论著:[1] Zheng Shaopeng; Wu Baisheng#; Li Zhengguang; Vibration reanalysis based on combined approximations with shifting, Computes and Structures, 2015,149:72-80.(SCI)(影响因子3.345).[2] Zheng Shaopeng; Zhao Xuqi; Yu Yongping; Sun Youhong#; The approximate reanalysis method for topology optimization under harmonic force excitations with multiple frequencies, Struct Multidisc Optim, 2017, 56(3):1-12.(SCI)(影响因子2.876).[3] Zheng Shaopeng; Wu Baisheng#; Li Zhengguang; Free vibration reanalysis of structures with added degrees of freedom, Computes and Structures, 2018, 206:31-41. (SCI)(影响因子3.345).[4] Sun Youhong; Zhao Xuqi; Yu Yongping; Zheng,Shaopeng#; An efficient reanalysis method for topological optimization of freely vibrating continuum structures of simple and multiple eigenfrequencies, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 2018(2-3):1-10. (SCI)(影响因子1.179).
主要合作作者代表性论著:[1] Haifeng Liu, Baisheng Wu#, Zhengguang Li, Shaopeng Zheng. Structural static reanalysis for modification of supports. Struct Multidisc Optim, 2014,50-3:425-435.(SCI)(影响因子2.876).[2] Baisheng Wu#, shitong Yang, Zhengguang Li, Shaopeng Zheng. A preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing eigenvector derivatives with distinct and repeated eigenvalues. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015,50-51:249-259.(SCI) (影响因子5.005).[3] Wu B S#, Yang S T, Li Z G, Zheng S P. A combined method for computing frequency responses of proportionally damped systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2015, 60-61:535-546 .(SCI)(影响因子5.005).