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1. 2012.07-今 大连交通大学材料学院 光电材料与器件研究所 副教授 2. 2010.01-2012.06 大连交通大学材料学院 光电材料与器件研究所 讲师 3. 2004.09-2009.10 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院 材料物理与化学专业 博士研究所学习




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1. C.Q. Liu, W.L. Li, W.D. Fei. Determination of the macroscopic residual stress in thin film with fiber texture on the basis of local grain-interaction models, Acta Materialia, 2010, 58: 5393-5401. 2. C.Q. Liu, W.L. Li, W.D. Fei, S. Q. Zhang, J. N. Wang. Influence of phase transition induced by residual stress on ferroelectric properties of highly (100)-oriented Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 493: 499. 3. N. Wang, C.Q. Liu, B. Wen, H.L. Wang, S.M. Liu, W.P. Chai, Enhanced optical and electrical properties of NiO thin films prepared by rapid radiation pyrolysis method based on the sol–gel technique, Materials Letters, 2014, 122: 269-272. 4. B. Wen, C.Q. Liu, W.D. Fei, H.L. Wang, S.M. Liu, N. Wang, W.P. Chai. Effect of Doped Boron on the Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Sol-gel Spin Coating. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2014, 30(3):509-512. 5. Chao Xu, Shimin Liu, Chaoqian Liu, Wanyu Ding, Shou Peng, Weiping Chai, Effect of urea on the dispersibility and crystallisation of AZO nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel combustion, Micro & Nano Letters, 2011, 6(10): 855-857. 6. Ying Wang, Hualin Wang, Chaoqian Liu, Yun Wang, Shou Peng, Weiping Chai, Effect of NaOH solution on surface textured ZnO:Al films prepared by pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2012, 15: 555-558. 7. Shimin Liu, Weiwei Jiang, Chaoqian Liu, Wanyu Ding, Weiping Chai, Preparation and characterization of ATO nanoparticles by various coprecipitation, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2012, 24: 594-600. 8. Wang Hua-Lin, Ding Wan-Yu, Liu Chao-Qian, Chai Wei-Ping, Influence of O(2) Flux on Compositions and Properties of ITO Films Deposited at Room Temperature by Direct-Current Pulse Magnetron Sputtering, Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(12):127302. 9. Ying Wang, Hualin Wang, Chaoqian Liu, Yun Wang, Shou Peng, Weiping Chai. Effect of NaOH solution on surface textured ZnO:Al films prepared by pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2012, 15:555-558.
