1996.9 – 2000.6,湖南农业大学工学院,获工学学士学位;
2000.9 – 2003.6,湖南农业大学工学院,获工学硕士学位;
2003.9 – 2006.6,中国农业大学工学院,获工学博士学位。
1. 玉米垄作免耕播种机油耗试验与分析,农业机械学报(EI),2009:49-52
2. 农业机械化对农业产出的贡献率,农机化研究(核心)2009:21-23
3. Modeling research of ridge-till and no-till seeder based on the virtual manufacturing technology, Advanced Material Research (EI), 2010:895-899
4. Research on the reshaping device for ridge-till and no-till seeders, Advanced Material Research (EI), 2011:817-821
5. Research on a combined opener device for the ridge-till and no-till seeder, The 2nd international conference on mechanic automation and control engineering (EI), 2011(6):5142-5145
6. Modeling research of a combined press device for ridge-till and no-till seeders, The 2nd international conference on mechanic automation and control engineering (EI), 2011(1):430-432
7. Research on the seed-fertilizer box for a ridge-till and no-till seeder, Advanced Material Research (EI), 2011:56-59