简 历:
2002-2006 延边大学师范学院
2007-2008 韩国忠南大学研究生院 教育学硕士
2009-2012 韩国忠南大学研究生院 教育学博士
2011-2012 韩国科学技术者协会多文化教育处 外籍讲师
2012-2014 韩国圆光大学国际协力处 副主任
2015-至今 江苏大学教师教育学院
1.入學司正官 轉形 委囑司正官 및 新入生 敎育프로그램 開發. 2013.10 结题. 韩国教育部, 参与
2.産業成長潛在力 提高를 위한 新徒弟制度의 槪念적 要素에 대한 硏究. 2012.08 结题. 韩国忠南大学, 主持
3.工科大學의 工學基礎能力 啓發을 위한 敎育課程 開發 및 實踐 戰略. 2011.10 结题. 韩国学术振兴财团, 参与
4.技術적 思考力測定道具 開發. 2009.09 结题. 韩国忠南大学, 参与
《A study on constituents of the new apprenticeship concept for the promotion of industrial growth potential》获韩国工业教育学会2013年度优秀科研成果一等奖。
1.A study on constituents of the new apprenticeship concept for the promotion of industrial growth potential (in Korean). Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education. [2013]Vol.38,No.1, pp.1~27
2.A study on the factor that influence on technology subject study achievement (in Korean). Korean Journal of Technology Education. [2013]Vol.13,No.1, pp.23~44
3.A survey study on learning behavioral styles of gifted students and ordinary students in e-learning environment (in Korean). Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education. [2012]Vol.37,No.1, pp.107~124
4.Technological thinking disposition of meister high school students. Journal of Asian Vocational Education and Training. [2012]Vol.5,No.1, pp.81~93
5.The development of a technology﹒home economics teacher-training program (in Korean). Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education. [2011]Vol.36,No.2, pp.25~46
6.A study on green information technology practical method in technology﹒home economics education (in Korean). Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education. [2011]Vol.36,No.1, pp.131~148
7.A conceptual study about the order-oriented training mode in technical vocational education and training. Journal of Asian Vocational Education and Training. [2010]Vol.3,No.1, pp.139~147
8.The development direction of vocational education teachers’ fostering of china based on vocational teachers specialization and vocational disciplines (in Korean). Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education. [2010]Vol.35,No.2, pp.70~81
9.A case study on learning behavioral styles for the workers in a multinational tire company in e-learning environment. Journal of Asian Vocational Education and Training. [2010]Vol.3,No.1, pp.129~138
10.A study on middle and high school student’s technological thinking disposition’s component factor (in Korean). Korean Journal of Technology Education. [2010]Vol.10,No.2, pp.30~57
11.Strategies for e-learning development in china through the analysis of e-learning administration status in Korean industry-academia e-learning cooperation (in Korean). Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Education. [2009]Vol.34,No.2, pp.286~303
2009-2011 韩国忠南大学研究生院 研究助教
2009-至今 亚洲职业教育学会 会员
2013-至今 韩国工业教育学会 国际理事