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教育经历 2003/09 -2006/07,浙江大学,环境与资源学院植物营养系,博士 2000/09 -2003/07,吉林农业大学,资源与环境学院植物营养系,硕士 1996/09 -2000/07, 吉林农业大学,农商学院应用化学系,学士 工作经历 2014/07-至今,吉林大学,植物科学学院农业资源与环境系,教授 2013/07-2014/07, 澳大利亚CSIRO植物工业所,访问学者 2010/04-2010/07, 德国汉诺威莱布尼茨大学植物营养研究所,短期研修生 2008/10-2014/07, 吉林大学,植物科学学院农业资源与环境系,副教授 2006/06-2008/09,吉林大学,植物科学学院农业资源与环境系,讲师 教学情况 本科生必修课程《土壤肥料学》 研究生课程《高级植物营养研究法》《植物逆境生理生态》 代表性课题 人参: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目、31772388、人参XTH家族基因功能分析及与红皮病的关系研究、2018/01-2022/12、执行中、主持 2.国家自然科学基金青年项目、40903029、白浆型人参土壤中铝的形态转化及对人参的影响、 2010/01-2012/12、已结题、主持。 3.国际科学基金(IFS,瑞典)、C4711-1、Mobilization of aluminum in panax ginseng successive cropping soil and Al phytotoxicity on panax ginseng、 2009/04-2010/05、结题、主持。 大豆: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目、31372124、铝胁迫下大豆根系柠檬酸分泌相关基因功能分析、 2014/01-2017/12、结题、主持。 2.吉林省自然科学基金项目、20130101084JC、大豆抗铝基因的挖掘及功能分析、2013/01-2015/12、结题、主持。 学术荣誉: 首批“吉林省高校科研春苗人才”称号,吉林省教育厅,2012年 奖项: 2019-2020学年本科课堂教学质量奖“卓越奖”获得者 第五届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛,指导教师一等奖(创新类) 吉林大学优秀毕业论文(设计)指导教师(本科论文)


1.人参连作障碍机制解析及绿色栽培方案探索 2.大豆抗铝基因挖掘及抗铝机制分析


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人参: 1. L Gong#, J Gao#, TS Xu, JL Qu, ZB Wang, ZM Yang*, JF You*. Transcriptome analysis of field-grown Asian ginseng provides to environmental conditions and developmental mechanisms related to red skin root syndrome. Industrial Crops & Products. 153: 112486 2. Y Zhou, ZM Yang, LL Gao, W Liu, RK Liu, JT Zhao, JF You*. (2017). Changes in element accumulation, phenolic metabolism and antioxidative enzyme activities in the red skin roots of panax ginseng. Journal of Ginseng Research. 41: 307-315 3. JF You, X Liu, B Zhang, ZK Xie, ZG Hou, ZM Yang* (2015). Seasonal changes in soil acidity and related properties in ginseng artificial bed soils under a plastic shade. Journal of Ginseng Research. 39: 81-88 4. X Liu, ZM Yang, LL Gao, WY Xiang, B Zhang, ZL Xie, JF You*. (2014). Comparison of the characteristics of artificial ginseng bed soils in relation to the incidence of ginseng red skin disease. Experimental Agriculture. 50(1): 59-71 5 .刘星,尤江峰,谢忠雷,丁岩,蔡靖,杨振明* (2011). 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定土壤Al的条件优化。农业环境科学学报,30(2):404-408 6. 李刚,尤江峰,吴东辉,张杰,何波,杨振明. (2009). 白浆型人参土壤酸化与铝形态分布变化的研究. 吉林农业大学学报. 31(1):55-61 7.专利:一种降低人参红皮病发病率的方法,专利号: ZL 2018 1 0534671.4,授权公告日:2020-03-17 大豆: 1.Y Zhou#, ZB Wang#, L Gong, AL Chen, N Liu, S Li, HR Sun, ZM Yang*, JF You*. (2019). Functional characterization of three MATE genes in relation to aluminum –induced citrate efflux from soybean root. Plant and Soil, 443:121-138 2. Y Zhou, ZM Yang, L Gong, RK Liu, HR Sun, JF You* (2018). Molecular characterization of GmSTOP1 homologs in soybean under Al and proton stress. Plant and Soil. 427:213-230 3. Y Zhou, ZM Yang, YZ Xu, HR Sun, ZT Sun, B Lin, WJ Sun, JF You*. (2018). Soybean NADP-malic enzyme functions in malate and citrate metabolism and contributes to their efflux under Al stress. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8: 2246 4. T Lan, JF You, LN Kong, M Yu, MH Liu, ZM Yang* (2016). The interaction of salicylic acid and Ca2+ alleviates aluminum toxicity in soybean (Glycine max L). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 98: 146-154 5. N Liu (co-author), JF You (co-author), WL Shi, W Liu, ZM Yang*. (2012). Salicylic acid involved in the process of aluminum in Glycine max L. Plant and Soil. 352: 85-97 6. JF You, HM Zhang, N Liu, LL Gao, LN Kong, ZM Yang*. (2011). Transcriptomic responses to aluminum stress in soybean roots. Genome. 54:923-933 7. NN Hou (Co-author), JF You (co-author), JD Pang, MY Xu, G Chen, ZM Yang*. (2010). The accumulation and transport of abscisic acid in soybean (Glycine max L.) under aluminum stress. Plant and Soil.330:127-137 8. JF You, NN Hou, MY Xu, HM Zhang, ZM Yang*. (2010).Citrate transporters played an important role in regulating the Al-induced citrate secretion in Glycine max L. Biologia Plantarum, 54 (4): 766-768 9. MY Xu, JF You, NN Hou, HM Zhang, G Chen *, ZM Yang *(2010). Mitochondrial enzymes and citrate transporter contribute to the aluminium-induced citrate secretion from soybean (Glycine max) roots. Functional of Plant Biology,37,285-295 10. ZB Yang, JF You, MY Xu, ZM Yang. (2009). Interaction between aluminum toxicity and manganese toxicity in soybean (Glycine max). Plant and Soil. 319:277-289 11. 尤江峰,候宁宁,徐睦芸,刘宁,张红梅,兰图,杨振明*(2010). 铝胁迫下大豆根系脱落酸累积与柠檬酸分泌的关系研究。植物营养与肥料学报,16(4):899-905 12.丁岩,马悦,闫瑞迪,谢纲,刘宁,尤江峰*,杨振明(2010). 不同氮形态配比对大豆Al毒的缓解作用。大豆科学,29(5):786-790 13. 杨中宝,尤江峰,杨振明.(2007). 植物对锰的吸收运输及对过量锰的抗氧化响应.植物生理与分子生物学学报.33(6):480-488 14.杨中宝,尤江峰,杨振明. (2007). 铝减轻过量锰对大豆生长的不利影响. 植物生理与分子生物学学报.33(6):574-580 其他物种: 1. H Zhang, WL Shi, JF You, MD Bian, XM Qin, H Yu, Q Liu, PR Ryan, ZM Yang. (2015) Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing a β-1,3-glucanase from sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) show reduced callose deposition and increased tolerance to aluminium toxicity. Plant Cell and Environment. Doi: 10.1111/pce.12472. 2. MY Xu, BD Gruber, E Delhaize, RG White, RA James, JF You, ZM Yang, PR Ryan*. (2014). The barley anion channel, HvALMT1, has multiple roles in guard cell physiology and grain metabolism. Physiologia Plantarum. 153: 183-193 3. JL Yang (co-author), JF You (co-author), P Wu and SJ Zheng. (2007). Magnesium enhances aluminum-induced citrate secretion in rice bean root (Vigna umbellata) by restoring plasma membrane H+-ATPase. Plant Cell Physiol.481: 66-73 4. JF You, YF He, JL Yang, SJ Zheng. (2005). A comparison of aluminum resistance among Polygonum species originating on strongly acidic and neutral soils. Plant and Soil. 276: 143-151 5. 尤江峰,张蕾,杨建立,郑绍建. (2007). 萹蓄和饭豆在铝胁迫条件下有机酸分泌特性的比较. 植物营养与肥料学报. 13(3):485-490. 6. 尤江峰, 郑绍建.(2006). 植物体中的阴离子通道, 植物营养与肥料学报.12(2):266-272. 7.尤江峰,杨振明.(2005). 铝胁迫下植物根系的有机酸分泌及其解毒机理, 植物生理与分子生物学学报 31(2):111-118
