2020.04 吉林大学,食品科学与工程学院,讲师
2017.07 – 2020.03,吉林大学,动物医学学院,师资博后
2013.09 – 2017.06,吉林大学,食品科学,博士
2009.09 - 2012.06,吉林大学,食品科学,硕士
2005.09 - 2009.06,吉林大学,食品质量与安全,学士
1. 2018.12 吉林大学优秀博士后一等奖
2. 2019.11 吉林省2018年优秀博士学位论文
乳清蛋白聚合反应器(201521097379.9) 实用新型
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,原花青素抑制单增李斯特菌表面蛋白锚定的分子机制,31902321,在研
2. 吉林省优秀青年人才项目,高场强超声波对乳清蛋白基酸致冷凝胶性的调控机制研究,20190103105JH,在研
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,超声对乳清蛋白酶促交联产物冷凝胶性的调控机制研究, 2018M681375,已完成
1. Effects of ultrasound treatment on physicochemical and emulsifying properties of whey proteins pre- and post-thermal aggregation, Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 63, 668-676(IF:5.839,ESI 高被引)
2. Effects of high intensity ultrasound on acid-induced gelation properties of whey protein gel, Ultrasonics sonochemistry, 2017, 39, 810-815(IF:7.279)
3. Physicochemical Properties of Whey-Protein-Stabilized Astaxanthin Nanodispersion and Its Transport via a Caco-2 Monolayer, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 2018, 66, 1472-1478(IF:3.571)
4. Ultrasound-induced changes in physical and functional properties of whey proteins, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2017, 52(2): 381-388
5. Zinc-loaded whey protein nanoparticles prepared using enzymatic cross-linking and desolvation. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2018, 53, 2205-2211.
6. Stability of lutein encapsulated whey protein nano-emulsion during storage, Plos one 2018, 13, e0192511.
7. Amentoflavone ameliorates Streptococcus suis-induced infection in vitro and in vivo. Applied and environmental microbiology, 2018,84, e01804-18.
8. Silibinin attenuates Streptococcus suis serotype 2 virulence by targeting suilysin. Journal of applied microbiology, 2019, 126, 435-442
9. Physicochemical properties and cellular uptake of astaxanthin-loaded emulsions, Molecules 2019, 24, E727.
10. Quercetin reduces Streptococcus suis virulence by inhibiting suilysin activity and inflammation. International Immunopharmacology, 2019, 69, 71-78.
1. Modifications of Whey Protein, Chapter 8 in Whey Protein Production, Chemistry, Functionality, and Applications,WILEY,2019.03
2. 《人乳生物化学与婴儿配方乳粉工艺学》,编译,第五章 人乳的收集、储存与利用,中国轻工业出版社 , 2018.04