2008 - 2013 UC Santa Cruz 数学系 博士
2006 - 2010 中科院数学院 数学所 硕士
2002 - 2006 山东大学 数学系 学士
2016.1–现在 华东师范大学数学系, 副教授
2014.1–2014.12 马普数学所,波恩, 博士后
2013.8–2015.12 华东师范大学数学系, 师资博士后(晨晖学者)
The irreducible modules and fusion rules for the parafermion vertex operator algebras,(with C. Ai, C. Dong and L. Ren), submitted, arXiv:1501.02039
Bimodule and twisted representation of vertex operator algebras. (with Q. Jiang), Sci. China Math. 59 (2016), 397-410.
Fusion rules for the vertex operator algebra V_{L_2}^{A_4} (with C. Dong, C. Jiang, Q. Jiang and N. Yu ), J. Algebra 423 (2015), 476-505.
Mirror extensions of vertex operator algebras. (with C. Dong and F. Xu), Comm. Math. Phys. 329 (2014), 263-294.
Quantum dimensions and quantum Galois theory. (with C. Dong and F. Xu),Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 365 (2013), no. 12, 6441–6469.