胡忠君(1978.11-),男,工学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。本科毕业于吉林建筑大学土木工程专业,硕士毕业于哈尔滨工业大学结构工程专业,博士毕业于吉林大学地质工程专业。主持并完成科研课题5项,作为主要参加人参加国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、863计划《干热岩靶区工程测试及人工压裂工艺技术研究》和省校共建计划专项《深部地热资源(含干热岩)勘查与开发利用》等地热课题的研究工作。工作至今发表科研论文28篇,其中SCI、 EI收录10篇,授权专利3项。主编普通高校“十三五”本科规划教材1部,参编教材3部,负责《钢结构原理与设计》等网络课程建设项目3项。主讲本科生课程“钢结构基本原理”、“钢结构设计”和“土木工程试验”,主讲研究生课程“房屋结构检测与加固”。目前指导硕士生6人(2人已毕业)。
(1) Yanjun Zhang#, Yueqiang Ma, Zhongjun Hu, Honglei Lei, Lin Bai, Zhihong Lei,Qian Zhang. An experimental investigation into the characteristics of hydraulic fracturing and fracture permeability after hydraulic fracturing in granite. Renewable Energy, 140 (2019) 615-624 . (SCI) (2) Zhihong Lei, Yanjun Zhang#, Zhongjun Hu#, Liangzhen Li, Senqi Zhang, Lei Fu and Gaofan Yue. Application of Water Fracturing in Geothermal Energy Mining: Insights from Experimental Investigations. Energies 2019, 12, 2138; doi:10.3390/en12112138. (SCI) (3) Zhihong Lei,Yanjun Zhang#, Ziwang Yu, Zhongjun Hu, Liangzhen Li,Senqi Zhang, Lei Fu, Ling Zhou,Yangyang Xie. Exploratory research into the enhanced geothermal system power generation project: The Qiabuqia geothermal field, Northwest China. Renewable Energy 139 (2019) 52-70. (SCI) (4) Junhong Zhou, Xin Wang, Zhongjun Hu#, Rongboyu Xu, Dong Yang,Zhenyu Tu. Experimental study on mechanical properties of granite under different cooling methods after thermaltreatment.Global Geology, 22(1):56-61(2019).(大创指导) (5) Yueqiang Ma, Yanjun Zhang#, Yibin Huang, Yu Zhang, Zhongjun Hu. Experimental study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of water flowing through a rock fracture induced by hydraulic fracturing for an enhanced geothermal system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 154 (2019) 433–441. (SCI) (6) 胡忠君#,李家祥,王傲,赵洋,龙冰. 不同法向压力条件下新旧混凝土粘结面抗剪性能试验研究. 新型建筑材料,2018,45(5):18-22. (中文核心) (7)Zhang, YJ; Zhou, L; Hu, ZJ# ; Yu, ZW; Hao, SR; Lei, ZH; Xie, YY. Prediction of Layered Thermal Conductivity Using Artificial Neural Network in Order to Have Better Design of Ground Source Heat Pump System. ENERGIES, 2018,11(7). (SCI) (8) Zhongjun Hu#,Xuejiao Song. Axial Compressive Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Columns Externally Confined by Square Steel Tube ,International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2017,10(1):1~5.(EI) (9) Zhongjun Hu#,Xuejiao Song,Guohua He. Compressive Behavior of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Columns Externally Hooped and Confined by Circular Steel Tube,International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2017,10(1):141~145. (EI) (10) 胡忠君#,宋雪娇. CFRP布条带约束混凝土圆柱承载力计算方法研究,混凝土,2016,(11):46-48.(中文核心) (11) 宋雪娇,胡忠君#. 玻化微珠掺量对再生混凝土抗压强度和导热系数影响试验研究,新型建筑材料,2016,43(5):72-73.(中文核心) (12) Guo Liangliang#,Zhang Yanjun, Yu Ziwang, Hu Zhongjun,Lan Chengyu, Xu Tianfu. Hot dry rock geothermal potential of the Xujiaweizi area in Songliao Basin, northeastern China ,Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016,75(6):470~491.(SCI) (13) 许天福,张延军,于子望,胡忠君,郭亮亮. 干热岩水力压裂实验室模拟研究,科技导报,2015,33(19):35-39. (14) 郭亮亮,张延军,胡忠君,许天福,兰乘宇,苏杰. 增强型地热系统压裂和开采方案研究,工程地质学报,2015,23(Suppl):235-241.(中文核心) (15) Zhongjun Hu#,Yan Xu. Experimental Study on the Bearing Capacity and Ductility of High Strength Concrete Columns Wrapped with CFRP Cloths,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,(166-169): 1333-1336.(EI) (16) 胡忠君#,徐燕. CFRP布约束高强混凝土柱强度和变形计算模型研究,四川建筑科学研究,2012,38(2):105-107.(中文核心) (17) Jinglong Pan,Zhongjun Hu. Experimental investigation of load carrying capacity of the slender reinforced concrete columns wrapped with FRP. Construction and Building Materials. 2010 , 21 (11) :1991-1996.(SCI) (18) 胡忠君#,潘景龙. 碳纤维约束混凝土圆柱本构关系参数确定方法研究,铁道建筑. 2010 (4) :98-100.(中文核心)
(1)李家祥,胡忠君,宋雪娇,王傲,赵洋,龙冰. 一种实验用新旧混凝土人造粗糙度粘结面的制备模具[P]. 中国实用新型专利:ZL201720671098.2,授权日 2018-02-09。 (2)张延军,郭亮亮,李正伟,胡忠君,于子望,高平,张庆等. 一种干热岩压裂原位换热实验室模拟系统装置[P]. 中国发明专利:ZL201410012005.6,授权日 2016-05-18。 (3)张延军,周玲,胡忠君,张通,于子望,雷治红等. 一种大尺寸导流池干热岩裂隙热能置换装置[P]. 中国实用新型专利:ZL201620545212.2,授权日2016-10-26。
1.混凝土结构损伤评估与加固修复; 2.纤维增强复合材料(FRP)在土木工程中的应用; 3.FRP-混凝土-钢组合结构; 4.EGS储层改造与换热效率评价.