俞和胜,男,1984年7月生,江苏特聘教授,博导。本科、硕士研究生就读于中国矿业大学,2008年获得硕士学位后赴加拿大滑铁卢大学攻读博士学位,并于2013年6月获得博士学位。先后在滑铁卢大学和阿尔伯塔大学从事博士后研究工作。2014年被加拿大国家自然科学基金委员会(NSERC)授予企业博士后奖学金(IRDF)。该奖学金是加拿大国际博士后所能获得的最高荣誉。近年来在空气污染治理、碳捕集、空气质量管理、传统化石燃料利用等环境工程和化学工程领域取得一系列突出学术和创新成果。其中主持环境化工领域国家级科研项目两项,并参与多项国家和国际级科研项目。先后在环境工程顶级期刊Environmental Science & Technology、三大国际化工期刊、综合工程类顶级期刊 Applied Energy等刊物上发表高水平SCI论文12篇,第一作者8篇,通讯作者7篇。其中,发表于AIChE Journal期刊上的关于氨基CO2捕集的论文被遴选为该刊物2016年度8篇“Editor’s Choice”文章之一 。
加拿大国家自然科学基金工业博士后奖学金(NSERC Postdoctoral Industrial R&D Fellowship), 2014/10 – 2016/10
AIChE Journal Editor’s Choice Paper, 2016
The Outstanding Reviewer Award for the Journal of ENERGY - Elsevier, 2016
滑铁卢大学全额博士生奖学金, 2010/09 – 2012/12
滑铁卢大学国际博士生奖学金, 2010/09 – 2012/12
滑铁卢大学研究生论文奖学金,5次,2011/03, 2011/08, 2012/05, 2012/08, 2012/12
卡尔加里大学全额博士生奖学金, 2009/01 - 2010/09
中国矿业大学学术之星, 2007/09
中国矿业大学免试公费研究生, 2005/09 – 2008/07
双一流建设专项:低碳化利用和零排放 (主持分项目:雾霾防控关键理论与技术)
Yu, H.S. and Tan. Z.C. (2014) On the Kinetics of the Absorption of Nitric Oxide into Ammoniacal Cobalt(II) Solutions. Environmental Science & Technology 48, 2453–2463.
Yu, H.S., Tan, Z.C., Feng, X.S., Croiset, E., Thé, J., Anderson, W.A. (2016), Kinetics of the Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous Ammonia Solutions. AIChE Journal, 62: 3673–3684. (AIChE Journal是化工三大期刊之首。此文被主编选为“Editor’s Choice ”。 该文是AIChE Journal 期刊2016年度八篇“Editor’s Choice”文章之一。)
Yu, H.S., Thé, J., Tan, Z.C., Feng, X.S. (2016), Modeling SO2 Absorption into Water Accompanied with Reversible Reaction in a Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor. Chemical Engineering Science,156: 136–146.
Yu, H.S. and Tan. Z.C. (2013) Determination of Equilibrium Constants for Reactions between Nitric Oxide and Ammoniacal Cobalt(II) Solutions at Temperatures from 298.15 to 309.15 K and pH Values between 9.06 and 9.37 under Atmospheric Pressure in a Bubble Column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52, 3663-3673.
Yu, H.S., Thé, J. (2016), Validation and Optimization of SST k-ω Turbulence Model for Pollutant Dispersion within A Building Array. Atmospheric Environment, 145: 225-238.
Yu, H.S., Thé, J. (2017), Simulation of gaseous pollutant dispersion around an isolated building using the k–ω SST (shear stress transport) turbulence model. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 67: 517-536.
Yu, H.S., Zhu, Q.Y. and Tan, Z.C. (2012), Absorption of nitric oxide from simulated flue gas using different absorbents at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. Applied Energy 93, 53-58.
Zhang, K.F., Thé, J., Xie, G.Y., Yu, H.S.* (2020), Multi-step ahead forecasting of regional air quality using spatial-temporal deep neural networks: A case study of Huaihai Economic Zone. Journal of Cleaner Production. 277, 123231.
Thé, J., Yu, H.S.* (2017), A Critical Review on the Simulations of Wind Turbine Aerodynamics Focusing on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods. Energy, 138: 257-289.
Ni, C., Bu, X.N., Xia, W.C., Peng, Y.L., Yu, H.S.*, Xie, G.Y.* (2018), Observing slime-coating of fine minerals on the lump coal surface using particle vision and measurement, Powder Technology 339: 434-439.
Yu, H.S. and Tan. Z.C. (2012) New Correlations of Volumetric Liquid-Phase Mass Transfer Coefficients in Gas-Inducing Agitated Tank Reactors. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 10, 1-20.
Wu, D.H., Tan, Z.C., Yu, H.S., Li, Q.H., Thé, J., Feng, X.S. (2016), Use of nanofiltration to reject cobalt (II) from ammoniacal solutions involved in absorption of SO2/NOx, Chemical Engineering Science 145, 97-107.
Member of Air & Waste Management Association;
Session Chair of the 35th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference (2018 IPCC);
Session Chair for Coal Processing, and Member of Domestic Board, 2017 International Conference on Coal Science & Technology and 2017 Australia-China Symposium on Energy (2017 ICCS&T);
《Energy》、《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Energy & Fuels》、《Aerosol and Air Quality Research》、《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association》等SCI期刊审稿人。其中,2016年为Energy期刊审稿40余篇,被Elsevier评为Energy杰出审稿人。