2013-2018 德国美因茨大学 博士后
2018 - 至今 华东师范大学
Strict Arakelov inequality for a family of varieties of general type Electron. Res. Arch. j.w. Jinbang Yang and Kang Zuo
Finiteness of superelliptic curves with CM Jacobians Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. j.w. Ke Chen and Kang Zuo
On CM points away from the Torelli locus J. Lond. Math. Soc. j.w. Ke Chen and Kang Zuo
Canonically fibered surfaces of general type J. Inst. Math. Jussieu On the slope conjecture of Barja and Stoppino for fibred surfaces Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. j.w. Kang Zuo
Family of curves with large unitary summand in the Hodge bundle Math. Z.
The Oort conjecture on Shimura curves in the Torelli locus of curves J. Math. Pures Appl. j.w. Kang Zuo
On Severi type inequalities for irregular surfaces Int. Math. Res. Not. j.w. Kang Zuo
The Oort conjecture for Shimura curves of small unitary rank Commun. Math. Stat. j.w. Ke Chen and Kang Zuo
On Higgs bundles over Shimura varieties of ball quotient type Asian J. Math. j.w. Ke Chen, Shengli Tan and Kang Zuo
Singular fibers and Kodaira dimensions Math. Ann. j.w. Shengli Tan and Kang Zuo
On the gonality and the slope of a fibered surface Adv. Math. j.w. Kang Zuo
The Oort conjecture on Shimura curves in the Torelli locus of hyperelliptic curves J. Math. Pures Appl. j.w. Kang Zuo
Slopes of non-hyperelliptic fibrations in positive characteristic Int. Math. Res. Not. j.w. Hao Sun
On the slope of hyperelliptic fibrations with positive relative irregularity Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. j.w. Kang Zuo
On the Oort conjecture for Shimura varieties of unitary and orthogonal types Compos. Math. j.w. Ke Chen and Kang Zuo
On the minimal number of singular fibers with non-compact Jacobians for families of curves over P^1 J. Math. Pures Appl. j.w. Shengli Tan, Wanyuan Xu and Kang Zuo
The variety of nilpotent elements and invariant polynomial functions on the special algebra S_n Forum Math. j.w. Hao Chang and Junyan Wei
On the gonality of an algebraic curve and its abelian automorphism groups Comm. Algebra j.w. Shengli Tan
Families of curves over P^1 with 3 singular fibers C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris j.w. Cheng Gong and Shengli Tan