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Professional Experience July of 1993--July of 2002: Department of Mathematics, Central China Normal University August of 2002 -- : Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University Education 1979--1982 in School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Shangrao Normal University Ms.D., 1987-1990 in Department of Mathematics, Central China Normal University Ph.D., 1990-1993 in Department of Mathematics, Wuhan University Postdoctor, 1998-1999 in SSOR, Delft University of Technology




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Published contributions to academic conferences Packing dimension of a class of sets, Proceedings of the Third Conference on FRACTAL THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Hefei, P.R. China, May 1993, 52--55. Dimensions of measure supported on generalized MW construction (with Feng Su), DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND CONTROL THEORY, Wuhan, P.R. China, June 1994, 163--167. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 176, Dekker, New Jork. Multifractal decompositions of MW-like fractals, DYNAMICAL SYSTEM AND CHAOS, vol.1, Tokyo, Japan, June 1994, 159--162. World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ. On the intersection of translation of middle-$\alpha $ Cantor sets (with D. Xiao), FRACTALS AND BEYOND--Complexities in the Sciences, Malta, October 1998, 137--148. World Scientific, Singapore. dvi , ps , pdf . Articles in journals On the existence of Borel points of meromorphic algebroidal function in unit circle, J. Central China Normal University, 27(1993), 10--14(in Chinese). Research on a class of partially self-similar sets, Chin. Ann. of Math., 15A(1994), 681--688(in Chinese). Property of Hausdorff measure of a class of sets, J. Central China Normal University, 28(1994), 286--288(in Chinse). Box dimensions of planar generalized recurrent self-affine set (with Q. Qin & C. Wang), Mathematica Applicata, 8(1995) (supp.), 164--168. Generalized Moran fractals and its multifractal decompositions, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 38(1995), 553-558(in Chinese). The packing dimensions of the generalized Moran sets (with S. Hua), Progress in Natural Science, 16(1996), 148--152. Generalized recurrent sets. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 39(1996), 125--132(in Chinese). The sufficient and necessary conditions for a set $F$ with $\dim _HF=\dim _PF$ (with D. Xiao), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 16(1996), 406--411. The multifractal decompositions of generalized Moran sets (II) (with F. Su & M. Wu), Journal of Fudan University, 35(1996), 200--205(in Chinese). The Strategies of Options and Hedges of DMKStg (with D.F Zhao), Scienc and Technology Progress and Policy, 1998(supp.), 145--147(in Chinese). Hausdorff dimension of a set defined by its address properties, Journal of Central China Normal University(Nat. Sci.), 32(1998), 145--146. A note on generalized Moran set (with D.Xiao), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 18(1998)(supp.), 88--93. Separation properties for MW-fractals, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 14(1998), 113--120(in Chinese). Separation properties for MW-fractals, Acta Mathematics Sinica, 14(1998), 487--494. dvi , ps , pdf . The dimensions of self-similar sets (with D. Xiao), J. Math. Soc. Japan, 50(1998), 789--799. dvi , ps , pdf . Dimension of subsets of a Moran fractal characterized by its location code (with D.Xiao), Journal of Central China Normal University(Nat. Sci.), 32(1998), 251--254. 88--93. Dimensions of measure on general Sierpinski carpet (with D. Xiao), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 19(1999), 81--85. Intersection of translations of Cantor triadic set (with D. Xiao), Acta Mathematica Scientia, 19(1999), 214--219. Dimensions of subsets of a class of Cantor-type set(with D. Xiao), Acta Mathematica Sinica 43(2000), 225--232(in Chinese). Limit cycles for competitive three dimensional Lotka - Volterra system (with D. Xiao), J. Differential Equations, 164(2000), 1--15. ps , pdf . The dimension of subsets of Moran sets determined by the success run behaviour of their codings (with F.M. Dekking), Monatshefte fur Mathematik , 131(2000), 309--320. dvi , ps , pdf . Non-differentiability of devil's staircases and dimensions of subsets of Moran sets (with D.Xiao and F.M. Dekking), Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society , 133(2002), No.2, 345--355. dvi , ps , pdf . Hausdorff dimension of subsets of Moran fractals with prescribed group frequency of their codings (with F.M. Dekking), Nonlinearity , 16(2003), 187--200. dvi , ps , pdf . Stability and Bifurcation in a delayed Ratio-dependent Predator-Prey System (with D.Xiao ), Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, , 46(2003), 205--220. dvi , ps , pdf . How smooth is a devil's staircase? (with F. Michel Dekking), Fractals , 11(2003), 101--107 dvi , ps , pdf . The dimension of sets determined by their code behaviour, Fractals , 11(2003), 345--352. dvi , ps , pdf . Solving Maximum cut problem in the Adleman-Lipton model(with D. Xiao, Z. Zhang, L. He), BioSystems, 82(2005), 203--207. pdf . Procedure for a dynamical system on $\{0, 1\}^n$ with DNA molecules(with D. Xiao, J. Yu, X. Zhang, Z. Zhang, L. He). BioSystems, 84(2006), 207--216. pdf . Dynamics in a Ratio-dependent Predator-Prey Model with predator Harvesting(with D. Xiao, M. Han). JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 324(2006), 14--29. Orbit trap rendering method for generating artistic images with cyclic or dihedral symmetry(with Y. Zuo, J. Lu, R. Ye). Computers & graphics, 30(2006), 471--474. Generation of chair-tilling aperiodic Aesthetic patterns(with Y. Zuo, J. Lu), Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 18(2006), 498--501. DNA ternary addition(with D. Xiao, L. He). Applied Mathematics and Computation, 182(2006), 977--986. A DNA procedure for solving the shortest path problem(with C. Wang, D. Xiao, L. He). Applied Mathematics and Computation 183(2006), 79--84. Non-differentiability points of Cantor functions. Mathematische Nachrichten, 280(2007), 140--151. pdf . Hausdorff dimension of fiber-coding sub-Sierpinski carpets(with Y.X. Gui). JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 331(2007), 62--68. Points of infinite derivative of Cantor functions. Real Anal. Exchange, 32 (2006/07), no.1, 87--96. pdf . Hausdorff dimension of subsets with proportional fibre frequencies of the general Sierpinski carpet (with Y.X. Gui). Nonlinearity, 20(2007), 2353--2364. pdf . A class of Sierpinski carpets with overlaps (with Y.R. Zou, Y.Y. Yao). J. Math. Anal. Appl., 340(2008), 1422--1432. Hausdorff measure of Sierpinski Sponge generated by normal tetrahedron (with Y.Z. Chen, Y.X. Gui). Journal of ECNU (Natural Science), 137(2008), 37--43. A random version of McMullen-Bedford general Sierpinski carpets and its application (with Y.X. Gui). Nonlinearity 21 (2008) 1745-1758. pdf . The pointwise densities of non-symmetric Cantor sets (with Yuanyuan Yao). International Journal of Mathematics, 19(2008), 1121--1135. A generalized Multifractal spectrum of the general Sierpinski carpets (with Y.X. Gui), JMAA, 348(2008), 180--192. Self-similar structure on the intersection of middle-$1-2\beta$ Cantor sets with $\beta\in(\frac{1}{3},\frac{1}{2})$, Nonlinearity, 21(2008), 2899--2910. (with J. Lu and YR. Zou). pdf . An equivalent definition of packing dimension for subsets of Moran fractals and its application, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10(2009), 1618--1626. pdf . Dimensions of subsets of Moran fractals related to frequencies of their codings (with Y.Y. Yao).Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10(2009), 3240--3252. pdf . Hausdorff and packing dimensions of subsets of Moran fractals with prescribed mixed group frequency of their codings(with L. Olsen, Z.Y. Wen), Aequationes Mathematicae, 77(2009), 171--185. Dimensions of Non-differentiability points of Cantor functions (with Yuanyuan Yao, Yunxiu Zhang), Studia Mathematica, 195(2009), 113--125. Hausdorff dimension of a class of subsets of Sierpinski carpet (with Y.X. Gui), Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 75 (2009), no. 1-2, 75--89. Subsets of the general Sierpinski carpet with mixed group frequencies (with Y.X. Gui), International Journal of Mathematics, 20(2009), 1289--1303. Multiscale self-affine Sierpinski carpets (with Y.X. Gui), Nonlinearity 23 (2010), 495-512. The Hausdorff dimension of sets related to the general Sierpinski carpets (with Y.X. Gui). Acta Mathematica Sinica, 26(2010), 731-742. COLORFUL PATTERNS WITH DISCRETE PLANAR SYMMETRIES FROM DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS (with J. Lu, Y.R. Zou). Fractals, 18(2010), 35-43. Dimensions of sets related to affine Sierpinski carpets (with J. Zhang, D. Kong). Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics, 31(2010), 175--190. Intersections of homogeneous Cantor sets and beta-expansions (with Derong Kong, F.M. Dekking), Nonlinearity, 23 (2010), 2815-2834. . Self-similar structure on intersection of homogeneous symmetric Cantor sets (with Yuanyuan Yao, Yunxiu Zhang), Math. Nach. 284(2011), 298--316. Intersecting nonhomogeneous Cantor sets with their translations (with Yuzu Zou, Caiguang Yan), Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 74(2011), 4660--4670. Regular subsets of a class of self-affine set (with Y.X. Gui). Acta Mathematica Scientia, Sieries A, 31(2011), 796--804. Self-similar structure on intersection of planar Cantor sets with their translations(with Y.Y. Yao), Monatshefte f r Mathematik, 166(2012),591--600. Unique expansion of points of a class of self-similar sets with overlaps (with Y.R. Zou, J. Lu), Mathematika, 58(2012), 371--388. Colorful symmetric images in three-dimensional space from dynamical systems (with Lu, Jian; Zou, Yuru; Liu, Zeyi). Fractals 20 (2012), no. 1, 53 C60. Lipschitz equivalence of McMullen sets (with B.M. Li, J.J. Miao), Fractals, 2013, no. 3-4. Dimensions of non-differentiability points of generalized Cantor functions with In Soo Beak), Acta Mathematica Sinica Chinese series) , 2014, 57 5), 939--946. Hausdorff dimension of unique beta expansions (with D.R. Kong), Nonlinearity, 28(2015), no1, 187--209. Variational formula related to the self-affine Sierpinski carpets (with Y.X. Gui, D.M. Xiao), Math. Nach 288 2015 no. 5-6, 593--603. A DNA Algorithm for the Maximal Matching Problem (with E.M. Patrikeev, D.M. Xiao), Automation and Remote Control, 76 2015), no. 10, 1797--1802. Generating iterated function systems for a class of self-similar sets with complete overlap(with Y.Y. Yao), Publ. Math. Debrecen, 87/1-2(2015), 23--33. On the cardinality of beta-expansions of some numbers. . (with Y.R. Zou, J. Lu), Int. J. Number Theory, 12(2016)1497--1507. Assouad dimensions of Moran sets and Cantor-like sets(with W.W. Li, J.J., Miao, L.F. Xi), Front. Math. China, 11(2016),705--722. Hausdorff dimensions of sets related to Luroth expansion . (with Y.X. Gui), Acta Math. Hungary, 150(2016), 286--302. Generating Iterated Function Systems for the Vicsek Snowlake and the Koch Curve . (with Y.Yao), The American Mathematical Monthly, 123(7)(2016), 716--721. Hausdorff dimension of univoque sets and Devil's staircase . (with V. Komornik, D.R. Kong), Adv. in Math. 305(2017), 165--196. On small bases which admit points with two expansions . (with D.R. Kong, Y.R. Zou), Journal of Number Theory, 173(2017), 100--128. UNIVOQUE BASES AND HAUSDORFF DIMENSIONS . (with D.R. Kong, F. Lv and M. de Vries) Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 184(2017), 443--458. Lipschitz equivalence of a class of self-similar sets . (with X.Chen, K. Jiang), Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 42(2017), 585--591. Algebraic sums and products of univoque bases .(with Karma Dajani, Vilmos Komornik, D.R. Kong), Indag. Math. (N.S) 29(2018), no. 4, 1087---1104. Multiple expansions of real numbers with digits set $\set{0,1,q}$ . (with Karma Dajani, K, Jiang, D.R. Kong), Math. Z., 291(3),2019. 1605--1619. Estimating the Hausdorff dimensions of uniqvoque sets for self-similar sets . (with X. Chen, K, Jiang), Indag. Math., 30(2019), 862--873. ON THE BIFURCATION SET OF UNIQUE EXPANSIONS .(with C. Kalle, D.R. Kong and F. Lv), Acta Arithmetica., 188(2019), 367--399. Critical base for unique codings of fat Sierpinski gaskets .(with D.R. Kong) Nonlinearity, 33(2020), 4484--4511. Spectral analysis for weighted iterate q-triangulations of graphs . (with Y.F. Chen), Internat. J. Modern Phys. C. 31(2020), no. 3, 2050042, 19 pp. The -transformation with a hole at 0 . (with C. Kalle, D.R. Kong and Niels Langeveld), Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 40(2020), 2482--2514. UNIVOQUE BASES OF REAL NUMBERS: LOCAL DIMENSION, DEVIL'S STAIRCASE AND ISOLATED POINTS . (with D.R. Kong, F. Lv, Z.Q. Wang, J.Y. Xu) Adv Appl Math, 121(2020), 1--31. Hausdorff dimension of univoque sets of self-similsr sets with complete overlaps .(with M. Gareeb), Fractals, 28(2020), 2050051. Visibility of Cartesian products of Cantor sets . (with T.Y. Zhang, K, Jiang) Fractals, 28(2020), 2050119. Intersection of Sierpinski gasket with its translation . (with Y. Cai), Indag. Math., 31(2020), 984--996. On the sum of squares of middle-third Cantor set . (with Z.Q. Wang, K. Jiang, B. Zhao) Journal of Number Theory, 218(2021), 209--222. Pointwise densities of homogeneous Cantor measure and critical values . (with D.R. Kong, Y.Y. Yao) Nonlinearity, 34(2021), 2350--2380. Multiple codings for self-similar sets with overlaps . (with Karma Dajani, K, Jiang, D.R. Kong, L.F. Xi) Adv. in Appl. Math. 124 (2021), 102146, 49 pp. Kan Jiang, Derong Kong, Wenxia Li, How likely can a point be in different Cantor sets . Nonlinearility, 35(2022), no.3, 1402--1430. Wenxia Li, Jun Jie Miao, Zhiqiang Wang, Weak Convergence and Spectrality of Infinite Convolutions . Adv. Math., 404(2022), Paper No. 108425, 26pp. Wenxia Li, Zhiqiang Wang, How inhomogeneous Cantor sets can pass a point . Math. Z. 302 (2022), no. 3, 1429--1449. Lipeng Wang, Wenxia Li, FRACTAL DIMENSIONS OF SETS DEFINED BY DIGIT RESTRICTIONS IN R^2 . Fractals, Vol. 31, No. 7 (2023) 2350074 (24 pages). Yi Cai, Wenxia Li, Bases which admit exactly two expansions . Publ. Math. Debrecen, 103(2023)no. 3-4, 339--384. Wenxia Li, Jun Jie Miao, Zhiqiang Wang, Spectrality of random convolutions generated by finitely many Hadamard triples . Nonlinearity, 37(2024), no.1, Paper No. 015003, 21pp.


