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黄光群,山东滨州邹平人,现为中国农业大学工学院教授、博士生导师、科研副院长、学术委员会副主任、学位委员会委员、党委委员。入选国家重大人才计划、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、中国农业大学“人才培育发展支持计划”。现代农业装备与设施教育部工程研究中心主任,国家奶牛产业技术体系粪污处理与利用(肥料化)岗位科学家团队核心成员,中国农业大学青岛崂山教授工作站站长;曾兼任中国农业大学科学技术发展研究院重大专项处处长。 教学科研概况 主要从事农业废弃物资源化利用工程基础、绿色低碳工艺、智能装备技术研发与产业化工作。(1)主持国家自然科学基金、国际科技合作重点项目、国家重点研发计划课题等科研项目30余项。(2)发表研究论文150余篇,其中SCI/EI收录高水平论文100余篇;以第一/通讯作者发表SCI/EI收录论文64篇(IF>5的28篇、IF>10的11篇、ESI Top 10%的21篇)。(3)获授权国家专利49件(发明专利19件),其中:第一发明人获授权国家专利37件(发明专利10件),转让专利3件。(4)制定国家行业标准10项,参编著作2部。(5)获准国家计算机软件著作权21项,其中以第一完成人获准9项。(6)获2018-2019年度神农中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖、2018年中国农业机械学会第六届青年科技奖、2017年中国农业工程学会第七届青年科技奖等。率先提出并建立了微正压好氧发酵技术和知识产权体系,创新研发了覆膜式好氧发酵生产有机肥\牛床垫料\基质系列专用传感器、成套化新装备和云平台,并已在全国20余省应用,综合效益显著,受到国家领导人和相关部委的高度评价,相关工作被新华社、农民日报等中央主流媒体报道。 社会职务 现代农业装备与设施教育部工程研究中心主任 中国农业工程学会副秘书长、畜牧工程分会副理事长 中国农业机械学会能源环境分会副主任、普及工作委员会副主任、人工智能分会常务委员 全国农业机械标准化技术委员会农业电子分技术委员会委员 中国科协“科创中国”农业工程、设施农业技术与装备、国家农机装备产业科技服务团高级专家等 荣誉及奖励 2021,中国农业大学教学成果奖一等奖 2020,中国农业大学研究生教育教学成果一等奖 2019,2018-2019年神农中华农业科技奖一等奖 2018,中国农业机械学会第六届青年科技奖 2018,北京市2017年教育教学成果二等奖 2017,2016-2017年神农中华农业科技奖二等奖 2017,中国农业工程学会第七届青年科技奖 2017,中国农业大学教育教学成果特等奖 2014,2011-2013年度北京市农业技术推广奖三等奖


农业废弃物资源化利用工程基础、绿色低碳工艺、智能装备技术研发与产业化,主要研究方向: 1、工程前沿基础:多元表征/定量分析方法、数值模拟、机理机制等 2、绿色低碳工艺:高效绿色低碳工程转化工艺、有害物质风险防控等 3、智能技术装备创制与产业化:肥料化与精准施用装备、系列专用传感器、智慧监控与云平台、标准研制等


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Combined effects of amoxicillin and copper on nitrogen transformation and the microbial mechanisms during aerobic composting of cow manure Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI IF=14.224 [Top 10%] 2023年5月 苏雅 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Microbiological safety and antibiotic resistance risks at a sustainable farm under large-scale open-air composting and composting toilet systems Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI IF=14.224 [Top 10%] 2021.9 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Effects of functional membrane coverings on carbon and nitrogen evolution during aerobic composting: Insight into the succession of bacterial and fungal communities Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2023.1 熊劲鹏 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Effects of micro-positive pressure environment on nitrogen conservation and humification enhancement during functional membrane-covered aerobic composting Science of the Total Environment, SCI IF=10.753 [Top 10%] 2023.1 熊劲鹏 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Micro-aerobic conditions based on membrane-covered improves the quality of compost products: Insights into fungal community evolution and dissolved organic matter characteristics Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2022.10 方晨 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Membrane-covered composting significantly decreases methane emissions and microbial pathogens: Insight into the succession of bacterial and fungal communities Science of the Total Environment, SCI IF=10.753 [Top 10%] 2022.10 方晨 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Exploring the microbial mechanism of reducing methanogenesis during dairy manure membrane-covered aerobic composting at industrial scale Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2022.10 方晨 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Effects of functional-membrane covering technique on nitrogen succession during aerobic composting: Metabolic pathways, functional enzymes, and functional genes Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2022.3 熊劲鹏 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Exploring the impact of biochar on antibiotics and antibiotics resistance genes in pig manure aerobic composting through untargeted metabolomics and metagenomics Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2022.5 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Nitrogen transformation and dynamic changes in related functional genes during functional-membrane covered aerobic composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2021.8 熊劲鹏 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Effects of the functional membrane covering on the gas emissions and bacterial community during aerobic composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2021.5 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Metagenomic and q-PCR analysis reveals the effect of powder bamboo biochar on nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions during aerobic composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI IF=11.889 [Top 10%] 2021.1 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Effect of micro-aerobic conditions based on semipermeable membrane-covered on greenhouse gas emissions and bacterial community during dairy manure storage at industrial scale Environmental Pollution SCI 2022.6 方晨 中国农业大学 通讯/8 Effects of intermittent aeration on greenhouse gas emissions and bacterial community succession during large-scale membrane-covered aerobic composting Journal of Cleaner Production SCI 2020.8 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/9 Analysis of regulative variables on greenhouse gas emissions and spatial pore gas concentrations with modeling during large-scale trough composting Journal of Cleaner Production SCI 2020.12 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Microbiological safety and antibiotic resistance risks at a sustainable farm under large-scale open-air composting and composting toilet systems Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI 2020.10 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Effects of semi-permeable membrane covering coupled with intermittent aeration on gas emissions during aerobic composting from the solid fraction of dairy manure at industrial scale Waste Management SCI 2021.6 方晨 中国农业大学 通讯/6 On-site identification of Ophiocordyceps sinensis using multispectral imaging and chemometrics International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering SCI 2020.8 段宏伟 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Effects of biochar size and type on gaseous emissions during pig manure/wheat straw aerobic composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2019.8 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Quantitative analysis of major metals in agricultural biochar using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with an adaboost artificial neural network algorithm Molecules SCI 2019.6 段宏伟 中国农业大学 通讯/3 基于连续灰分区间定标模型的生物炭金属含量LIBS检测 农业机械学报 EI 2019.6 段宏伟 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Characterization of digestate composting stability using fluorescence EEM spectroscopy combining with PARAFAC Waste Management & Research SCI 2019.6 黄晶 中国农业大学 通讯/3 小麦秸秆中K和Na元素LIBS同步定量分析研究 农业机械学报 EI 2019.6 段宏伟 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Characterization of mechanical pulverization/phosphoric acid pretreatment of corn stover for enzymatic hydrolysis Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2019.12 于海涛 中国农业大学 通讯/4 Effect and microbial reaction mechanism of rice straw biochar on pore methane production during mainstream large-scale aerobic composting in China Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2019.11 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Effects of amoxicillin on nitrogen transformation and bacterial community succession during aerobic composting Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI 2019.10 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/5 Methane decreasing and mechanism exploring during pig manure and wheat straw aerobic composting covered with a semi-permeable membrane Waste Management SCI 2018.8 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Bacterial community succession during pig manure and wheat straw aerobic composting covered with a semi-permeable membrane under slight positive pressure Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2018.8 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Spatial and temporal distribution of pore gas concentrations during mainstream large-scale trough composting in China Waste Management SCI 2018.7 曾剑飞 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Variations in the fate and risk analysis of amoxicillin and its degradation products during pig manure aerobic composting Journal of Hazardous Materials SCI 2018.6 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Modelling for reactor-style aerobic composting based on coupling theory of mass-heat-momentum transport and Contois equation Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2018.6 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/4 Effect of aeration interval on oxygen consumption and GHG emission during pig manure composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2018.6 曾剑飞 中国农业大学 通讯/7 智能型规模化膜覆盖好氧堆肥系统设计与试验 农业机械学报 EI 2018.6 孙晓曦 中国农业大学 通讯/5 不同比例小麦秸秆与煤混燃特性研究 农业机械学报 EI 2018.6 马秋林 中国农业大学 通讯/4 基于红外光声光谱的农作物秸秆导热系数定量分析 农业机械学报 EI 2018.6 黄光群 中国农业大学 1/4 Characterization of controlled release fertilizer by infrared microspectroscopy Analytical Letters SCI 2018.6 黄晶 中国农业大学 通讯/6 奶牛粪微好氧耦合功能膜贮存稳定性与气体减排研究 农业机械学报 EI 2018.4 黄光群 中国农业大学 1/4 Effect of water-washing of wheat straw and hydrothermal temperature on its hydrochar evolution and combustion properties Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2018.11 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Effect of different particle-size biochar on methane emissions during pig manure/wheat straw aerobic composting: Insights into pore characterization and microbial mechanisms Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2018.11 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/5 The effect of a semi-permeable membrane-covered composting system on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions in the Tibetan Plateau Journal of Cleaner Production SCI 2018.06 孙晓曦 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Evaluation of different water-washing treatments effects on wheat straw combustion properties Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2017.6 马秋林 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Role and multi-scale characterization of bamboo biochar during poultry manure aerobic composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2017.6 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Potential of water-washing of rape straw on thermal properties and interactions during co-combustion with bituminous coal Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2017.6 马秋林 中国农业大学 通讯/3 Characterisation of lignocellulosic compositions degradation during chicken manure composting with added biochar by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and correlation analysis Science of the Total Environment SCI 2017.6 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/4 A novel denoising method for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: improved wavelet dual threshold function method and its application for quantitative modeling of Cu and Zn in Chinese animal manure composts Microchemical Journal SCI 2017.6 段宏伟 中国农业大学 通讯/4 功能膜覆盖好氧堆肥过程氨气减排性能研究 农业机械学报 EI 2017.6 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/6 基于 LIBS 和遗传算法的畜禽粪便中钙含量研究 光谱学与光谱分析 SCI 2017.6 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/4 鸡粪沼渣与麦秸联合好氧堆肥过程颗粒尺度氧气渗透深度表征分析研究 农业机械学报 EI 2017.6 马双双 中国农业大学 通讯/6 Evaluation of biochar powder on oxygen supply efficiency and global warming potential during mainstream large-scale aerobic composting Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2017.10 何雪琴 中国农业大学 通讯/7 Dynamics of oxygen supply and consumption during mainstream large-scale composting in China Bioresource Technology SCI/EI 2016.6 曾剑飞 中国农业大学 通讯/4 智能型膜覆盖好氧堆肥反应器设计与试验 农业机械学报 EI 2016.6 孙晓曦 中国农业大学 通讯/4 生物炭对鸡粪好氧堆肥主要氮素形态含量影响及保氮机制 农业机械学报 EI 2016.6 刘宁 中国农业大学 通讯/5 奶牛粪固形物热风干燥特性及工艺参数优化 农业工程学报 EI 2021.10 黄光群 中国农业大学 1/5
