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张洁婧,1983年生,工程师,教师,副教授,微生物及生物工程专业硕士生导师,吉林省生物质资源利用研究会理事,吉林省生物物理学会会员。一直致力微生物与秸秆资源的利用及系统工程,发表SCI论文10余篇,发明专利2项。 教育背景: 2002.9-2006.7,江苏大学化学化工学院化学工程与工艺学士 2006.9-2011.7,天津大学化工学院化学工程博士 工作履历: 2011.07-2013.02 中石油东北工程,系统工程师 2013.02-2018.9,吉林农业大学生命科学学院,讲师 2018.09-今,吉林农业大学生命科学学院,副教授 主讲课程: 化工原理,化工原理课程设计 教学成果: 指导大学生创新项目获国家级一等奖一项,省级一等奖一项,指导大学生学科竞赛获省级一等奖一项。 科研项目: 1. 菌丝/玉米秸秆吸声材料的研究,2017.11-2022.11,50万,主持 2. 菌丝交联秸秆缓冲材料的制备及交联机理的研究,2018.1-2020.1,2.5万,主持 专利: 单片层石墨烯的制备方法  200910070735.0 一种提高丙烯腈-苯乙烯共聚物产品质量的装置  201210243007.7 一种提高苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚反应中丙烯腈转化率的装置 201210173350.9


秸秆资源综合利用 生物质材料制备 生物反应过程工程


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1. Chang C, Zhang J, Tian C, Zhang J*. Rhizosphere fungal communities of wild and cultivated soybeans grown in three different soil suspensions. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, Accepted IF=3.81 2. Zhang J, He P, Lin Y, Song H, Zhang J*. The cushion perfomance of mycelium-cornstraw biofoams [J]. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2019, 13(4),484-489 IF=2.993 3. Zhang J, Song H, Zhao S, He P, Zhang J*, Study on the tortuosity of the extracellular mass transfer passageway in biofilms [J]. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 2018,20(5):1242-1246 IF=0.869 4. Zhang J, Wang Y, Liang J, Lu J, Xu L, The Effect of Pt/C Agglomerates in Electrode on PEMFC Performance using 3D Micro-structure Lattice Models. Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 42 (2017) 12559-12566. IF=3.58 5. Zhang J, Wang Y, Cao P, Lu J, Zhang J. A new discovery of the active impact of Pt/C particles aggregation on electrode performance in PEMFC, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ. 42 (2017) 527-534. IF=3.58 6. Zhang J, Yang W, Xu L, Wang Y, Simulation of the Catalyst Layer in PEMFC Based on a Novel Two-Phase Lattice Model, Electrochim. acta, 56:6912 (2011) IF=4.798 7. Zhang J, Hou H, Chen G, Wang S, Zhang J. The isolation and functional identification on producing cellulase of Pseudomonas mendocina. 5 (2016) 527-534 IF=1.69 8. Zhang J, Wang YX, Xu L. Simulation of the Catalyst Layer in PEMFC Based on a Novel Sphere Microstructure Model. Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 3 (2015) 489-497. IF=0.76 9. Zhang J, Wang YX, Zhang J, Xu L. Simulation of Orientated Catalyst Layer in PEMFC Based on a Microstructure Lattice Model. Acta Phys. Chim.Sin.12(2015) 2316-2323.IF=0.767 10. Zhang J, Cao P, Wang Y. Modeling nanostructured catalyst layer in PEMFC and catalyst utilization, Front. Chem. Sci. & Eng., 5(2011) 297-302 IF=1.712 11. Zhao S,Ren J, Wang Y, Zhang J. Electric field processing to control the structure of titanium oxide/sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) hybrid proton exchange membranes. J. Mem. Sci., 437 (2013) 65-71. IF=6.03 12. Zhang L, Xu L, He J,Zhang J. Preparation of Ti/SnO2 -Sb electrodes modified by carbon nanotube for anodic oxidation of dye wastewater and combination with nanofiltration, Electrochim. Acta, 117 (2014) 192-201 IF=4.798 13. Xu L,Sun Y, Zhang L, Zhang J, Wang F. Electrochemical oxidation of C.I. Acid Red 73 wastewater using Ti/SnO2-Sb electrodes modified by carbon nanotube, Desalination & Water Treatment , 57 (2015) 1-11 IF=1.631 14. Xu L,Sun Y, Du,Zhang J. Removal of tetracycline hydrochloride from wastewater by nanofiltration enhanced by electro-catalytic oxidation, Desalination, 352(2014)58-65. IF=5.52 15. Zhao S, Zhang J, Wang Y. Electro-casting of proton exchange membranes from a heterogeneous solution, J. Power Sources, 2013 , 242 (242) :23-27 IF=6.395 16. Yang W, Zhang J, Wang Y. Charged membranes prepared by SPEEK of very low degree of sulfonation, J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 28 (2013) 2875-2883 EI


