东北农业大学博士,美国亚利桑那州立大学博士后,讲师,硕士指导教师。多年来一直从事新型细菌性口服疫苗及微生态制剂研究,发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录期刊36篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在Appl Environ Microbiol等SCI期刊发表文章15篇,论文他引次数超200次,研究成果被包括Nature Reviews Microbiology, Plos Pathogens, Journal of Immunity在内的多篇期刊引用报道,其中发表于Avian diseases的论文被评为2015年度5佳论文奖(PP Levine Award);发表于美国微生物协会经典期刊Appl Environ Microbiol的论文国际上首创了新型CRIM 微环DNA疫苗平台,开辟了微环DNA疫苗在兽用领域应用的新途径,该研究获评当期亮点(Spotlight)研究。参与了包括美国国立卫生研究院(NIH) RO1课题、国家科技部“863计划”、国家自然科学基金面上项目在内的多项课题,现主持国家自然科学青年基金1项,国家重点研发计划项目子课题1项,吉林省教育厅十三五科技规划重点项目1项,吉林农业大学青年拔尖人才基金1项。现担任中国微生物学会兽医微生物学分会青年委员。
1999/09-2003/07, 东北农业大学,生命科学理科基地班,本科/学士;
2009/08-2010/01, 哈药集团生物技术有限公司,研发;
2010/03-2014/09,美国亚利桑那州立大学,生物设计研究所,传染病与疫苗中心,博士后;合作导师:美国科学院院士Roy Curtiss III,。
兽医学留学生: 微生物与免疫学
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“延迟裂解型沙门菌递送新城疫mcDNA疫苗的免疫效应与机制研究(31602092),21万,2017-2019,在研,主持;
2. 吉林省教育厅“十三五”科学技术项目重点项目“新功能侵入型乳酸菌疫苗的构建及其分子免疫机制研究”,2017-2018,5万,结题,主持;
3. 吉林农业大学首批青年拔尖人才支持计划课题,2016-2018,30万,结题,主持;
4. “国家重点研发计划项目”之“畜禽重要胞内寄生原虫的寄生与免疫机制研究”子课题,35万,2017YFD0500400,2017-2020,在研,主持;
5. 美国国立卫生研究院,NIH RO1: AI060557,Salmonella Vaccines Against Bacte
rial Enteropathogens,2010/02-2015/02,221.4 万美元,已结题,参加;
6. 国家科技部“863计划”项目,2013AA102806,饲用微生物菌种改良与产品创制,2013-2017年,600万,参加;
7. 国家科技部“863计划”项目,2011AA10A215,环境友好型免疫增强功能性畜禽生态养殖微生态制剂新资源开发与高效利用关键技术研究,2011-2015年,110万,参加;
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31272541,树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DCs)介导黏膜免疫对猪轮状病毒感染分子机制研究, 2013-2016年, 82万元,参加;
9. 吉林省科技厅中青年科技领军人才项目,20111816,微生物学与菌物免疫学创新团队项目,2011-2015年,20万元,参加;
10. 吉林省世行贷款农产品质量安全项目,2011-Y07,替代饲用抗生素畜禽健康养殖微生态制剂的开发,20万,参加。
1. Yanlong Jiang, Xing Gao, Ke Xu, Jianzhong Wang, Haibin Huang, Chunwei Shi, Wentao Yang, Yuanhuan Kang, Roy Curtiss, Guilian Yang*, Chunfeng Wang*. A novel Cre recombinase-mediated in vivo minicircle DNA (CRIM) vaccine provides partial protection against Newcastle disease virus, Applied and Environmental Microbiology (二区Top, IF=4.077), 2019, Jul 1;85(14). pii: e00407-19. (Spotlight研究)
2. Jing Liu, Guilian Yang, Xing Gao, Zan Zhang, Yang Liu, Qiong Liu, Jean-Marc Chatel, Yanlong Jiang*, Chunfeng Wang*. Recombinant invasive Lactobacillus plantarum expressing Fibronectin Binding Protein A induce specific humoral immune response by stimulating differentiation of dendritic cells. Benef Microbes (三区, IF=2.939), 2019, May 28;10(5):589-604.(第一通讯作者)
3. Xing Gao, Ke Xu, Guilian Yang, Chunwei Shi, Wentao Yang, Jing Liu, Qiong Liu, Jianzhong Wang, Haibin Huang, Yuanhuan Kang, Yanlong Jiang*, Chunfeng Wang*. Construction of a novel DNA vaccine candidate targeting F gene of genotype VII Newcastle disease virus and chicken IL-18 delivered by Salmonella. J App Microbe (三区, IF=2.683), 2019, 126(5):1362-1372.(第一通讯作者)
4. Liu J, Yang G, Gao X, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Yang X, Shi C, Liu Q, Jiang Y*, Wang C*. Immunomodulatory properties of Lactobacillus plantarum NC8 expressing an anti-CD11c single-chain Fv fragment, J Microbiol Biotechnol (四区, IF=1.975), 2019 ; 29(1): 160~170(第一通讯作者)
5. Wilde S#, Jiang Y#, Tafoya AM, Horsman J, Yousif M, Vazquez LA, Roland KL*. Salmonella-vectored vaccine delivering three Clostridium perfringens antigens protects poultry against necrotic enteritis. PLoS One (三区, IF=2.776), 2019 Feb 12;14(2):e0197721.(并列一作)
6. Yanlong Jiang, Guilian Yang, Qi Wang, Zhannan Wang, Wentao Yang, Wei Gu, Chunwei Shi, Jianzhong Wang, Haibin Huang, Chunfeng Wang*. Molecular mechanisms underlying protection against H9N2 influenza virus challenge in mice by recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum with surface displayed HA2-LTB. J Biotechnol (三区, IF=3.163), 2017 Oct 10;259:6-14.
7. Yanlong Jiang, Liping Ye, Yulin Cui, Guilian Yang, Wentao Yang, Jianzhong Wang, Jingtao Hu, Wei Gu, Chunwei Shi, Haibin Huang, Chunfeng Wang*. Effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on the maturation and differentiation of dendritic cells in rotavirus-infected mice. Benef Microbes (三区, IF=2.939),2017 Aug 24;8(4):645-656.
8. G. Yang#, Y. Jiang#, P. Tong, C. Li, W. Yang, J. Hu, L. Ye, W. Gu, C. Shi, B. Shan, C. Wang*.Alleviation of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli challenge by recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum expressing a FaeG- and DC-targeting peptide fusion protein. Benef Microbes (三区, IF=2.939), 2017, 8(3):379-391(并列一作)
9. Jiang Y#, Yang G#, Meng F, Yang W, Hu J, Ye L1, Shi C, Wang C*. Immunological mechanisms involved in probiotics mediated protection against Citrobacter rodentium induced colitis. Benef Microbes (三区, IF=2.939), 2016 Jun;7(3):397-407.
10. Jiang Y#, Hu J#, Guo Y, Yang W, Ye L, Shi C, Liu Y, Yang G, Wang C*. Construction and immunological evaluation of recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum expressing HN of Newcastle disease virus and DC- targeting peptide fusion protein. J Biotechnol (三区, IF=3.163), 2015 Dec 20;216:82-9.
11. Jiang Y#, Mo H, Willingham C, Wang S, Park J Y, Kong W, Roland K L, Curtiss R, 3rd*. Protection Against Necrotic Enteritis in Broiler Chickens by Regulated Delayed Lysis Salmonella Vaccines. Avian Diseases (三区, IF=1.306), 2015, 59(4): 475-485.
12. Guilian Yang,# Yanlong Jiang,# Wentao Yang, Fang Du, Yunbao Yao, Chunwei Shi, and Chunfeng Wang*. Effective treatment of hypertension by recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum expressing angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptide. Microbial Cell Factories (二区, IF=4.402), 2015,14:202(并列一作)
13. Yanlong Jiang, Qingke Kong, Kenneth Roland, Roy Curtiss III*. Membrane vesicles of Clostridium perfringens Type A strains induce innate and adaptive immunity. International Journal of Medical Microbiology (二区, IF=3.362), 2014, May;304(3-4):431-43
14. Yanlong Jiang#, Qingke Kong, Kenneth Roland, Roy Curtiss III*. Multiple inhibition effects of E.coli Nissle strain on Clostridium perfringens. FEMS Pathogens and disease (三区, IF=2.182), 2014, Apr;70(3):390-400.
15. Yanlong Jiang#, H. Liu , P. Liu, and X. Kong*. Plasmids driven rescue system for Newcastle disease virus V4 strain. Molecular Biology Reports (四区, IF=2.107), 2009,36:1909-1914
Mucosal Vaccines: Innovations for Preventing Infectious Diseases (参编)