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教育经历: 1997/09 - 2000/12,吉林大学,化学系,博士 1984/09 - 1987/12,东北师范大学,生物系,硕士 1980/09 - 1984/12,东北师范大学,生物系,学士 工作经历: 1. 2017/10-至今,长白山生物群落与生物多样性吉林省联合重点实验室,主任 2. 2012/11-至今,吉林大学中草药育种与栽培国家地方联合工程实验室,主任 3. 2009/12-至今,吉林大学中草药道地性保护研究吉林省工程实验室,主任 4. 2003/12-至今,吉林大学,生命科学学院,博士生导师 5. 2001/09-至今,吉林大学,生命科学学院,教授 6. 2001/05-2008/12,吉林大学,生命科学学院,副院长 7. 1996/12-2001/09,吉林大学,生命科学学院,副教授 8. 1990/12-1996/12,吉林大学,生命科学学院,讲师 9. 1988/06-1990/12,吉林大学,生命科学学院,助教 荣誉称号: 国家宝钢优秀教师奖; 吉林省科学技术进步三等奖; 吉林省教育技术成果奖; 吉林省优秀教育成果三等奖; 吉林大学巾帼建功先进个人、教书育人先进个人、三八红旗手称号。 发表科研论文40余篇 主编参编专著4部 主持科研项目14项 发明专利5项 近五年承担的项目: 1. 陈霞,濒危药用植物高山红景天种群复壮机制, 经费来源-国家自然科学基金,负责人。 2. 陈霞,中草药道地性保护工程实验室-道地性评价技术平台建设 ,经费来源-吉林省发改委,负责人。 3. 陈霞,有机灵芝规范化种植技术研究与示范基地建设, 经费来源-吉林省科技厅,负责人。 4. 陈霞,长白山牛皮杜鹃种质资源天然居群遗传结构,经费来源-吉林省发改委,负责人。 5. 陈霞,灵芝抗绿霉菌新品种的分子选育技术的研究,经费来源-吉林省发改委,负责人。 6. 陈霞,高山红景天种质基因资源库的建立与野生种群复壮的示范研究,经费来源-国家林业局,负责人。 7. 陈霞,高山红景天品质道地化栽培关键技术攻关与示范,经费来源-吉林省科技厅,负责人。 专利: 1. 一种柞树叶栽培灵芝的高效方法 2. 一种玉米苞叶栽培灵芝的高产方法 3. 一种以黄粉虫幼虫为载体培养虫草产品的方法 4. 一种以黄粉虫虫蛹为载体培养虫草产品的方法 5. 一种综合利用五味子的方法




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xiaolong Wang, Lin Li, Wei Zhao, Jiaxin Zhao, Xia Chen. Rhododendron aureum Georgi formed a special soil microbial community and competed with above-ground plants on the tundra of the Changbai Mountain, China. Ecology and Evolution. 2017,7 (18) :7503-7514 2. Sheng Wang, Yanbing Lv, Ruili Wu, Lin Song Li, Huaibin Shen, Ming Xing and Xia Chen. Single-Source Precursor Route for Synthesis of High-Quality Green-emitting Quantum Dots and Their Hydrophilic Surface Modification. BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2017,vol 38:700-705 3. Sheng Wang, Jin Jie Li, Yanbing Lv, Ruili Wu, Ming Xing, Huaibin Shen, Hongzhe Wang, Lin Song Li, Xia Chen. Synthesis of Reabsorption-Suppressed Type-II/Type-I ZnSe/CdS/ZnS Core/Shell Quantum Dots and Their Application for Immunosorbent Assay. Nanoscale Research Letters 2017, 12:380-388. 4. X. Wang, L. Li, J. Zhao, F. Li, W. Guo, X. Chen. Effects of different preservation methods on inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers in botanic samples. Comptes Rendus Biologies. 2017; 340(4):204-213. 5. Lin Li, Ming Xing, Jiangwei Lv, Xiaolong Wang, Xia Chen, Response of rhizosphere soil microbial to Deyeuxia angustifolia encroaching in two different vegetation communities in alpine tundra, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:43150-43162 6. Rongjun Fan1,3, Jiaxin Zhao1, Yingda Du2, Wei Zhao1,4, Wei Guo1,4, Jingang Yang5 and Xia Chen1. Biodiesel production from Fructus Schisandrae seed oil. Indian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 16, January 2017, pp 114-118.2017,16:114-118 7. ZHAO Wei, Qi Xiaojuan, Lu Jianwei, Yu Zhengxiang, Chen Xia. Characterization of Microbial Community Structure in Rhizosphere Soils of Cowskin Azalea (Rhododendron aureum Georgi) on Northern Slope of Changbai Mountains, China. Chinese. Geographical Science, 2016,26(1):78-89 8. Ming Xing, Fangliang Li, Yingshan Dong, Zhenxiang Yu, Xia Chen. A method to label biological molecules with dsDNA coated gold nanoparticles. Biotechnology Letters. 2015 vol.37(3)545-549 9. Wei Zhao, Xiaozheng Shi, Jiangnan Li, Wei Guo, Chengbai Liu, Xia Chen. Genetic, Epigenetic, and HPLC Fingerprint Differentiation between Natural and Ex Situ Populations of Rhodiola sachalinensis from Changbai Mountain, China. PloS one, 2014, 9(11): e112869. 10. Wei Zhao, Zhang Jiang, Min Zhang and Xia Chen. Adaption of Plant seed dispersal in natural population: the differences of cellulose crystallinity in fruit of Schisandra chinensis in the Changbai Mountain, China. Research Journal of BioTechnology, 9(8):27-31. 2014 11. Wei Zhao, Wenting Zhao, Zhang Jiang and Xia Chen. Genetic diversity and its climate influencing factors of the endangered Rhodiola sachalinensis using molecular markers. Research Journal of BioTechnology, 9(7):49-54. 2014 12. Xiaojuan Qi, Ensi Wang and Xia Chen. Molecular Characterization of Bacterial Population in the Rumex Patientia Rhizosphere Soil of Jilin, China. Research Journal of Biotechnology,8(11):64-71. 2013 13. Xiaojuan Qi, Jianwei Lv, Ensi Wang and Xia Chen. Changes in enzyme activities and soil properties of different altitudes of Changbai Mountain, China in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils of Rhododendron Chrysanthum Pall. Research Journal of Biotechnology,Vol. 8 (10):71-78. 2013. 14. Yan-fei Liu, Rong-jun Fan, Pan-pan Yu, Wei Zhao, Ming Xing, Zhen-xiang Yu and Xia Chen*. Identification of environmental stress-inducible genes in Rhododendron aureum Georgi (Ericaceae) located on Changbai mountain using mRNA differential display. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2013,11 (1): 871-874. 2013. 15. Huaibin Shen, Jinzhong Niu, Xiaomin Li, Hongzhe Wang, Ming Xing, Xia Chen and Lin Song Li. Fabrication of ''strong'' columnar Cu2-xSe superstructures assisted by inorganic ligands. Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 2741-2747. 16. Xiaojuan Qi,Ensi Wang,Ming Xing,Wei Zhao,Xia Chen. Rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere bacterial community composition of the wild medicinal plant Rumex patientia. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2012) 28:2257-2265 17. Yan-Fei Liu, Ming Xing, Wei Zhao, Rong-Jun Fan, Su Luo, Xia Chen. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rhododendron aureum Georgi (Ericaceae) located Changbai Mountain with ISSR and RAPD markers, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2012, 298:921-930 专著: 1. 主编《长白山保护开发区生物多样性保护与可持续发展》; 2. 主编 长白山生物多样性系列丛书一《长白山显花植物》; 3. 主编 长白山生物多样性系列丛书二《长白山常见木本植物与蕨类植物》; 4. 参编《长白山保护开发区生物资源》。
