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讲授课程: 软件工程(课程链接) 软件工程案例分析(课程链接) UML建模技术与工具(课程链接) IBM WebSphere认证(课程链接) 教育经历: 2008.9-2008.12 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院 博士研究生 2007.12-2008.5 奥地利因斯布鲁克大学语义技术研究所 交换博士生 2000.9-2003.6 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院 硕士研究生 1996.9-2000.6 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院 本科 工作经历: 2010.8-2011.8 英国南安普敦大学电子与计算机学院 博士后(合作导师:Prof. Dame Wendy Hall) 2006.7-现在 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院 讲师 2003.7-2006.6 吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院 助教 科研项目: 作为项目负责人承担: 1.吉林省科技发展计划资助项目“中文自然语言自动语义标注方法研究”,(2010.9-2012.9,20100186) 2.吉林大学基本科研业务费项目“面向中文自然语言文档的自动知识抽取方法研究”,(2012.1-2013.12) 作为项目核心人员参与: 1.国家自然科学基金重大项目“第二代浏览器原型研究” (2006.7-2007.12,60496321)




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.车海燕, 冯铁+,张家晨,陈伟, 李大利. 面向中文自然语言文档的自动知识抽取方法,计算机研究与发展,2013,50(4):834-842(EI:20132016328208) 2.孙吉贵,欧阳丹彤,叶育鑫,车海燕,石莲,白曦. Web下的语义搜索技术与实现[M]. 非规划知识处理的基本理论和核心技术. 北京:清华大学出版社,2011:391-412. 3.HUANG Jing, LI Haihua, YANG Rui, CHE Haiyan. A Clustering Based Data Integration Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks[C]. Proc. of 2011 International Conference on Computer-aided Material and Engineering, 2011:552-555. (EI: 20110713658313, ISTP: BVA06) 4.FENG Shasha, OUYANG, Dantong, ZHANG Yonggang, CHE Haiyan, LIU Jie. The logical difference for fuzzy Εl+ ontologies[C], Proc. of the 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics, DL 2010, v 573, 2010:351-359.(EI:20130515968986) 5.CHE Haiyan, CHEN Wei, FENG Tie , ZHANG Jiachen. A Property Restriction Based Knowledge Merging Method[C]. Proc. of the 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM''09), LNCS 5854, Shanghai, China, November 7-8, 2009: 45-52. (EI index: 20095112549932, ISTP: BPT84) 6.荆涛, 左万利, 孙吉贵, 车海燕. 中文网页语义标注:由句子到RDF表示[J]. 计算机研究与发展,2008,45(7):1221-1231. (EI index: 20084111636152) 7月 7.CHE Haiyan, SUN Jigui, BAI Xi, SHI Lian. Application of Aggregated Knowledge Concept in Automatic Knowledge Acquisition from Chinese Web Pages[C]. Proc. of 2008 International Symposiums on Information Processing, Moscow, Russia, 23-25 May, 2008: 439-443.(EI index: 20083811576223, ISTP: BHZ19) 8.SUN Jigui, BAI Xi, LI Zehai, CHE Haiyan, LIU Huawen. Towards a Wrapper-Driven Ontology-Based Framework for Knowledge Extraction[C]. Proc. of Second International Conference of Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2007), LNCS Vol. 4798, November, 2007: 230-242. (EI index: 20080411048644, ISTP: BGZ15) 9.SHI Lian, SUN Jigui, CHE Haiyan. Populating CRAB Ontology Using Context-Profile Based Approaches[C]. Proc. of Second International Conference of Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM 2007), LNCS Vol. 4798, November, 2007: 210-220. (ISTP: BGZ15) 10.BAI Xi, SUN Jigui, CHE Haiyan, WANG Jin. Towards Knowledge Extraction from Weblogs and Rule-Based Semantic Querying[C]. Proc. of the International Symposium of Advances in Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML 2007), LNCS 4824, Orlando, Florida, October 25-26, 2007: 215-223. (EI index: 20080411048262, ISTP: BHF05) 11.CHE Haiyan, SUN Jigui, JING Tao, BAI Xi. A Prototype of Semantic-Based Intelligent Search Engine for Chinese Documents[C]. Proc. of Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy System and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2007), Haikou, Hainan, China, 24-27 August, 2007: 663-667. (EI index: 082211281886, ISTP: BHE43) 12.车海燕, 孙吉贵, 荆涛, 白曦.一个基于本体主题的中文知识获取方法[J].计算机科学与探索, 2007, 1(2): 206-215. 8月 13.CHE Haiyan, SUN Jigui, JING Tao, BAI Xi. A Theme-Based Approach to Knowledge Acquistition from Chinese Texts[C]. Proc. of the 2007 international conference on information & knowledge engineering (IKE'07), WorldComp'07, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, June 25-28, 2007: 153-157. 14.BAI Xi, SUN Jigui, CHE Haiyan, WANG Jin. A General Method of Mining Chinese Web Documents Based on GA&SA and Position-Factors[C]. Proc. of the International Workshops of Emerging Technologies in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining at PAKDD 2007, LNCS 4819, Springer Verlag, May, 2007: 410-420. (EI index: 20080611084591, ISTP: BHF60) 15.车海燕, 李大利, 金淳兆, 于海波. 一个安全的基于任务描述的移动代理系统[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2007, 24(3): 152-156. 3月 16.车海燕, 孙吉贵, 于海波.一种用描述逻辑刻画多代理系统规约的方法[J].计算机研究与发展, 2006, 43(增): 34-40. 17.刘鹏博, 车海燕 (通讯作者), 陈伟. 知识抽取技术综述 [J]. 计算机应用研究, 2010, 27( 9): 3222-3226. 9月 18.BAI Xi, SUN Jigui, CHE Haiyan, SHI Lian. Towards Knowledge Acquisition from Semi-Structured Content [J]. International Journal of Software and Informatics, 2008, 2(2): 233-248.
