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学习、工作经历 长安大学交通运输规划与管理专业本硕,江苏大学载运工具运用工程专业博士 2016.7-2017.7挂任仪征市新城镇副书记 社 会 兼 职 中国公路学会运输与物流分会理事,中国汽车工程学会货运装备技术分会委员,镇江市新能源汽车协会理事,江苏省质量协会质量鉴定专家,交通运输工程学报等多个国内外期刊审稿专家,DTS期刊副主编 主 讲 课 程 运输枢纽规划与设计/物流技术经济学/交通运输法律与法规/汽车营销理论与实务




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Adaptive Kernel Density Estimation for Traffic Accidents Based on Improved Bandwidth Research on Black Spot Identification Model,Electronics,2022 驾驶分心综述,交通运输工程学报,2019 Construction and Simulation of Rear-End Conflicts Recognition Model Based on Improved TTC Algorithm A review of research on driving distribution based on bibliometrics and co-occurrence: Focus on driving distraction recognition methods,Journal of Safety Research,2022.9 Research on Calculation of Warning Zone Length of Freeway Based on Micro-Simulation Model Research on Characteristics and Trends of Traffic Flow Based on Mixed Velocity Method and Background Difference Method Study on Traffic Conflict Prediction Model of Closed Lanes on the Outside of Expressway The Study of Feature Extraction Method Based on Multi-scale Morphological Spectrum Entropy Parameter optimizations of multi-class support vector machine based on seeker optimization algorithm 考虑驾驶人与环境交互的驾驶风格识别模型研究,重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2023 智能手机应用程序使用与操作的驾驶分心风险影响研究,中国安全生产科学技术,2023 大型多环道涡轮环交车道级信号控制方法,交通运输系统工程与信息,2023 基于交通冲突理论的道路安全评价技术研究综述,交通信息与安全,2022 Literature review of driving risk identification research based on bibliometric analysis,Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition),2023
