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胡建生,男,1973年出生,安徽怀宁人。中科院等离子体物理研究所研究员、博导、学术委员会委员、研究室室务委员。他1994年本科毕业于西安交通大学物理电子学专业;1998年硕士毕业于等离子体所核能科学与工程专业;2008年博士毕业于等离子体所等离子体物理专业。他是国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、中国科学院关键技术人才、国家重点研发项目负责人,荣获国家科技进步奖创新团队奖、安徽省首届创新争先奖、中科院院长奖优秀奖、安徽省优秀博士论文奖、IOP出版集团2018年中国作者论文高引奖等奖项。他负责托卡马克装置真空科学技术发展与应用,致力于磁约束聚变装置等离子体与壁相互作用的研究。他先后负责发展了超导托卡马克真空获得技术,研发了国内首个大通量实时水冷铜合金热沉高性能石墨限制器,探索了多种工作气体的射频等离子体清洗、硼化及锂化等壁表面涂覆的关键技术和方法,发展了超声分子束及弹丸注入等先进芯部加料技术,发明和演示了多种控制高热负荷ELM的新方法,率先在托卡马克上开展了流动液态锂第一壁的实验研究,有效控制粒子再循环及杂质污染,提高了等离子体密度控制能力,实现了低再循环、密度可控的长脉冲等离子体,有利于解决聚变装置高参数等离子体稳态运行的重大难题。以第一或者通讯作者在Phys.Rev.Lett.、Nucl.Fusion等期刊上发表论文七十多篇,国际重要学术会议报告五十余次,专利授权十余项。先后主持了国家重点研发项目、国家磁约束研究计划专项课题、多项国家自然科学基金及中科院人才项目。作为访问学者十余次出访意大利、日本、德国、美国、西班牙、泰国、韩国、俄罗斯、英国等国相关聚变研究单位,建立了广泛联系和国际合作。建立了一支稳定的高水平研究团队,已培养硕士、博士研究生十余名。 荣誉 2018年IOP出版集团中国作者论文高引奖 2017年科技部中青年科技创新领军人才 2017年安徽省首届创新争先奖 2017年国家重点研发项目首席专家 2016年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者 2013年中国科学院关键技术人才 2013年作为主要成员获国家科技进步奖(创新团队奖) 2009年安徽省优秀博士论文奖 2006年中国科学院院长优秀奖 专利 [1]左桂忠、胡建生、任君、孙震,一种高温、强化学性的液态锂浸润性的测量系统,2017.1,中国,ZL 2013 1 0589936.8,发明专利 [2]李建刚,胡建生,左桂忠,利用液态金属锂用于磁约束反应堆真空室第一壁高热负荷区的装置,2015.2,中国,ZL 2012 1 0069584.9,发明专利 [3]左桂忠,胡建生,李建刚,孙震,利用金属锂涂层作为改善全超导托卡马克第一壁燃料再循环的方法,2013.12,中国,ZL 2012 1 0111534.2,发明专利 [4]龚先祖,吴金华,赵燕平,胡建生,李建刚,一种利用高频场对磁约束聚变装置第一壁进行清洗的方法,2013.12,中国,ZL 2011 1 0369135.1,发明专利 [5]庄会东,王小明,胡建生,张晓东,等离子体破裂防护专用的防磁干扰大气量充气阀,2013.9,中国,ZL 2012 1 0050543.5,发明专利 [6]袁啸林,陈跃,胡建生,周跃,李长征,姚星佳,一种真空报警灯控制电路,2015.12,中国,ZL 2015 2 0620318.X,实用新型专利 [7]左桂忠,任君,胡建生,孟献才,孙震,黄明,徐伟,一种强化学活性、高温易蒸发液态金属液位测量系统,2015.4,中国,ZL 2014 2 0759148.9,实用新型专利 [8]陈肇玺,杨庆喜,宋云涛,胡建生,左桂忠,徐皓,一种用于液态金属驱动的电磁泵,2014.12,中国,ZL 2013 2 0416851.5,实用新型专利 [9]袁啸林,陈跃,胡建生,周跃,李长征,姚星佳,曹斌,王厚银,基于PXI总线的多数据采集系统,2014.8,中国,ZL 2014 2 01112095.1,实用新型专利 [10]袁啸林,陈跃,胡建生,周跃,量程自适应型数字电压表,2013.3,中国,ZL 2012 2 0628074.6,实用新型专利




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

第一或者通讯作者论文74篇: [1]Experiments of continuously and stably flowing lithium limiter in EAST towards a solution for the power exhaust of future fusion devices,Nuclear Materials and Energy,Vol.18(2019)99–104 [2]Corrosion characteristics of copper in static liquid lithium under high vacuum,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.513(2019)282-292,2019 [3]Results from an improved flowing liquid lithium limiter with increased flow uniformity in high power plasmas in EAST,Nucl.Fusion,Vol.59(2019)016009 [4]ELM frequency enhancement and discharge modification through lithium granule injection into EAST H-modes,Nucl.Fusion,Vol.58(2018)126021 [5]ELM elimination with Li powder injection in EAST discharges using the tungsten upper divertor,Nucl.Fusion,Vol.58(2018)024003 [6]Investigation of wettability of Li on 316L SS surface and interfacial interactions for fusion device,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.137(2018)420-426 [7]Reduction of hydrogen content in deuterium plasma with mixed graphite and tungsten divertors in EAST,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.131(2018)41–48 [8]Development and implementation of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection for EAST tokamak,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.134(2018)62-67 [9]10 Hz pellet injection control system integration for EAST,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.126(2018)130–138 [10]A new developed in-between shots lithium evaporation coating system for improving plasma performance in EAST,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.133(2018)142–147 [11]Real-time reduction of tungsten impurity influx using lithium powder injection in EAST,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.137(2018)202-208 [12]Impact of Novel Lithium Coating Apparatus on Plasma Behavior Improvement in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,Vol.38(2018)284-289 [13]Measurement of velocity and reliability of 50 Hz pellet injector for EAST,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.130(2018)69–75 [14]Design and Engineering Commissioning of High Frequency Pellet Injector for Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,Vol.38(3)(2018)246-251 [15]First results of ELM triggering with a multi-chamber lithium granule injector into EAST discharges,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,Vol.46(2018) [16]Effect of temperature on the corrosion behaviors of 304 stainless steel in static liquid lithium,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.128(2018)75–81 [17]Compatibility of Molybdenum,Tungsten,and 304 Stainless Steel in Static Liquid Lithium Under High Vacuum,Plasma Physics Reports,Vol.44(2018)671-677 [18]Upgraded flowing liquid lithium limiter for improving Li coverage uniformity and erosion resistance in EAST device,Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.88(2017)123506 [19]Mitigation of plasma–material interactions via passive Li efflux from the surface of a flowing liquid lithium limiter in EAST,Nucl.Fusion,Vol.57(2017)046017 [20]H-mode achieved by pellet injection in experimental advanced superconducting tokamak,Nucl.Fusion,Vol.57(2017)066002 [21]Higher resolution helium measuring system for deuterium plasma on EAST tokamak via normal Penning gauge,Plasma Sci.Technol.,Vol.19(2017)015601 [22]Fuel retention and recycling studies by using particle balance in EAST tokamak,Phys.Scr.,T170(2017)014070 [23]Development and integration of a 50 Hz pellet injection system for the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST),Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.114(2017)40–46 [24]First results of the use of a continuously flowing lithium limiter in high performance discharges in the EAST device,Nucl.Fusion,Vol.56(2016)046011 [25]Snake perturbation during pellet injection in the EAST tokamak,Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion,Vol.58(2016)105006 [26]Density limits investigation and high density operation in EAST tokamak,Plasma Phys.Control.Fusion,Vol.58(2016)055013. [27]Study of the corrosion behaviors of 304 austenite stainless steel specimens exposed to static liquid lithium at 600 K,J.Nucl.Mater.,Vol.480(2016)25-31 [28]Development and integration of a 50 Hz pellet injection system for the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak(EAST),Fusion Eng.Des.,Vol.114(2017)40-46 [29]Development and implementation of fowing liquid lithium limiter control system for EAST,Fusion Eng.Des.,Vol.112(2016)332-337 [30]Mass separation of deuterium and helium with conventional quadrupole mass spectrometer by using varied ionization energy,Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.87(2016),035120 [31]Investigations on interactions between the flowing liquid lithium limiter and plasmas,Fusion Eng.Des.,Vol.102(2017)36-43 [32]Higher resolution helium measuring systemfor deuterium plasma on EAST tokamak via normal Penning gauge,Plasma Sci.Technol.,Vol.19(2017)015601 [33]New steady-state quiescent high confinement plasma in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,Physical Review Letter,Vol.114(2015)055001 [34]ELM mitigation by means of supersonic molecular beam and pellet injection on the EAST superconducting tokamak,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.463(2015)718–722 [35]A flowing liquid lithium limiter for the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak,Review of Scientific Instruments,Vol.86(2015)023504 [36]HT-7装置液态锂限制器实验中锂的腐蚀与沉积特性的研究,Acta Physica Sinica,Vol.64(2015)212801 [37]An overview of lithium experiments on HT-7 and EAST during 2012,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.89(2014)2875–2885 [38]Liquid lithium surface control and its effect on plasma performance inthe HT-7 tokamak,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.89(2014)2886–2893 [39]Influence of lithium coatings with large-area coverage on EAST plasma performance,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.89(2014)2845–2852 [40]A repetitive pellet injection system for steady state fueling in EAST superconducting tokamak,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.89(2014)99-103 [41]First results of flowing liquid lithium limiter in HT-7,Physica Scripta,T159(2014)014033 [42]First Results of Pellet Injection Experiments on EAST,Plasma science and technology,Vol.16(2014)913-918 [43]HT-7托卡马克全金属壁及锂化条件下辉光放电清洗的研究,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,Vol.34(2014)731-736 [44]Development of and experiments with liquid lithium limiters on HT-7,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.438(2013)S899–S904, [45]Lithium Coating for H-Mode and High Performance Plasmas on EAST in ASIPP,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.438(2013)S90–S95 [46]EAST弹丸注入系统及其工程调试,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,Vol.33(2013)454 [47]In?uence of Li and B coatings of metal walls on deuterium retention and plasma con?nement in HT-7,Nuclear Fusion,Vol.52(2012)103002 [48]Comparison of various wall conditionings on the reduction of H content and particle recycling in EAST,Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,Vol.54(2012)015014 [49]Recent results of boronization on EAST and HT-7 superconducting tokamak,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.415(2011)S1046–S1049, [50]First results of lithium experiments on EAST and HT-7,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.415(2011)S1062–S1066 [51]Recent researches on dust in EAST and HT-7 tokamaks,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.415(2011)S1094–S1097 [52]HT-7托卡马克中破裂等离子体放电对器壁放气的影响,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,2011年,Vol.31(2011)37-43 [53]HT-7托卡马克中锂第一壁研究的先行试验,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,Vol.30(2010)273-278 [54]Oxidation wall conditionings on HT-7 and EAST superconducting tokamaks,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.415(2011)S1054–S1057 [55]Investigation of lithium as plasma facing materials on HT-7,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.85(2010)930–934 [56]EAST vacuum and wall conditioning group,Vacuum and wall conditioning system on EAST,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.84(2009)2167–2173 [57]Comparison of O-ICR wall conditionings for limiter configuration in HT-7 and divertor one in EAST,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.390–391(2009)929–933 [58]He–ICR cleanings on full metallic walls in EAST full superconducting tokamak,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.376(2008)207–210 [59]Oxidation for deposits removal and hydrogen release on HT-7,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.363-365C(2007)862-869 [60]Deposits removal and hydrogen release on exposure co-deposited films to O-ICR and O-GDC plasmas in HT-7,Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,Vol.49(2007)421-434 [61]Differences of ICR cleanings in He,D2 and O2 for deposit removal and hydrogen release in HT-7,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.366(2007)206-215 [62]Plasma recovery after various events in HT-7 superconducting tokamak,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.83(2008)689-694 [63]Oxygen removal with D2-ICR cleanings after oxidation experiment in HT-7,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.82(2007)133-139 [64]Oxygen removal with different cleaning techniques under various wall conditions in HT-7,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.81(2006)2175-2186 [65]Removal of re-deposited layers and release of trapped hydrogen by He/O-ICR plasma in a HT-7 superconducting tokamak,Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,Vol.48(2006)807-820 [66]Oxygen glow discharge experiment to remove deposited layers and hydrogen in HT-7 superconducting tokamak,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.350(2006)9-18 [67]Thermo-oxidation to remove re-deposited layers and to release trapped hydrogen isotopes in HT-7 superconducting tokamak,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Vol.349(2006)160-166 [68]Primary results of the upgraded actively coolant limiter system of HT-7,Fusion Engineering and Design,Vol.73(2005)119-125 [69]The first Results of O-ICR Experiment to Remove Re-deposited Layers and Hydrogen in HT-7 Superconducting Tokamak,Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,Vol.47(2005)1271-1286 [70]Design of actively cooled flat toroidal limiter with CuCr heat sink for the HT-7 superconducting,tokamak Fusion engineering and design,Vol.72(2005)377-390 [71]Temperature change and power deposition analysis of HT-7 Tokamak limiter during long pulse plasma discharge,High Power Laser and Particle Beams,Vol.16(2004)597-602 [72]HT-7超导托卡马克装置真空系统参数的标定及分析,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,2004年,期:2页:149-153 [73]Study of HT-7U graphite in HT-7 superconducting tokamak,Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology,Vol.21(2001)245-249 [74]Removal of Particles by ICRF Cleaning in HT-7 Superconducting Tokamak,Plasma Science&Technology,Vol.3(2001)621-627 其他期刊论文106篇(略)


兼任“聚变堆材料中氢同位素国际研讨会(HWS)”国际组委、“液态金属在聚变堆中应用国际研讨会(ISLA)”国际组委、《真空科学与技术学报》编委、安徽省真空学会副理事长,以及Nucl Fusion等多种期刊申稿人。
