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教育经历 1988.9 - 1991.7 四川自贡市荣县第一中学 理科 1999.9 - 2003.5 大连理工大学 材料物理与化学 博士 1996.9 - 2000.7 大连理工大学 材料加工 硕士 1992.9 - 1996.7 大连理工大学 铸造 学士 工作经历 2002.7 - 至今 大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院 2003.11 - 2004.11 法国Limoges大学 SPCTS实验室 博士后 从事微波等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术制备功能薄膜博士后研究工作。 2011.8 - 2012.7 江苏省常州市新北区西夏墅镇政府 党委副书记 2012.6 - 2016.6 大连理工大学常州研究院 常务副院长 主要负责研究院重大平台建设、科技创新、产学研合作 2012.11 - 2013.1 德国Siegen大学 短期工作访问


1. 高性能锂离子动力电池活性材料研究 2. 燃料电池金属双极板改性与应用研究; 3. 纳米粉体制备技术及应用研究; 4. 结构及功能涂层设计与应用


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[1]Zhang, Xueyu.Influence of Ar/H-2 ratio on the characteristics of boron-doped nc-Si:H films prepared by electron[J],SURFACE COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022,228(SUPPL.1):S412-S415 [2]Zhang, Xueyu.Influence of Ar/H-2 ratio on the characteristics of phosphorus-doped hydrogenated nanocrystalline [J],THIN SOLID FILMS,2022,521:181-184 [3]罗倩.In-built durable Li–S counterparts from Li–TiS2 batteries[J],MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY,2022 [4]Luo, Qian.In-built run language="sv" backColor="ffffff" run language="sv" backColor="ffffff" run language="s[J],MATERIALS TODAY ENERGY,2022,17 [5]Qu Wenchao.Influence of boron contents on properties of AlMgB films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering[J],Rare Metals,2022,31(2):164-167 [6]吴爱民.Influence of boron contents on the structure and hardness properties of Al-Mg-B films by R.F. magnet[J],Rare Matels,2022,31(2):164-167 [7]牟宗信.Investigation of mechanical and structural properties of AIN thin films prepared by mid-frequency [A],6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing,2022,561-565(PART 2):1185-1188 [8]靳晓哲.Lithium-Ion Storage in Molybdenum Phosphides with Different Crystal Structure[J],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2022 [9]Jin, Xiaozhe.Lithium-ion storage in molybdenum phosphides with different crystal structures[J],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2022,49(7):2225-2233 [10]Jin, Xiaozhe.Inverse Capacity Growth and Pocket Effect in SnS2 Semifilled Carbon Nanotube Anode[J],ACS Nano,2022,12(8):8037-8047 [11]Liu, Jia.Inverse capacity growth and progressive lithiation of SnP-semifilled carbon nanotubes anodes[J],APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE,2022,568 [12]Liu Xing-Long.The Preparation and Characteristics of InxGa1-xN (0.06 <= x <= 0.58) Films Deposited by ECR-PEMOCV[J],Chinese Physics Letters,2022,28(10) [13]秦福文.The Preparation and Charateristics of InxGa1-xN(0.06 ≤x≤ 0.58) Films[J],中国物理快报,2022,28(10):108104-108104 [14]梅显秀.The surface modification of DZ4 Ni-based superalloy irradiated by high intensity pulsed ion beams[A],10th APCPST (Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology) and 23th SPSM (Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials),Jeju island in Korea,2022 [15]刘宝丹.The synthesis, structure and cathodoluminescence of ellipsoid-shaped ZnGa2O4 nanorods[J],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,20(36) [16]Tang, Zhiwei.Three-Dimensional Carbon Nitride Nanowire Scaffold for Flexible Supercapacitors[J],Nanoscale Research Letters,2022,14(1):98 [17]秦颖.Thermodynamic processes and phenomena induced by high current pulsed electron beam[A],6th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing,2022,561-565(PART 3):2439-+ [18]吴爱民.The two-step growth of poly-Si thin film by ECR-PECVD[A],the 6th international forum on advanced material science and technology, HongKong,,2022 [19]陈伟绩.TMGa流量对玻璃衬底上低温沉积GaN的影响[J],真空科学与技术学报,2022,4:445-449 [20]王艳艳.α-Al2O3上生长GaN过程中氮化的研究[J],红外与激光工程,2022,5:721-724 [21]杨智慧.ZnO:Al衬底上低温生长GaN薄膜[J],人工晶体学报,2022,2:299-303 [22]郝胜智.一种新型的材料表面改性装置——强流脉冲电子束(电子炮)[J],真空,2022,02:16-19 [23]林国强.三束实验室产业化表面技术与装备[A],中国真空学会2012学术交流会论文集中国真空学会,2022,69-69 [24]黄亮.二硫化钼纳米粒子作为锂离子电池负极的电化学行为研究[J],化工新型材料,2022 [25]周抒予.作为钠硫电池正极的碳约束NiS2纳米结构中钠离子的储运特性[J],材料研究学报,2022 [26]吴爱民.具有高耐蚀性和导电性的掺Cr类金刚石非晶碳的化学式解析[J],表面技术,2022,49(5):1-10,38 [27]吴爱民.具有高耐蚀性和导电性的掺Cr类金刚石非晶碳的化学式解析(英文)[J],表面技术,2022,49(05):1-10+38 [28]刘宝丹.352 nm ultraviolet emission from high-quality crystalline AlN whiskers[J],NANOTECHNOLOGY,2022,21(7) [29]Tian, Ruixue.Adsorption and diffusion of alkali metals (Li, Na, and K) on heteroatom-doped monolayer titanium dis[J],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2022,50(20):7065-7077 [30]蒋雪.AlMgB14 三元超硬硼化物的实验制备与理论研究[J],中国科学 物理学 力学 天文学,2022,41(6):764-774 [31]Wu, Zhanling.Al-Mg-B thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering[J],VACUUM,2022,85(4,SI):541-545 [32]王艳艳.alpha-Al_2O_3上生长GaN过程中氮化的研究[J],红外与激光工程,2022,36(5):721-724 [33]Zhou, Xuyang.Amorphous-based B-C-Mg thin films obtained through a composition design using cluster-plus-glue-at[J],SURFACE COATINGS TECHNOLOGY,2022,242:14-19 [34]Grosdidier, T..Analysis of Metals Surface Structure Modifications Induced by High Current Pulsed Electron Beam (HCP[A],ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,614:99-104 [35]Suo, N..A Novel Method of Synthesizing Boron-doped Carbon Catalysts[J],Fuel Cells,2022,18(6):681-687 [36]张学宇.Ar流量对ECR-PECVD制备氢化纳米晶硅薄膜结构及性能影响研究[J],人工晶体学报,2022,9:1750-1756 [37]吴爱民.Band-gap tailoring and visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance of porous (GaN)(1-x)(ZnO)(x[J],DALTON TRANSACTIONS,2022,46(8):2643-2652 [38]李靖.Band-Gap Tunable 2D Hexagonal (GaN)(1-x)(ZnO)(x) Solid-Solution Nanosheets for Photocatalytic Wate[J],ACS Applied Materials Interfaces,2022,12(7):8583-8591 [39]Li, Jing.Composition and Band Gap Tailoring of Crystalline (GaN)1- x(ZnO) x Solid Solution Nanowires for Enha[J],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2022,57(9):5240-5248 [40]Ma, Yanping.Composition Formulas of Inorganic Compounds in Terms of Cluster Plus Glue Atom Model[J],INORGANIC CHEMISTRY,2022,57(2):710-717
