Irreducible representations of the special algebras in prmie characteristic? Contemp. Math.? Amer. Math. Soc? 473 (2008)? 273-295. (with Yufeng Yao)
Representations of finite Lie algebras? Journal of Algebra 2008 (a special volume dedicated to G. Lehrer)? to appear. (with Jie Du)
On Lie superalgebras of algebraic supergroups? Algebra Colloquium? to appear. (with Lisun Zheng)
Filtrations in modular representations of reductive Lie algebras? Algebra Colloquium? to appear. (with Yiyang Li)
Modular representations of Super groups of type OSp? Proceedings of London Math. Soc.? Vol 96 (2008)? 251-271. (with Weiqiang Wang)
Representations of finite Lie algebras and Geometry of reductive Lie algebras? Studies in Advanced Mathematics? Volume 39? Amer. Math. Soc./ International Press 2007? 277-287.
Cartan invariants and blocks for the Zassenhaus algebras? Comm. Algebra 33 (2005)? 3619-3630. (with Zhihong Jiang)
Representations of Cartan Type Lie Algebras in Prime Characteristic? Journal of Algebra 256 (2002)? 7-27.
Conjugations in Representations of the Zassenhaus algebras? Acta Mathematica Sinica? English Series (2001)? 319-326.
Quasi p-mappings and Representations of Modular Lie Algebra? "Proceedings of International Conference on Representation Theory? July 1998? Shanghai"? CHEP & Springer-Verlag (2000)? 375-402.
Automorphism groups of Cartan type Lie algebras? Chin. Ann. Math. 20 (1999)? Ser. A? 47-52.
Generalized Restricted Lie algebras and the Representations of the Zassenhaus algebras? Journal of Algebra 204 (1998)? 549-572.
The dimensions of simple generalized restrbicted modules for graded Lie algebras of Cartan type? Chin.Sci. Bull. 43 (1998)? 1336-1340.
On cohomology of generalized restricted Lie algebras? Chin. Ann. Math 19 (1998)? Ser. B.
Algebraic groups associated with graded Lie algebras of Cartan type? Chin.Ann. Math. 19 (1998)? Ser. B. (with Guangyu Shen)
The generalized restricted representations of graded Lie algebras of Cartan type? Journal of Algebra 194 (1997)? 157-177.
The realizations of primitive p-envelopes and the support varieties of graded Cartan type Lie algebras? Comm. Algebra 25 (1997)? 3209-3223.
Sandwich subalgebras and automorphisms of restricted Cartan type Lie algebras over a communicative ring? Chin. Ann? Math. 18 (1997)? Ser. A? 443-436.
Subalgebras generated by all adjoint p-nilpotent elements and their normalizer in graded Lie algebras of Cartan type? Northeast. Math. J. (12) 1996? 189-196.
Automorphisms and forms of Lie algebras of Cartan type? Comm. Algebra Vol. 23 (1995)? 5243-5268. (with Guangyu Shen)