2003-2007 中国科学技术大学 本科
2007-2010 南开大学陈省身数学研究所 硕士
2010-2013 南开大学陈省身数学研究所 博士
2014-2016 德国科隆大学,柏林洪堡大学 博士后
2017-2019 华东师范大学 博士后
2019-2020 华东师范大学 青年研究员
2021- 华东师范大学 教授
(with Jianqing Yu) On the Anomaly Formula for the Cappell-Miller Holomorphic Torsion. Sci. China Math.. 2010, 53(12): 3225-3241.
(with Jianqing Yu) On the Witten Rigidity Theorem for Stringc Manifolds. Pacific J. Math., 2013, 266(2): 477-508.
(with Jianqing Yu) Rigidity and Vanishing Theorems on Z/k Spinc manifolds. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2015,?367(2), 1381–1420.
Functoriality of Equivariant Eta Forms. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry. 2017, 11(1), 225-307.
Real embedding and Equivariant Eta Forms. Math. Z. 292 (2019), 849-878.
(with Xiaonan Ma) Differential K-theory, eta-invariant, and localization. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris. 357(10) (2019), 803--813.
(with Xiaonan Ma) Differential K-theory and localization formula of eta invariants. Invent. Math. 222(2) (2020), 545-613.
Equivariant Eta Forms and Equivariant Differential K-Theory. Sci. China Math. 64(10) (2021), 2159-2206.
(with Xiaonan Ma) Comparison of two equivariant eta forms. Adv. Math. 404 (2022), paper No. 108163. 76pp.
Bismut-Cheeger eta form and higher spectral flow. IMRN. 2023(13), (2023), 10964-10996.