Shen, Guofeng, Wei Du, Shaojie Zhuo, Jialing Yu, Shu Tao. “Improving regulations on residential emissions and non-criteria hazardous contaminants—Insights from a field campaign on ambient PM and PAHs in North China Plain.” Environmental Science and Policy 92 (2019) 201–206.
Yu, Jialing and Jian Wu. 2018. “The Sustainability of Agricultural Development in China: The Agriculture-Environment Nexus.” Sustainability 10. 1776
Wu, JunJie, and Jialing Yu. 2017. “Efficiency-Equity Tradeoffs in Targeting Payments for Ecosystem Services.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2017, 99(4): 894-913.
余嘉玲,张世秋和谢旭轩. 2011. “中国居民能源消耗趋势和差异分析.” 中国人口.资源与环境, S2期:351-356
余嘉玲和张世秋. 用什么破解“癌症村”问题. 环境保护 2010第24期
Wu, JunJie, Jialing Yu, and Walid Oueslati. 2016. “Causes and Consequences of Open Space in U.S. Urban Areas.” ENV/EPOC/WPIEEP(2016)2/FINAL. Paris, France: Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD).
Yu, Jialing and JunJie Wu. Welfare Effects of Publicly Subsidized Crop Insurance Programs: The Sufficient Statistics Approach (Job Market Paper).
Causes and Consequences of Open Space in U.S. Urban Areas. Paper presented at the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 2018, Gothenberg, Sweden.
Welfare Effects of Publically Subsidized Crop Insurance Programs: An Application of the Sufficient Statistics Approach. Paper presented at the 91st Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, June 2016. Portland, Oregon.
Tradeoffs between Efficiency and Equity in the Targeting of the Conservation Reserve Program. Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Washington D.C., August 2013.