Hao Liang, Zhiming Qi, Kelin Hu*, Baoguo Li, Shiv O. Prasher. 2018. Modelling subsurface water drainage and nitrogen losses for drained crop land using coupled DRAINMOD and WHCNS models. Agric. water manage, 195:201-210.
Ruiqi Ren, Gang Liu*, Minmin Wen, Robert Horton, Baoguo Li, Bingcheng Si. 2017. The effects of probe misalignment on sap flux density measurementsand in situ probe spacing correction methods. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 232: 176–185.
Feng Gu, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li*, and Lujiu Li. 2017. Accounting for Calcareous Concretions in Calcic Vertisols Improves the Accuracy of Soil Hydraulic Property Estimations. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. doi:10.2136/sssaj2017.02.0046.
Yang, W., Y. Wang, J. Shang, K. Liu, P. Sharma, J. Liu and B. Li . 2017. Antagonistic effect of humic acid and naphthalene on biochar colloid transport in saturated porous media. Chemosphere, 189: 556-564.
Yang, W., Y. Wang, P. Sharma, B. Li, K. Liu, J. Liu, M. Flury and J. Shang. 2017. Effect of naphthalene on transport and retention of biochar colloids through saturated porous media. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 530: 146-154.
Jing Zhang, Kelin Hu*, Kejiang Li, Chunlian Zheng, Baoguo Li. 2017. Simulating the effects of long-term discontinuous and continuous fertilization with straw return on crop yields and soil organic carbon dynamics using the DNDC model. Soil Tillage Research, 165:302-314.
Hao Liang, Zhiming Qi, Kendall C. DeJonge, Kelin Hu*, Baoguo Li. 2017. Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the nitrate leaching and crop yield simulation under different water and nitrogen management practices. Comput. Electron Agr. 142: 201-210.
Hao Liang, Kelin Hu*, W. D. Batchelor, Wei Qin, Baoguo Li. 2017. Developing a water and nitrogen management model for greenhouse vegetable production in China: sensitivity analysis and evaluation. Ecological Modelling doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.10.016
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徐强, 李周晶, 胡克林*, 李保国. 2017. 基于密切值法和水氮管理模型的华北平原农田水氮优化管理. 农业工程学报, 33(14):152-158.
魏翠兰, 高伟达, 李录久, 黄峰, 李保国. 2017. 不同初始条件对砂姜黑土收缩特征的影响, 农业机械学报,48(10): 229-236.
杨雯, 郝丹丹, 徐东昊, 商建英*, 李保国. 2017. 生物炭颗粒在饱和多孔介质中的迁移与滞留, 土壤通报, 48(2):304-312.
Weiwei Cong, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li*. 2016. Changes in soil organic matter composition after afforestation of arable farmland in northeast China. Chemistry and Ecology, 32 (3) :1-20.
P.A.J. van Oort, G. Wang, J. Vosa, H. Meinke, B.G. Li, J.K. Huang, W. van der Werf. 2016. Towards groundwater neutral cropping systems in the Alluvial Fans ofthe North China. Agricultural Water Management, 165(165):131–140.
Shan Hua, Bingshuai Cao, Bangyou Zheng, Baoguo Li*, Chuanqing Sun. 2016. Quantitative evaluation of influence of PROSTRATE GROWTH 1 gene onrice canopy structure based on three-dimensional structure model. Field Crops Research, 194: 65–74.
Zhengchao Tian, Zizhong Li, Gang Liu, Baoguo Li, Tusheng Ren. 2016. Soil water content determination with cosmic-ray neutron sensor: Correcting aboveground hydrogen effects with thermal/fast neutron ratio. Journal of Hydrology, 540: 923–933.
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Liu Heman, Cao Lihua, Xu Changchang, Yang Hong, Li Baoguo*. 2016. Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in farmland and adjacent natural grassland in Tibet. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 9(1): 135.
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Wang, Z., Jin, Y., Shen, C.*, Li, T., Huang, Y., Li, B**. 2016. Spontaneous detachment of colloids from primary energy minima by Brownian diffusion. PLOS ONE 11, e0147368.
郭全恩,李保国,南丽丽,曹诗瑜,陈建刚. 2016. 疏勒河流域绿洲荒漠过渡带土壤呼吸特征及其影响因素.生态环境学报, 25(6):934-938.
梁浩, 胡克林, 李保国. 2016. 基于PEST 的土壤-作物系统模型参数优化及灵敏度分析. 农业工程学报, 32(3):78-85.
王敬国, 林 杉, 李保国. 2016. 氮循环与中国农业氮管理. 中国农业科学, 49(3):503-517.
孔德庸, 李保国*, 马黎春, 蒋平安, 武红旗, 刘洪鹏. 2016. 罗布泊干盐湖表层盐壳含水率季节性变化及吸水特征研究. 地球学报, 27(2):185-192.
梁浩, 胡克林, 李保国, 张源沛. 2016. 荒漠绿洲井灌农田砂质土壤氮素淋失规律研究. 干旱区资源与环境, 30(7):114-118.
刘海涛, 李保国*, 任图生, 胡克林. 2016. 不同肥力农田玉米产量构成差异及施肥弥补土壤肥力的可能性. 植物营养与肥料学报, 22(4):897 -904.
Minmin Wen, Gang Liu, Baoguo Li, Bing C. Si , Robert Horton. 2015. Evaluation of a self-correcting dual probe heat pulse sensor. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 1:203–208.
Weiwei Cong, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li*. 2015. Assessing the Impact of Afforestation on Soil Organic C Sequestration by Means of Sequential Density Fractionation. Plos One, 10 (2) :e0117897.
Chong Chen, Kelin Hu, Hong Li, Anping Yun, Baoguo Li*. 2015. Three-Dimensional Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon by Combining Kriging Method with Profile Depth Function. Plos One, 10 (6):e0129038.
Danfeng Sun, Xiaoqian Yu, Xiaona Liu, Baoguo Li. 2015. A new artificial oasis landscape dynamics in semi-arid Hongsipu region with decadal agricultural irrigation development in Ning Xia, China, Earth Sci Inform, 9 (1) :21-33.
Cong W, Ren T, Li B. 2015. Assessing the Impact of Afforestation on Soil Organic C Sequestration by Means of Sequential Density Fractionation. Plos One 10(2): e0117897.
Feng Huang, Zhong Liu, Bradley G. Ridoutt, Jing Huang, Baoguo Li. 2015. China’s water for food under growing water scarcity. Food Sec., 7 (5) :933-949.
Bo Xiao, Kelin Hu, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li. 2015. Moss-dominated biological soil crusts significantly influence soil moisture and temperature regimes in semiarid ecosystems. Geoderma, (263): 35–46.
Chen Youjia, Li Shuangwei, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Guo Yan, Li Baoguo, Ma Yuntao. 2015. Simulation of maize kernel growth using sourcesink approach with priority function. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 31(Supp.2): 15-2 158. (in English with Chinese abstract)
Jingjing WANG, Feng HUANG, Baoguo LI*. 2015. Quantitative analysis of yield and soil water balance for summer maize on the piedmont of the North China Plain using AquaCrop, Front. Agr. Sci. Eng., 2(4): 295–310.
Chong Chen, Kelin Hu, Weidong Li, Zhoujing Li, Baoguo Li. 2015. Three-dimensional mapping of clay content in alluvial soils using hygroscopic water content. Environ Earth Sci, 73 (8) :4339-4346.
胡鹏程, 郭焱, 李保国, 朱晋宇, 马韫韬. 2015. 基于多视角立体视觉的植株三维重建与精度评估. 农业工程学报, 31(11):209-214.
刘忠, 黄峰, 李保国*. 2015. 基于经验模态分解的中国粮食单产波动特征及影响因素. 农业工程学报, 31(2):7-13.
任少亭, 刘笑宏, 李保国, 朱晋宇. 2015. 条带间作下矮秆作物行间辐射差异的模拟与分析. 农业工程学报,(增刊2):246-255.
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李保国, 黄 峰. 2015. 蓝水和绿水视角下划定“中国农业用水红线”探索. 中国农业科学, 48(17):3493-3503.
刘海涛, 胡克林, 李保国, 任图生. 2015. 土壤剖面基础性质差异对农田水氮过程和作物产量的影响. 中国农业科学, 48(7):1348-1360.
李保国, 任图生, 刘刚, 周虎, 商建英, 沈重阳, 黄峰, 王钢, 李贵桐. 2015. 土壤物理学发展现状与展望, 中国科学院院刊, 30(3)257-269.
梁浩, 胡克林, 李保国. 2015. 不同施肥管理模式下农田氮素淋失及水氮利用效率模拟分析. 农业环境科学学报, 34(7):1317-1325.
Chong Chen, Tusheng. Ren, Kelin Hu, Baoguo Li, Yajing Wang. 2014. Estimation of soil clay content using hygroscopic water content at arbitrary humidity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 78:119-124.
Shen C., Jin Y., Li B., Zheng W., Huang Y.. 2014. Facilitated attachment of nanoparticles at primary minima by nanoscale roughness is susceptible to hydrodynamic drag under unfavorable chemical conditions. Science of the Total Environment,s 466-467(1), 1094-1102.
Liang Jin, Kelin Hu, Johannes Deelstra, Baoguo Li, Dan Wei and Huanyuan Wang. 2014. Evaluation of nitrogen fate, water and nitrogen use efficiencies of winter wheat in North China Plain based on model approach. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, 63 (sup2) :127-138.
Longfei Wang, Huaze Gong, Yun Shao, and Baoguo Li. 2014. Analysis of elevation discrepancies along the Lop Nur ear-shaped stripes observed using GLAS and DGPS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(4), 1466–1480.
Kelin Hu, ShuyingWang, Hong Li , Feng Huang, Baoguo Li*. 2014. Spatial scaling effects on variability of soil organic matter and total nitrogen in suburban Beijing. Geoderma, 226–227:54–63.
Xiangbin Kong, Rattan Lal, Baoguo Li* Hongbin Liu, Kejiang Li, Guanglong Feng, Qingpu Zhang, Bangbang Zhang. 2014. Fertilizer Intensification and Its Impacts in China's HHH Plains. In Donald L. Sparks, editor: Advances in Agronomy, Vol. 125, Burlington: Academic Press, pp. 135-169.
KONG Deyong, LI Baoguo, MA Lichun, JIANG Ping’an, WU Hongqi and LIU Hongpeng. 2014. Water Absorption Capcapability and Moisture Content Seasonal Changing of Salt-Crust in Lop NurDry Lake. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 88(supp. 1): 183-184.
L. K. Heng, T. C. Hsiao, D. Williams, E. Fereres, P. Cepuder, T. Denmead, N. Amenzou, N. Dhan, H. Duong, S. Kale, B. G. Li*, K. Mahmood, X. R. Mei, E. Phiri, S. Zingore and M. L. nguyen. 2014. Managing lrrigation Water to Enhance Crop Productivity Under Water-limiting Conditions: A Role for Isotopic Techniques. Edited by L. K. Heng, K. Sakadevan, G. Dercon and M. L. Nguyen. Managing Soils for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ,Rome, 323-330.
G. T. Li, Q. Hu, X. Wang and B. G. Li*. 2014. Isotope mass Balance Method to Partition Evaporation from Soil Total Water Loss in Winter Wheat and Spring maize Cropping Systems in North China Plain. Edited by L. K. Heng, K. Sakadevan, G. Dercon and M. L. Nguyen. Managing Soils for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ,Rome, 355-360.
孙丽, 王飞, 李保国*, 陈曦炜. 2014. 基于多源数据的武陵山区干旱监测研究. 农业机械学报,45(1):246-252.
孙雪雁, 李品芳, 李保国*, 薛元霞, 邵蕾. 2014. 基于COMSOL的低渗性盐土内设砂柱下洗盐定量模拟. 农业机械学报, 45(7):111-117.
王海江, 张花玲, 任少亭, 李保国*. 2014. 基于高光谱反射特性的土壤水盐状况预测模型研究. 农业机械学报, 45(7):133-138.
刘忠, 李保国*, 许敏, 高强. 2014. 基于开源Web-GIS的县域土壤信息系统设计. 农业工程学报, 30(17):175-182.
王海江, 石建初, 张花玲, 盛建东, 马兴旺, 武红旗, 任少亭, 左 强, 李保国. 2014. 不同改良措施下新疆重度盐渍土壤盐分变化与脱盐效果. 农业工程学报, 30(22):102-111.
梁 浩, 胡克林, 李保国, 刘海涛. 2014. 土壤-作物-大气系统水热碳氮过程耦合模型构建. 农业工程学报, 30(24):54-66.
王数, 李保国, 吕贻忠, 张洪军, 郭淑媛, 王国安, 孔祥斌, 李子忠. 2014.“资源环境野外综合实习”课程的创新与实践. 中国农业教育, (1):63-66.
郭全恩, 车宗贤, 曹诗瑜, 李保国, 李春越, 葛洪俊. 2014. 地下水位上升条件下磷石膏改良剂对土壤盐分迁移的影响. 水土保持学报, 28(6):171-176.
Qinghuo Lin, Hong Li, Wei Luo, Zhaomu Lin, Baoguo Li*. 2013. Optimal soil-sampling design for rubber tree management based on fuzzy clustering. Forest Ecology and Management, 308: 214–222.
K. Wang, C. Liu, X. Zheng, M. Pihlatie, B. Li, S. Haapanala, T. Vesala, H. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Liu, and F. Hu. 2013. Comparison between eddy covariance and automatic chamber techniques for measuring net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide in cotton and wheat fields. Biogeosciences, 10:6865–6877.
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肖潇, 刘刚, 李保国. 2013. 有限元模拟土壤孔隙对双针热脉冲法测量比热的影响. 土壤学报, 50(6): 1138-1142.
Yi Zhang, Liping Feng, Enli Wang, Jing Wang, Baoguo Li. 2012. Evaluation of the APSIM-Wheat model in terms of different cultivars, management regimes and environmental conditions. Can. J. Plant Sci., 92: 937-949.
Feng Wang, Ve′ronique Letort, Qi Lu, Xuefeng Bai, Yan Guo, Philippe de Reffye, Baoguo Li. 2012. A Functional and Structural Mongolian Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) Model Integrating Architecture, Biomass and Effects of Precipitation. PLOS ONE, 7 (8) :e43531.
Yong He, Hong Wang, Kelin Hu, Yuanfang Huang, Baoguo Li, Deli Chen, Bing Si, Aidan Beaubier. 2012. Accuracy Assessment of Sequential Indicator Simulation in Three-dimensional Prediction of Soil Texture. Soil Science, 177(5): 355-359.
Xiao-Ni Huo, Hong Li, Dan-Feng Sun, Lian-Di Zhou, Bao-Guo Li. 2012. Combining Geostatistics with Moran’s I Analysis for Mapping Soil Heavy Metals in Beijing, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 9, 995-1017.
Chongyang Shen, Volha Lazouskaya, Yan Jin, Baoguo Li, Zhiqiang Ma, Wenjuan Zheng, Yuanfang Huang. 2012. Coupled factors influencing detachment of nano- and micro-sized particles from primary minima. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 134–135: 1–11.
He Song, Jingheng Guo, Tao Ren, Qing Chen, Baoguo Li, Jingguo Wang. 2012. Increase of Soil pH in a Solar Greenhouse Vegetable Production System. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 76 (6) :2074.
Chongyang Shen, Feng Wang, Baoguo Li, Yan Jin, Lian-ping Wang, and Yuanfang Huang. 2012. Application of DLVO energy map to evaluate interactions between spherical colloids and rough surfaces. Langmuir, 28(41): 14681-14692.
Chongyang Shen, Volha Lazouskaya, Hongyan Zhang, Feng Wang, Baoguo Li, Yan Jin, and Yuanfang Huang. 2012. Theoretical and experimental investigation of detachment of colloids from rough collector surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 410: 98-110.
Sun Li, Wu Quan, Pei Zhiyuan, Li Baoguo, Chen Xiwei. 2012. Study on Drought Index in Major Planting Area of Winter Wheat of China. Sensor Letters, 10(1-2): 453-458.
Wuping Zhang, Lutian Bi, Yongxin Chang, Baoguo Li*. 2012. Estimation of Soil Water Content of Internal Different Layers Using Ground-Penetrating Radar Signals. Advanced Science Letters, 5:1–6.
Wuping Zhang, Yaodong Jing and Baoguo Li. 2012. Virtual Crop Root System Model Depending on Topological Structural and Biomass Available Partitioning. Information Technology Journal, 11: 344-348.
Lao Cai-Lian, Kong Ya, Huang Fan, Li Bao-Guo, Guo Yan. 2012. Evaluating the contribution of complementary radiation on photosynthesis of maize canopy with 3D radiative transfer model, Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Application, Proceedings-PMA12, Shanghai, China 31st Oct-3rd Nov 2012, IEEE Press.204-211. (EI).
刘忠, 李保国. 2012. 基于土地利用和人口密度的中国粮食产量空间化. 农业工程学报, 28(9):1-8.
刘忠, 李保国. 2012. 退耕还林工程实施前后黄土高原地区粮食生产时空变化. 农业工程学报, 28(11):1-8.
李保国, 黄峰. 2012. 统一规划“三生”用水, 实现粮食-水-生态安全的“三赢”, 低碳世界.5:32-32.
霍霄妮, 李红, 孙丹峰, 李保国, 周连第. 2012. 北京市耕作土壤重金属统计分布复杂性特征初步研究. 中国农学通报, 28(35):233-238.
Yajing Wang, Sen Lu, Tusheng Ren, Baoguo Li. 2011. Bound Water Content of Air-Dry Soils Measured by Thermal Analysis. Soil Sci Soc Am J., 75(2):481-487.
Zheng BangYou, Ma YunTao, LI BaoGuo, Guo Yan, Deng QiYun. 2011. Assessment of the influence of global dimming on the photosynthetic production of rice based on three- dimensional modeling. Sci China Earth Sci, 54(2): 290–297.
Feng Wang, Mengzhen Kang, QiLu, Ve′ronique Letort, Hui Han, Yan Guo, Philippe de Reffye, Baoguo Li*. 2011. A stochastic model of tree architecture and biomass partitioning: application to Mongolian Scots pines. Annals of Botany, 107: 781–792.
Haiwen Wu, Marc Jaeger, Mao Wang, Baoguo Li and Bao Gui Zhang. 2011. Three- dimensional distribution of vessels, passage cells and lateral roots along the root axis of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Annals of Botany, 107: 843–853.
Yan Guo, Thierry Fourcaud, Marc Jaeger, Xiaopeng Zhang, Baoguo Li. 2011. Plant growth and architectural modelling and its applications. Annals of Botany, 107: 723–727.
H. Zhou, E. Perfect , Y. Z. Lu, B. G. Li*, and X. H. Peng. 2011. Multifractal analyses of grayscale and binary soil thin section images. Fractals, Vol. 19, No. 3 (2011) 299–309.
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Gang Liu, Bing C. Si, Ai X. Jiang, Bao G. Li, Tu S. Ren, Ke L. Hu. Probe Body and Thermal Contact Conductivity Affect Error of Heat Pulse Method Based on Infinite Line Source Approximation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:370–374.
Xiao-Ni Huo, Wei-Wei Zhang, Dan-Feng Sun, Hong Li, Lian-Di Zhou, Bao-Guo Li. 2011. Spatial Pattern Analysis of Heavy Metals in Beijing Agricultural Soils Based on Spatial Autocorrelation Statistics. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 8, 2074-2089.
Ma YunTao, Wang Chengyu, Zheng BangYou, He MingRong, Zhu JinYu, Buck-Sorlin G.H., Li BaoGuo, Wang ZhenLin. 2011. Assessment of light capture and carbon gain of two wheat canopies with 3-D modeling. International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2011, p 1312-1317. (EI).
郑邦友, 马韫韬, 李保国, 郭焱, 邓启云. 2011. 基于三维模型评估全球变暗效应对水稻光合生产的影响. 中国科学: 地球科学, 41(3): 386 ~ 393.
杨卫中, 王一鸣, 李保国. 2011. 土壤含水量空间变异性的频域分析方法. 水利学报, 42(5):580-587.
马黎春, 李保国, 蒋平安, 盛建东, 钟俊平, 邱宏烈, 武红旗. 2011. 罗布泊盐湖“大耳朵”盐盘特征?成因及古环境意义. 沉积学报, 29(1):125-133.
王鹏, 宋献方, 袁瑞强, 韩冬梅, 张应华, 张兵, 李保国. 2011. 基于Hydrus-1D模型的农田SPAC系统水分通量估算. 地理研究, 30(4):622-634.
于秀秀, 马兴旺, 迪力夏提, 刘骅, 徐咏梅, 李保国. 2011. 探地雷达在土层厚度调查中的试验研究. 土壤学报, 48(4): 874-878.
王欢元, 胡克林, 李保国, 金 梁. 2011. 不同管理模式下农田水氮利用效率及其环境效应. 中国农业科学, 44(13):2701-2710.
李婷, 张世熔, 刘浔, 徐小逊, 黄元仿, 孙丹峰, 李保国. 2011. 沱江流域中游土壤有机质的空间变异特点及其影响因素. 土壤学报, 48( 4): 863-868.
Jiandong Sheng, Lichun Ma, Ping’an Jiang, Baoguo Li *, Feng Huang, Hongqi Wub. 2010. Digital soil mapping to enable classification of the salt-affected soils in desert agro- ecological zones. Agric. Water Manage.,97:1944-1951.
Kelin Hu, Yong Li, Weiping Chen, Deli Chen, Yongping Wei, Robert Edis, Baoguo Li*, Yuanfang Huang, Yuanpei Zhang. 2010. Modeling Nitrate Leaching and Optimizing Water and Nitrogen Management under Irrigated Maize in Desert Oases in Northwestern China. Journal of Environmental Quality. 39:667–677.
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Feng Wang, Mengzhen Kang, Qi Lu, Hui Han, Véronique Letort, Yan Guo, Philippe de Reffye, Baoguo Li*. 2010. Calibration of topological development in the procedure of parametric identification: application of the stochastic GreenLab model for Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Application, Proceedings-PMA09, Beijing, China 9-13 November 2009, IEEE Computer Society, CPS, Los Alamitos, California. 26-33.
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