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教育经历 2001年-2005年 韩国首尔大学 博士 1998年-2001年 延边大学 硕士 1994年-1998年 延边大学 本科 工作经历 2019年-现在 吉林大学 教授 2010年-2019年 吉林大学 副教授 2010年-2010年 吉林大学 讲师 2007年1-3月 国际水稻所 合作研究 2005年-2010年 韩国首尔大学 博士后


水稻有利基因挖掘与功能研究 水稻分子育种


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Chen M1, Li Z1, Huang J, Yan Y, Wu T, Bian M, Zhou J, Wang Y, Lyv Y, Hu G, Jin YM, Huang 1K, Guo L, Jiang W*, Du X* (2021) Dissecting the meteorological and genetic factors affecting rice grain quality in Northeast China. Genes & Genomics, 43, 975-986. 马梓铭1, 白慧娇1, 金永梅, 吴涛, 朴日花, 马艳, 姜文洙*, 都兴林* (2021) 水稻早衰突变体es-h的鉴定、遗传分析与基因定位. 分子植物育种, 14:4550-4556. Zhang H, Wu T, Li Z, Huang K, Kim NE, Ma Z, Kwon SW, Jiang W*, Du X* (2021) OsGATA16, a GATA transcription factor, confers cold tolerance by repressing OsWRKY45-1 at the seedling stage in rice. Rice, 14:42. Huang K1, Wu T1, Ma Z, Li Z, Chen H, Zhang M, Bian M, Bai H, Jiang W*, Du X* (2021) Rice transcription factor OsWRKY55 is involved in the drought response and regulation of plant growth. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22: 4337. Zhang Y, Jiang W, Li Q, Xu W, Wang J, Hu J, Zhang Z (2021) Soil nutrient levels determine the variation of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of rice under different conditions of climate and genotype. Applied Soil Ecology, 167:104025. Kim B, Piao R, Lee G, Koh E, Lee Y, Woo S, Reflinur, Jiang W, Septiningsih EM, Thomson MJ, Koh HJ (2021) OsCOP1 regulates embryo development and flavonoid biosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 798:10. Chen H, Yu H, Jiang W, Li H, Wu T, Chu J, Xin P, Li Z, Wang R, Zhou T, Huang K, Lu L, Bian M*, Du X* (2021) Overexpression of ovate family protein 22 confers multiple morphological changes and represses gibberellin and brassinosteroid signalings in transgenic rice. Plant Science, 304:110734. Jiang W1, Z Li1, M Wan, T Wu, M Bian, K Huang, X Yang, H Zhang, Z Ma, S Ju, L Guo, L Du, X Zhang, X Du* (2020) Overexpression of OsETR4, a putative ethylene receptor increases cold tolerance in rice. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 24:969-978. Ma Z1, Wu T1, Huang K, Jin Y-M, Li Z, Chen M, Yun S, Zhang H, Yang X, Chen H, Bai H, Du L, Ju S, Guo L, Bian M, Hu L, Du X*, Jiang W* (2020) A novel AP2/ERF transcription factor, OsRPH1, negatively regulates plant height in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:709. 姜文洙, 吴涛, 唐曹甲子, 王彩芬, 马静, 强爱玲*, 都兴林* (2019) 高产粳稻品种源库特征及评价体系的研究. 东北农业科学,44(5):1-4, 37. Wu T, Zhang M, Zhang H, Huang K, Chen M, Chen C, Yang X, Li Z, Chen H, Ma Z, Zhang X, Jiang W*, Du X* (2019) Identification and characterization of EDT1 conferring drought tolerance in rice. Journal of Plant Biology, 62:39-47. Jin YM, Piao R, Yan YF, Chen M, Wang L, He H, Liu X, Gao XA, Jiang W*, Lin XF*. (2018) Overexpression of a new zinc finger protein transcription factor OsCTZFP8 improves cold tolerance in rice. International Journal of Genomics, 2018: 5480617 Chin JH, Lee YJ, Jiang W, Koh HJ, Thomson MJ* (2017) Characterization of indica–japonica subspecies-specific InDel loci in wild relatives of rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. indica Kato and subsp. japonica Kato). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 64:405-418 Lestari P, Jiang W, Chu SH, Reflinur, Sutrisno, Kusbiantoro B, Kim B, Piao R, Cho YC, Luo Z, Chin JH, Koh HJ* (2015) DNA markers for eating quality of indica rice in Indonesia. Plant Breeding, 134: 40-48. Yu H, Jiang W, Liu Q, Zhang H, Piao M, Chen Z, Bian M* (2015) Expression pattern and subcellular localization of the ovate protein family in rice. PLOS ONE, 10(3):e0118966. Jiang W,Fang X, Huang Z, Chen Z, Xiang W, Chen M, Yang S, Du X* (2014) Greenhouse gas emissions and agronomic performances were affected by different irrigation methods in rice field. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 12: 559-565. Piao R, Chu SH, Jiang W, Yu Y, Jin Y, Woo MO, Lee J, Kim S, Koh HJ* (2014) Isolation and characterization of a dominant dwarf gene, D-H, in rice. PLoS ONE, 9(2):e86210 Yu Y, Piao R, Jiang W, Kim S, Koh HJ* (2013) Phenotypic characterization and genetic mapping of an open-hull sterile mutant in rice. Plant Breeding & Biotechnology, 1(1):24-32. Chu SH, Jiang W, Lee J, Chin JH, Koh HJ* (2012) QTL analyses of heterosis for grain yield and yield-related traits in indica-japonica crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Genes & Genomics, 34(4):367-377. Chin JH, Chu SH, Jiang WZ, Cho YI, Brar DS, Koh HJ* (2011) Identification of QTLs for hybrid fertility in inter-subspecific crosses of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Genes & Genomics, 33:39-48. Lestari P, Lee G, Ham TH, Woo MO, Piao R, Jiang W, Chu SH, Lee J, Koh HJ* (2011) Single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotype diversity in rice sucrose synthase 3. Journal of Heredity, 102(6):735-46. Jiang W1, Jin YM1, Lee J, Lee KI, Piao R, Han L, Shin JC, Jin RD, Cao T, Pan HY, Du X*, Koh HJ*(2011)Quantitative trait loci for cold tolerance of rice recombinant inbred lines in low temperature environments. Molecules and Cells, 32(6):579-587. Jiang W, Lee J, Jin YM, Qiao Y, Piao R, Jang SM, Woo MO, Kwon SW, Liu X, Pan HY, Du X*, Koh HJ* (2011) Identification of QTLs for seed germination capability after various storage periods using two RIL populations in rice. Molecules and Cells, 31:385-392. Lee J, Jiang W, Qiao Y, Cho YI, Woo MO, Chin JH, Kwon SW, Hong SS, Choi IY, Koh HJ* (2011) Shotgun proteomic analysis for detecting differentially expressed proteins in the reduced culm number rice. Proteomics, 11:455-468. Ye C, Fukai S, Godwin ID, Koh HJ, Reinke R, Zhou Y, Lambrides C, Jiang W, Snell P, Redoña E* (2010) A QTL controlling low temperature induced spikelet sterility at booting stage in rice. Euphytica, 176:291-301. Jiang W, Lee J, Chu SH, Ham TH, Woo MO, Cho YI, Chin JH, Han LZ, Xuan Y, Yuan D, Xu F, Dai L, Yea JD, Koh HJ* (2010) Genotype × environment ineractions for chilling tolerance of rice recombinant inbred lines under different low temperature environments. Field Crops Research, 117:226-236. 玄英实, 姜文洙, 刘宪虎, 程正海, 高熙宗, 元东林* (2010) 中国东北地区水稻主要栽培品种的遗传多样性分析. 植物遗传资源学报,2:90-96. Qiao Y, Lee SI, Piao R, Jiang W, Ham TH, Chin JH, Piao Z, Han L, Kang SY, Koh HJ* (2010) Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the floury endosperm gene, FLO(a), in rice. Molecules and Cells, 29:167-174. Qiao Y, Jiang W, Lee JH, Park BS, Choi MS, Piao R, Woo MO, Roh JH, Han L, Paek NC, Seo HS, Koh HJ* (2010) SPL28 encodes a clathrin-associated adaptor protein complex 1, medium subunit 1 (AP1M1) and is responsible for spotted leaf and early senescence in rice. New Phytologist, 185:258-274. Piao R, Jiang W, Ham TH, Choi MS, Qiao Y, Chu SH, Park JH, Woo MO, Jin Z, An G, Lee J, Koh HJ* (2009) Map-based cloning of the ERECT PANICLE 3 gene in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 119(8):1497-1506. Rahman ML, Jiang W, Chu SH, Qiao Y, Ham TH, Woo MO, Lee JH, Khanam MS, Chin JH, Jeung JU, Brar DS, Jena KK, Koh HJ* (2009) High-resolution mapping of two rice brown planthopper resistance genes, Bph20(t) and Bph21(t), originating from Oryza minuta. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 119(7):1237-1246. Lestari P, Ham TH, Lee HH, Woo MO, Jiang W, Chu SH, Kwon SW, Ma K, Lee JH, Cho YC, Koh HJ* (2009) PCR marker-based evaluation of the eating quality of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57:2754-2762. Jiang W, Chu SH, Piao RH, Chin JH, Jin YM, Lee J, Qiao Y, Han L, Piao Z, Koh HJ* (2008) Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of hwh1 and hwh2, a set of complementary genes controlling hybrid breakdown in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 116(8):1117-1127. Yu TQ, Jiang W, Ham TH, Chu SH, Lestari P, Lee JH, Kim MK, Xu FR, Han LZ, Dai LY, Koh HJ* (2008) Comparison of grain quality traits between japonica rice cultivars from Korea and Yunnan province of China. Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology, 11(2):135-140. Woo MO, Ham TH, Ji HS, Choi MS, Jiang W, Chu SH, Piao R, Chin JH, Kim JA, Park BS, Seo HS, Jwa NS, McCouch S, Koh HJ* (2008) Inactivation of UGPase1 gene causes genic male sterility and endosperm chalkiness in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Journal, 54(2):190-204. Lee HH, Chu SH, Jiang W, Ryu SN, Kim CH, Koh HJ* (2007) Changes of kernel-greenness under different storage conditions after harvest in green-kerneled rice. Korean Journal of Breeding, 39(2):155-159 (in Korean). Moon S, Jung KH, Lee DE, Jiang W, Koh HJ, Heu MH, Lee DS, Suh HS, An G* (2006) Identification of active transposon dTok, a member of the hAT family, in rice. Plant and Cell Physiology, 47(11):1473-1483. Maeng JY, Won WJ, Piao R, Cho YI, Jiang W, Chin JH, Koh HJ* (2006) Molecular mapping of a gene 'ld(t)' controlling cleistogamy in rice. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 112:1429-1433.
