A case study from China, Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 2015 ;10 (7): 852-66
Huang Yingying & Pan Suiming, Government crackdown of sex work in China: Responses from female sex workers and implications for their health. Glob Public Health. 2014;9(9):1067-79.
Huang Y.Y, Abler, L., Pan, S., Henderson, G. E., Wang, X., Yao, X., & Parish, W. L. (2014). Population-Based Sexual Behavior Surveys in China: Liuzhou Compared with Other Prefectural Cities. AIDS Behav. 2014 Feb; 18(0 2): 118–125.
Huang Yingying, Maman Suzanne, Pan Suiming. Understanding the diversity of male clients of sex workers in China and the implications for HIV prevention programmes, Glob Public Health. 2012;7(5):509-21.
Huang Y.Y, Kumi Smith, Pan Suiming. Changes and correlates in multiple sexual partnerships among Chinese adult women—population-based surveys in 2000 and 2006, AIDS Care, Volume 23, June 2011.
Huang Y, Henderson GE, Pan, S and Cohen, MS. HIV/AIDS Risk among Brothel based Female Sex Workers in China: Assessing the terms, content and knowledge of sex work. Sex Transm Dis 11:695-700, 2004.
Zhang Na, Parish William L, Huang Yingying, Pan Suiming. Sexual infidelity in China: prevalence and gender-specific correlates.Arch Sex Behav. 2012 Aug;41(4):861-73
Pan Suiming, Parish William L, Huang Yingying. Clients of female sex workers: a population-based survey of China, J Infect Dis. 2011; 204 Suppl 5:S1211-7.
Henderson, Maman, Huang,et.al., Social Contexts of Heterosexual Transmission of HIV/STI in Liuzhou City, China[J]. Aids & Behavior, 2014, 18(2):111-117.
Weir, Henderson, Huang.,et.al, Brief Non-Commercial Sexual Encounters Among Patrons of Entertainment Venues in Liuzhou, China[J]. Aids & Behavior, 2014, 18(2):135-141.
Zhou, R., W. Coleman, Y. Huang, C. Sinding, W. Wei, J. Gahagan, E. Micollier, and H. Su. 2017. "Exploring the Intersections of Transnationalism, Sexuality and HIV Risks", Culture, Health & Sexulaity 19 (6): 645-652. DOI:10.1080/13691058.2017.1300327 (SSCI)
Huang Yingying, Sexuality Research and Sex Politics in 21st Century of Mainland China, in Sonia Corrêa and Richard Parker eds. SexPolitics: Trends & Tensions Volume 2 pp143-164, 2019 ISBN: 978-85-88684-64-5
Huang Yingying, Introduction: Negotiating sexual contexts, Morris et.al, eds., Researching Sex and Sexualities, 99-105, London: Zed, 2018.
Huang Yingying, The rise of sex and sexuality studies in post-1978 China, in The Sexual History of the Global South, Zed Press,22-43,2012
Huang Yingying. Female sex workers in China: There Occupational Concerns, in Jingjun, Heather W. (eds.), HIV in China, 2010 45-64, UNSW Press.
Huang Yingying, Pan Suiming, Peng Tao and GaoYanning. Teaching Sexualities at Chinese Universities: Context, Experience, and Challenges,International Journal of Sexual Health, Volume 21 Issue 4,2009 :282 – 295
Huang Yingying. ‘Emerging Concepts of Sexiness: the Sexual Body and Young Chinese Women’, in South and Southeast Asia Consortium on Sexuality, Gender and Sexual Health, Sexuality in Southeast Asia and China: Emerging Issues, pp 179-216, 2007.
Pan SM & Huang YY. 2011. The rise of rights and pleasure: towards a diversity of sexuality and gender, In Zhang KN. Sexual and reproductive health in China, Brill publication, Leiden Boston, pp215-262
Elaine Jeffreys and Huang Yingying, 2009,Governing sexual health in the People's Republic of China, in Elaine Jeffreys (eds.) China's Governmentalities Governing Change, Changing Government, Routledge, UK