1. 2020.01-2022.12:国家自然科学基金委:基于单样本边扰动网络的癌症个体化诊疗研究,25万,主持人。
2. 2020.01-2023.12:国家自然科学基金委:基于深度学习的个性化基因组与药物相互作用研究,56万,参与人。
3. 2020.01-2023.12:国家自然科学基金委:融合群智能的大规模生物医学知识图谱构建及推理理论与方法,260万,参与人。
4. 2015.01-2018.12:国家自然科学基金委:全基因组重测序数据高维SNP相互作用研究,80万,参与人。
5. 2013.01-2016.12:国家自然科学基金委:基于农作物高通量表达谱数据的特征选择与分子网络构建的评估算法,80万,参与人。
机器学习 因果关系分析 知识图谱 生物信息学 精准医学
[1] Huiyan Sun#, Yi Zhou#, Hongyang Jiang, Ying Xu. Elucidation of Functional Roles of Sialic Acids in Cancer Migration. Frontiers in Oncology, 2020.03. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00401. (中科院二区. IF= 4.137)
[2] Huiyan Sun#, Yi Zhou#, Michael Francis Skaro, Yiran Wu, Zexing Qu, Fenglou Mao, Suwen Zhao, Ying Xu. Metabolic Reprogramming in Cancer is Induced to Increase Proton Production. Cancer Research, 2020.01. DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-19-3392. (中科院一区, Nature Index期刊 IF=8.378)
[3] Liang Chen#, Changliang Wang#, Huiyan Sun#, Juexin Wang, Yanchun Liang, Garry Wong*.The bioinformatics toolbox for circRNA discovery and analysis. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2020.DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbaa001. (中科院一区. IF=9.101)
[4] Haoyang Li, Juexiao Zhou, Huiyan Sun, Zhaowen Qiu, Xin Gao*, Ying Xu*.CaMeRe: A Novel Tool for Inference of Cancer Metabolic Reprogramming. Frontiers in Oncology, 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00207. (中科院二区. IF= 4.137)
[5] Qiang Huang, Tingyu Xia, Huiyan Sun*, Makoto Yamada*, Yi Chang. Unsupervised Nonlinear Feature Selection from High-dimensional Signed Networks. AAAI 2020. (CCF A )
[6] Jiang Hongyang, Huang Qiang, Chen Liang, Li Zhi, , Sun Huiyan*, Chang Yi, Multi-classification of Cancer Samples based on Co-expression Analyses. IEEE BIBM 2019 (CCF B)
[7] Sun Huiyan, Chen Liang, Cao Sha, Liang Yanchun, *. Warburg Effects in Cancer and Normal Proliferating Cells: Two Tales of the Same Name. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics , 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gpb.2018.12.006 (中科院一区. IF=6.597)
[8] Wang XY, Jiang B, Sun HY, Zheng DJ, Zhang ZW, Yan L, Li EQ, Xu RH*. (2018) CXCL12-dependent acetylation of wound healing by topical application of MSC spheres, but not single cells, derived from safety-enhanced Hesc. Theranostics 2019,9(21):6112-6128. doi:10.7150/thno.32982. (中科院一区. IF=8.063)
[9] Sun Huiyan, Liang Yanchun, Wang Yan*, Chen Liang, Du Wei, Jiang Yuexu, Shi Xiaohu*. Link Prediction Based on Extended Local Path Gain in Protein-Protein Interaction Network, Technical Gazette, 2019, 26(1):177-182. (中科院四区. IF=0.644)
[10] Sun Huiyan, Zhang Chi, Cao Sha, Sheng Tao, Dong Ning, *. Fenton reactions drive nucleotide and ATP syntheses in cancer, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2018,10(5):448-459. (中科院二区. IF=4.671)
[11] Yan L, Jiang B, Niu Y, Wang H, Li E, Yan Y, Sun HY, Duan Y, Chang S, Chen G, Ji W, Xu RH*, and Si W*. Intrathecal delivery of human ESC-derived mesenchymal stem cell spheres promotes recovery of a primate multiple sclerosis model. Cell Death & Disc, 2018,5(1):28-36.
[12] Chen Liang, Sun Huiyan, Wang Changliang, Yang Yang, Zhang Menglei, Wong Garry*. miRNA Arm Switching Identifies Novel Tumour Biomarkers, Ebiomedicine, 2018,38:37-46. (中科院二区.IF=6.680)
[13] Chen L,Heikkinen L,Wang CL, Yang Y, Sun HY, Wong G*. Trends in the development of miRNA bioinformatics tools. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2018, DOI:10.1093/bib/bby054. (中科院一区. IF=9.101)
[14] Jiang YX, Wang Y, Pang W, Chen L, Sun HY, Liang YC*, and Blanzieri E*. Essential protein identification based on essential protein–protein interaction prediction by Integrated Edge Weights. Methods, 2015,83:51-62. (中科院二区. IF=3.782)
[15] Wang Y, Sun HY, Du W, Blanzieri E, Viero G, Xu Y, and Liang YC*. Identification of essential proteins based on ranking edge-weights in protein-protein interaction networks. PloS One, 2014,9(9), e108716. (中科院三区. IF=2.776)
[16] Sun Huiyan, Liang Yanchun, Chen Liang, Wang Yan*, Du Wei, Shi Xiaohu*. An Improved Sum of Edge Clustering Coefficient Method for Essential Protein Identification. Journal of Bionanoscience, 2013, 7(4), 386-390. (EI)
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2019, BIBM2020) 项目委员会成员;
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)、Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics (GPB)、Bioinformatics、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB)、BMC Cancer等杂志审稿人