1994.9-1998.7: 北京服装学院高分子材料专业,学士
1998.9-2001.3: 北京服装学院高分子材料专业,硕士
2004.9-2007.6: 中国科学院化学研究所高分子化学与物理专业,博士
2001.3-2004.3: 中国科学院化学研究所高分子物理与化学实验室,研究实习员
2004.3-2009.11: 中国科学院化学研究所工程塑料实验室,助理研究员
2009.11-2011.9:中国科学院化学研究所工程塑料实验室, 副研究员
2010.4-2011.3:德国洪堡学者,德累斯顿 Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research
2014.01-至今: 北京服装学院材料科学与工程学院,教授
1. Zujiang Xiong, Guoming Liu, Xiuqin Zhang*, Tao Wen, Sicco de Vos, Cornelis Joziasse and Dujin Wang. (2013): Temperature Dependence of Crystalline Transition of Highly-Oriented Poly(L-lactide)/Poly(D-lactide) Blend: In-situ Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Study. Polymer,54,964-971.
2. Guoming Liu, Xiuqin Zhang*, Yufeng Liu, Xiuhong Li, Hongyu Chen and Dujin Wang*. (2013): Effect of elastomer on crystalline transition and deformation behavior of isotactic polypropylene. Polymer,54,1440-1447.
3. Xiuqin Zhang, Qian Xing, Rongbo Li, Rui Wang*, and Dujin Wang. (2013):Deformation investigation on iPP/SiO2 composites: influence of stretching temperature and particle size on morphology evolution and crystalline structure of thin films. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 31, 275-284.
4. Xiuqin Zhang, Konrad Schneider, Guoming Liu, Jianhong Chen, Karsten Brüning, Dujin Wang, and Manfred Stamm.(2012): Deformation-mediated superstructures and cavitation of poly (L-lactide): in-situ small-angle X-ray scattering study. Polymer, 53,648-656.
5. 刘国明,张秀芹*,关瑜,文韬,王笃金.(2012): 介观相分离对烯烃嵌段共聚物结晶动力学的影响. 高分子学报, 12, 1434-1440.
6. Xiuqin Zhang, Konrad Schneider, Guoming Liu, Jianhong Chen, Karsten Brüning, Dujin Wang*, Manfred Stamm*. (2011): Structure variation of tensile-deformed amorphous poly(L-lactic acid):Effects of deformation rate and strain. Polymer, 52(18), 4141-4149.
7. Xiuqin Zhang, Baoquan Xie, Rongbo Li, Lei Kong, Dujin Wang*. (2010): Annealing induced variation of structure and property in syndiotactic polypropylene fibers. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 28 (3), 377−384.
8. 张秀芹,罗发亮,李荣波,陈尔强,王笃金*. (2009):不同初始结构间规聚丙烯纤维熔融过程中的结晶转变行为. 高分子学报, 10, 1037-1042.
9. Xiuqin Zhang, Rongbo Li, Lei Kong, Dujin Wang*. (2008): Stress induced structure transition of syndiotactic polypropylene via melt spinning. Polymer 49, 1350-1355.
10. Xiuqin Zhang, Lei Kong, Joerg Rottstegge, Duanfu Xu, Dujin Wang*. (2007): Conformation orientation of syndiotactic polypropylene induced by deformation at different temperatures.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111(40), 11642-11645.
11. Xiuqin Zhang, Ying Zhao, Zhigang Wang, Chunxiao Zheng, Xia Dong, Zhiqiang Su, Peiyu Sun, Dujin Wang*, Charles C. Han, Duanfu Xu. (2005): Morphology and mechanical behavior of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) /syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) blends and fibers. Polymer 46(16), 5956-5965.
12. Xiuqin Zhang, Ying Zhao, Haifeng Shi, Xia Dong, Dujin Wang,* Charles C. Han, Duanfu Xu. (2005): Conformational variation and crystalline phase transformation of low syndiotactic Polypropylene films in stretched and stress-relaxed states. Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 43(20), 2924-2936.
13. Xiuqin Zhang, Mingshu Yang, Ying Zhao, Shimin Zhang, Xia Dong, Xuexin Liu, Dujin Wang*, Duanfu Xu. (2004): Polypropylene/montmorillonite composites and its application in hybrid fiber preparation by melt-spinning. Journal Applied Polymer Science 92(1), 552-558.
14. 张秀芹,朱磊,王笃金*,徐端夫. (2004): PP/PP-g-MAH/PA6共混物结构与可纺性研究,高分子学报, (1), 74-77
15. 张秀芹,朱磊,赵莹,王笃金*,徐端夫. (2004):多组份聚丙烯共混物的微观结构及共混纤维的染色性能. 高分子学报,(1), 70-73
16. Qian Xing, Xiuqin Zhang, Xia Dong, Guoming Liu, Dujin Wang*. (2012): Low-molecular weight aliphatic amides as nucleating agents for poly (L-lactic acid): conformation variation induced crystallization enhancement. Polymer, 53, 2306-2314.
17. Guoming Liu, Xiuqin Zhang, Xiuhong Li, Hongyu Chen, Kim Walton, and Dujin Wang*. Correlation of miscibility and mechanical properties of polypropylene /olefin block copolymers: effect of chain composition. (2012): Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 125,666-675.
18. Faliang Luo, Xiuqin Zhang, Wei Ning, Dujin Wang*. (2011) Investigation on the gelation behavior of biodegradable poly(butylene succinate) during isothermal crystallization process. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 29, 251-258.
19. Guoming Liu, Xiuqin Zhang, Chenyang Liu, Hongyu Chen, Kim Walton, and Dujin Wang*. (2011) Morphology and mechanical properties of binary blends of polypropylene with statistical and block ethylene-octene copolymers. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119,3591-3597.
20. 邢倩,张秀芹,罗发亮,刘国明,王笃金*. (2011): 拉伸对聚左旋乳酸结晶影响的初步研究.高等学校化学学报,32(4), 971-977.